Grace Notes Weekly is a newsletter of Grace Episcopal Church in Chattanooga, TN,
and is used to communicate the upcoming activities of this community.
The Season after Pentecost
June 24, 2022
COVID & Masking Update
We have received recent reports from a number of members of our community who have recently tested positive for COVID. A number of these cases can be traced to an indoor event at one of our local churches. As cases are rising in our area, we are recommending that those attending worship services at Grace wear masks. Masks will not be required for worship at Grace, but they remain an effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19, and also minimize disruption to summer plans.

In other COVID-related news, vaccines are finally available for children under five years old, many of us are now eligible for a second booster shot, and most insurers are now covering the cost of at-home test kits. Check with your local pharmacy for details, and do what you can to protect your neighbors and yourself.
COVID and Masking Update
Worship This Week
Adult Education on Sunday
Food Pantry
Family Promise Open House (6-30)
Daily Worship
Keep in Mind (Bishop's visit; Brainerd Market)
Useful Information
Parish Prayer List
Serving on Sunday
Worship This Week
The single Sunday service this week will be at 10:00 a.m.; masks are currently optional -- see above article for caveat, however! This service will be streamed via Facebook; those watching from home can access the bulletin HERE.
Adult Education on Sunday
This Sunday, the Adult class will be treated to a book review; David Stanislawski will be talk about The Warmth Of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson, which was the winner of The Pulitzer Prize. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution wrote "If you want to learn about what being a migrant felt like, read Wilkerson. Her intimate portraits convey what the migration meant to those who were a part of it...The Warmth of Other Suns stands as a vital contribution to our understanding of the black American experience and of the unstoppable social movement that shaped modern America."

The action begins at 9 a.m. in the Barth Room, with coffee available for those who prefer their literature with a touch of caffeine.
Food Pantry
We've gotten kind of used to floods of people on pantry days, but today was a tsunami -- volunteers Phaen Stone and Richard Hyatt greeted 25 visitors and sent them home with food for 85 -- 46 adults and 39 children. The shelves are -- well, here's a picture! Here's what will fill some of the major gaps on the shelves:

* Vienna sausages (none left)
* hearty soups (10 chicken and 1 beef left)
* Spam (none left)
* canned chicken (none left)
* packets of instant mashed potatoes (none left)
* pinto beans (9 cans left, but since they can stand in for a main course if necessary, we'd like a good supply)

We are also out of travel-size toiletry items, so if any of you who soaps, shampoos, razors, deodorants and toothpaste/toothbrushes languishing unused in a drawer or cabinet, we would gladly receive them.

Thanks in solid gold ingots and chocolate covered almonds to all in the church and the neighborhood who donate good and time and $$ to this increasingly crucial ministry. With the evaporation of pandemic benefits and inflation, the need is greater than ever, and meeting it is a community effort. We are extremely grateful to be in such an attentive and generous community!
Family Promise Open House
Family Promise has new digs! They include space to house the families they work with and doubtless other useful areas; if you'd like to see them, make plans to go to their open house on Thursday, June 30.

The event will run from 4-7 p.m. and will include refreshments. Parking at the new location is very limited, so attendees are asked to park at nearby East Lake Elementary School (3600 13th Avenue) and take the shuttle provided to the new place.

Daily Worship
Grace offers Compline services at 8pm each evening; you can join

& the password is: compline 

Morning Prayer continues every day (except Sundays) via Zoom, beginning at 9:00 a.m.; click the link below or paste the URL into your browser.

For Morning Prayer, click here:

or paste this URL into your browser:

Meeting ID: 746 8859 6599

Passcode: amprayer
Keep in Mind
Bishop's Visit (July 17)

Our Bishop, Brian Cole, had to reschedule his May visit to Grace and will now be visiting at the 10 a.m. service on Sunday, July 17th. Join us as we welcome our bishop back to Grace, and celebrate our common life as the Episcopal Church in East Tennessee.

Brainerd Market (Saturdays, 10 a.m.-noon, Brainerd Road parking lot)

The farmers’ market features fresh local produce, meats, eggs, breads, local honey,  jams & jellies, live plants, arts and crafts, wonderful foods and so much more! All of the farm fresh products at the market are naturally grown, free of pesticides, GMO's and antibiotics!

Market Vendors accept CASH, DEBIT/CREDIT & EBT/SNAP for eligible items. Double SNAP Dollar available every Saturday on EBT/SNAP purchase up to $20.
Useful Information
P.O. Box Use and Address
Please use Grace's P.O. Box for dispatches containing money or other valuables: hard times persist for some of our neighbors, and checks have disappeared from our mailbox more than once. The address is Grace Episcopal Church,
P.O. Box 80954, Chattanooga, TN 37414.

Accessing the Online Church Directory
The directory can be accessed via the church's webpage ( Find the menu item “BREEZE” at the right end of the menu options that sprawl across the screen near the top, click and log in; user name is ‘saygrace’ and the password is ‘Chattanooga.’
Parish Prayer List
Please remember: Joseph, our President; the Senate, the House of Representatives, and our Courts of Justice; together with all elected officials, and the other leaders of our country and the nations of the world.
We pray for Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury; Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Brian, our Bishop; for April, our priest; for Caroline, our seminarian; for our missionaries, and all other bishops and ministers.
We pray for the unemployed and underemployed, especially those in our congregation and community. We pray for the homeless and the hungry, and for those in special need of prayer, especially
Darlene, Angela Woodlee, Helen Williams, Brad Hull, Daniel Stanislawski,
Tom Lifsey, Hannah Brewer, David Stanislawski, Rhonda Boocock, Wilma Laney,
Bill Clark, Mary McDonald, Patricia Kelley Williams, Russell, Scott, Julia,
Martha Smith, Sue Sears, William Simpson, Neil Robinson, Ash Gunlock, Bill Strang, June McEwen, Amy, Deborah, Jim Hinkle, Andrea, the Brown family, Reba, Terrie, Alex, Angela,  Dwight McMillan, Doris, J.R. Hicks, Libby Workman,
Jean Williams, Barbara Reed, Jim May, and Ann Swint; 

We pray for Wil Mabry, Jake Dorris, Kevin Kelley, Mike Mabry, Alexander Ross, Russel Webb, Logan Roberts, Jim Makepeace, Sean Benson, Evan Watkins
and all of our Armed Forces, here and abroad;
We pray for this community: For our local leaders; for our schools and marketplaces; for our neighborhoods and workplaces, for protesters and for police. Help us to honor your image in one another. Give us courage to strive for justice and peace among all people, beginning here at home. 

We pray for all whose homes are in peril or uprooted because of climate change, for all displaced because of hurricanes, fires or other disasters.

We pray for the people of Ukraine and of Russia who find themselves beset by war.
We pray for those who have died, that they may share with all your saints in the full revelation of your eternal glory.

We pray for all victims of violence, especially the people of Uvalde, Irvine, Buffalo, and Vestavia Hills, that they may dwell in the light of God's love forever. Let our prayers propel us to action. Take our hearts of stone and make them hearts of flesh.  

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Province of the Episcopal Church of Sudan. The Anglican Communion has adopted a cycle of prayer called "From Aba to Zululand," praying its way alphabetically through its members on a daily basis between January 1, 2021 and September 2023. The newsletter and, in the future, the printed bulletin, will include the prayers for Sunday; if you would like to see the daily prayer requests, you can find them at ACoP.

In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Please pray for St. Peter's and St. Peter's Episcopal School, Chattanooga, and St. Mary's, Mitchell, SD.

Those in need of continued prayer: 
Sally Cauthen, Mary Lou Walden, Jeanette Cureton, Wanda Kirkpatrick,
Emma Andrews, Jim Strickland, Michael Conner,  Peggy Fugate, William Simpson, Timothy Penny, Donald Jones, Cooper Jones, Charles Smith, John Woodham,
Elaine Harrison, Marcia Magers, Major McCollough, John Cox, 
Gayanne Silver, Heather Nelson, Robert Clark, Cheryl McCurry, 
Ethel Rutledge, Lanie Lundgrin, Terri Harvey, Anne Getz, Michael Roberts, 
Jeannie and Andy Williams, Jaime Cooper, Teresa Noel, Tina Knowles, 
Joyce and Greg Snyder, Martha Killeffer, Robert Durham, Jessica Ricketts
Serving on Sunday
At the 10:00 a.m. service: Lectors, ; Intercessor, ; Acolytes, ; Lead Usher, Frank Watkins

Lectionary Readings
1 Kings 19:15-16, 19-21; Psalm 16; Galatians 5:1, 13-25; Luke 9:51-62

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