April is Fair Housing Month!

It’s springtime, which means we’re honoring Fair Housing Month by doubling down on our commitment to ensure that everyone in the Sacramento region has equal access to a safe and affordable home. Unfortunately, discrimination continues. 

Every jurisdiction’s housing element in the region has had to include affirmatively furthering fair housing policies. It’s our job to monitor and ensure they’re implemented. The historic inequities in land use and housing finance have left a legacy of harm that we all must commit to remedy. [Learn more on the history of these racial and social inequities, and what we can do to make a difference]

So, what’s new in housing justice in the Sacramento region?

SHA board member Valerie Feldman discusses gaps in affordable housing on CBS 13

This week Sacramento City Council took a look at the 2022 Housing Element Annual Progress report, and SHA board member Valerie Feldman spoke with CBS 13 on its findings. Our assessment? There are tools in existence that Sacramento could use to expand affordable housing options, and the region hasn't tapped into them as effectively as it might. These tools include things such as a strong city-wide inclusionary ordinance, increased linkage fees, and new fundings sources for affordable housing, like a housing bond. The city and nearby jurisdictions should be using all of these avenues to help nonprofit affordable housing developers build units to meet our housing needs.

[Watch the story here]

Interim Executive Director Rachel Iskow to receive Community Service Award from the APCA

A warm congratulations to Interim Executive Director Rachel Iskow for being honored with the Community Service Award from the American Society for Public Administration!

This award is presented annually to an individual or organization that has demonstrated sustained leadership in addressing public policy issues or improving life in Northern California. We’ve all seen first-hand Rachel’s dedication to equitable and safe affordable housing in our region, so the nod is well deserved.

[Learn more or get your tickets to the ceremony here]

Big win for affordable housing: Judge orders Clovis to make more plans for higher density, lower income housing

The Sacramento Housing Alliance is thrilled to see the courts taking a serious stance with California’s cities on their responsibility to build more affordable housing. Similar to when Attorney General Rob Bonta warned the city of Elk Grove against its approval of a proposed supportive housing development, a judge has ruled that the city of Clovis must comply with California’s Housing Element law.

SHA board member Valerie Feldman was one of the attorneys representing the plaintiff in this monumental ruling, telling KVPR, “Discrimination doesn’t have to be tied to the denial of a particular development. Things like the lack of zoning, creating barriers to affordable housing - that all rises to the level of a violation.” [Learn more at KVPR]