Streams of Awareness


February 20, 2023


It was just a doorknob…lying on the sidewalk. Lady and I had walked past it several times this week and each time I passed it I continued to think about it. It must have fallen off a truck and landed on my path. I am sure most of you would have just let this go….but it occurred to me, obviously,  that that doorknob cannot achieve its purpose if it is not attached to a door.  It lies dormant and ineffective if it sits in a box or has landed on a sidewalk.  

Do you think that maybe we lose focus of our purpose when we are not engaged and attached to Christ He is the one who opens the door to his will and his purposes that he has for our lives.   We all feel isolated or alone at times and fall into wondering what God has purposed for us in our daily lives?   

The oldest son of Franklin Graham is Will Graham, grandson of Billy Graham,  and he has written the following word on “purpose” that I though was said much better than anything I could write: Written January 29, 2023 

Jeremiah 1:4-10

For many years I have traveled the world as an evangelist, sharing the Good News of Christ on six continents. The faces may change, but the concerns of the heart are very often the same. I’ve found that one of the biggest concerns weighing on people—whether in the United States or on the other side of the world—is the matter of purpose.

People naturally wonder why they are here, who they’re supposed to be, and what they’re supposed to do. They want to know that their life has meaning—a purpose.

The answer—like the answer to many of life’s questions—can be found in the Bible. Let’s look at Jeremiah 1:4-10.

We were created for a purpose (vv. 4 and 5): As humans, we are created for a purpose, and that purpose comes from God. He says, “I formed you … I knew you … I sanctified you … I ordained you …” God created us for a well-established purpose, and gave us the means to accomplish that work. Your calling and my calling were put into place before we were even formed.

Further, verse 4 tells us exactly where to look for our purpose. “Then the word of the Lord came to me …” If you want to find your purpose, spend time in God’s Word, through which He speaks to us. 

Ditch the excuses (v. 6): Often we recognize our purpose, our calling, but try to run the other direction. Humanly speaking, there are often excuses one can use to avoid the purpose that God may have for you. Maybe you can make more money elsewhere. Perhaps embracing your purpose will make a less comfortable life for you and your family. Like Jeremiah, you may not feel adequately equipped for the task—too young, too old, unskilled.

If you truly want to find your purpose, however, you may need to step out in faith, become uncomfortable and offer yourself to be used by God. Which leads us to …

God equips those He calls (vv. 7-10): Finally, we are reminded how God equips those whom He calls by addressing the two issues that Jeremiah brought up. First, concerning his youth, God promises that He Himself will be with Jeremiah wherever he is sent. Second, as for Jeremiah’s speaking problem, God tells him that He was going to place in Jeremiah’s mouth the words to speak.

God is not going to call you to a purpose without giving you the tools you need to accomplish His plan. What a great concept—God gives us purpose, and then equips us for His purposes!

My friends, you may not feel like you have a purpose in life. You may feel lost and misdirected. I encourage you to seek God, study His Word, and cry out to Him in prayer. Follow God’s purpose for your life, get past the excuses, and allow Him to work through you.

God gives us purpose, but you have to know Him to find yours. Ask His Son, Jesus Christ, into your heart and life today.

Many of you know that about 10 years ago the Lord put on my heart to have a widow’s ministry. I was not a widow and I balked until I heard it was repeated through my prayers three times.  Then I thought God is not going to let this go, and I must be faithful in spite of having no idea how to conquer his calling. 

I called my precious friend Jan who was a widow and asked if she would partner with me for this mission and she said yes without even blinking. It was a wonderful and glorious time spent for several years with ladies God sent our way. To this day friendships were bonded, and God’s blessings overflowed.  It was something completely out of my comfort zone, but God is faithful and the reward of obedience to his calling is always something to be cherished. 

When you listen and pursue what you feel God is leading you to do, he will equip you, with his love, grace, tenderness, counsel and his wisdom. And you will not regret the feeling of purpose that he has provided within you. 


It was just a doorknob…and the purpose of that doorknob could not be achieved until someone picked it up and attached it to a door.  We too cannot achieve our actual purpose without God picking us up and attaching us to his call.  But the difference is...we have a choice.. to be willing to take the risk and allow God to use us for his his glory...or not.

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!

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