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Dear HATS Family,

President Trump on Sunday evening extended the CDC guidelines for social distancing and disinfecting to be in place through April 30. Governor Abbott has likewise extended the executive order enforcing the CDC guidelines as requirements for the state of Texas through April 30. It is also very likely that the Dallas county and Collin County sheltering requirements will be extended. For this reason, we are postponing the adventures that are on the HATS calendar for the month of April.

Most everybody is following the unfolding of the coronavirus pandemic, which is not showing signs up letting up. We do not know as of yet what adventures HATS may be able to do this spring. Please be assured that as soon as HATS can safely deliver adventures that meet with the federal, state and local requirements, we will do so.

In the meantime, we will be starting a newsletter that will be emailed to all HATS families every Thursday until we get through these difficult times together. There are opportunities that each of us can take over the next months to become better leaders, to develop our relationships and communication with each other, and to have some adventure. The newsletter will provide some suggestions on ways to do this.

We would also like to stay in touch as a HATS family. We would like all HATS families to do a short video showing us how you are keeping the HATS mission strong at home. Doesn’t have to be a professional production. Sixty seconds of video taken with your smartphone would be great! We will post these videos on a HATS youtube site so that everybody can watch these and stay connected.

Thank you for being a part of the HATS family. All of us on the HATS Executive Team look forward to getting back to the important business of delivering the HATS mission in the near future.

With you in the Adventure,
The HATS Leadership Team & Board of Directors