A message from our Missions Pastor
Missions Spotlight
Uganda Mission Trip
The upcoming Mission Trip to Uganda covers two missions, Marissa's House and Heavenly Bridge Ministries. Team members are Patrick Iga, Kevin Boyd, Brandon Wash, Leslie and Ken McGill, Shelby VanMaanen, Katie Ann McWilliams, and Brennan Welch.

You can participate in the mission trip in two important ways.
  1. Through prayer. There are those who go and those who stay and pray. All who do either are part of the mission team.
  2. Through financial giving. Team members need to fundraise to help cover the cost of travel and accommodations. If you are willing and able to help support the team, we are accepting donations on our giving site for the Uganda Mission Trip.

Please start to pray now over the trip and the team we are sending. Pray specifically for each part of their itinerary. While some details may change, click the button below to view a current summary of the team's itinerary.
Mission Trip Report - Save the Date!

Once the mission trip is over and the team returns, then what?

Join us on Sunday evening, September 25th, at 5:00 pm for a Mission Trip Report from the Uganda Missions Team. You won't want to miss it - Save the Date now!
Mentoring at Wells
Wells Elementary is asking Legacy Church to connect with their students. Mentors meet weekly or bi-weekly during the student's lunch for approximately 30 minutes. Mentors can bring their lunch and eat with the student; the time with the student is to visit, play games, read books, etc. This is not academic mentoring.

Fill out a Volunteer Application today!

If you have specific questions, please email [email protected].
Baptist Student Ministry at UTD
Legacy Church is sponsoring the Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) free lunch outreach for international students on the UTD campus on Tuesday, September 20th. This is a very well-organized event. BSM makes it very easy to serve. They even provide table questions to help get the lunch conversations going.

Click below to serve on September 20th!
If you would like to serve this outreach ministry through these lunches on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis, they would love our support throughout the year. Please email [email protected] or check out our Impact Opportunities website for all the details.
Celebrate the Wins

Thanks to your faithful giving to the General Fund, in addition to Legacy's monthly giving to our mission partners, we celebrate:
  • Emily's Place - $450 for new school shoes for children Pre-K and older
  • School Staff Appreciation- $60 for 58 Route 44 drinks for teachers and staff

Praying for our Community and Council Meeting
Pastor Patrick was given the honor to pray over the community and the City of Plano Council meeting this week. Legacy Church is present in our community!

Starting School Off on the Right Foot, or Feet!
Can you imagine the smiles that go along with the happy feet of these children, sporting their new shoes as they start the school year?

Thank you, Legacy Church!

Thank you, Teachers and School Staff!
A shout out to the Sonic location on Coit and Parker for partnering with us as we showed support to Wells Elementary. We blessed 58 staff/teachers with their favorite Sonic Route 44 beverage!
By helping people find their IDENTITY in Jesus
and their place in His MISSION
to IMPACT the world through the gospel!