
Doug Teague

Dear Karen,

With great sadness, I share with you the passing over this past weekend of cherished community member, Doug Teague.

Doug and his wife Holly have been homeowners in the Pines for many years. Many of us know Doug from the operation of Teague Services, Inc.  He was also a 39-year member of the Fire Island Pines Fire Department, a current Fire Commissioner, and a former Chief.

I had the pleasure of working with Doug over the past two years as one of the Chamber of Commerce representatives on the Joint Chamber/FIPPOA Boulevard Task Force. Doug was an intelligent, honorable man who loved the Pines and dedicated most of his life to serving it in many different capacities.

Chief Joe Geiman issued this Death Notification today, which includes information regarding Funeral and Firematic Services as well as Mass and Burial.

Our collective hearts go out to his wife Holly, daughter Liz, who runs and will continue to run Teague Services, and the entire Teague family.



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Henry Robin, President

Allan Baum, Vice President

Gary Clinton, Secretary

Eric Sawyer, Treasurer

Alan Brodherson, Greg Henniger, Chris Mai, Charles Montorio-Archer, Jay Pagano, Nate Pinsley, Leland Rechis, Russell Saray, Ed Schulhafer, Matt Tague

and Jim Vandernoth