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March 2021 | Issue 1
Wyoming Helmsley AED Project Update
AED device helps save Green River Woman
Green River Police Department Officer Gary Frey displays the automated external defibrillator (AED) that helped save the life of a woman.
Photo courtesy of the city of Green River
GREEN RIVER — Automated External Defibrillators (AED) were recently placed in all Green River Police Department vehicles, and on November 9, the device helped save the life of a Green River woman. 

Green River Police Department Officer Gary Frey responded to assist Castle Rock Ambulance with a woman who collapsed. Officer Frey was the first person to arrive with an AED and was able to provide it to a nurse who was already on scene and performing CPR. The AED assisted in guiding when CPR was needed and identified when a heart rhythm was restored. The patient was transported to the hospital where she continues to recover.

The AED carried by Officer Frey is one of 20 AED’s the police department received in September as part of a $4.2 million grant from the Helmsley Charitable Trust.
The initiative is supplying approximately 1500 AED devices to law enforcement agencies throughout Wyoming in partnership with the Wyoming Emergency Medical Services Association. The AEDs are WIFI enabled and can provide information directly to hospital emergency rooms during a rescue.

Officers trained on the devices through online instruction, which ended in October. Chief Tom Jarvie said this initiative allows every patrol officer to have a device. 

Jarvie said the only cost the department will incur is replacement of batteries and any unused pads in 4 years. The Chief said the cost to the department if it purchased the devices would have been approximately $36,000.
AEDs now in most Wyoming Law Enforcement Vehicles
WYEMSA Region 1 Representative Chris Beltz distributing AEDs to Lieutenant Chuck Deaton and Chief Jim Hloucal, Gillette Police Department
The Wyoming Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services, contracted with the Wyoming Emergency Medical Services Association (WYEMSA) to implement the Wyoming First Responder AED Project in August 2020.

The project, funded through a nearly $4.2 million grant from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, is intended to deliver LifePak® CR2 Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) and training to law enforcement, Game and Fish, and state and national parks personnel.

The first year of the three-year project ended February 28, 2021. At that time, 1,231 AEDs had been distributed, and at least 803 law enforcement officers and personnel completed the LifePak® CR2 Automatic External Defibrillators training provided by Stryker; a requirement of receiving the devices.

In Year 2 of the project, WYEMSA will work closely with the Wyoming Office of Emergency Medical Services to produce a workplan aimed at increasing telephone-CPR guidance from 911 dispatch centers and support the creation of community-based CPR programs.
Wyoming Highway Patrol officers Lt. KC Ramsey and Col. Kebin Haller with new AEDs
Legislative Update
Senate File 153 - Ground ambulance service provider assessment act - the past two years the Wyoming Hospital Association (WHA) has been working in concert with the Wyoming EMS Association, the state EMS agency, and the legislature to find a way to secure additional funding to support EMS services all across the state. During the 2020 interim, draft legislation was created by the Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Committee and SF53 was introduced during the 66th Wyoming State Legislative Session. President Eric Boley, along with legal counsel Eric Weatherford presented the bill. It was first presented to the Senate Labor Committee and then presented to the House Labor Committee once successfully passing through the Senate. Working closely with partners, and initiating a full scale grassroots effort, the bill passed the legislature. On February 9, 2021 Governor Gordon signed SEA14 into law. This piece of legislation will provide a means of increasing funding for ground ambulance services across the state either through a UPL program or through enhanced reimbursement rates. EMS services in Wyoming have become more difficult to maintain and there have been closures of several services, while other services are downsizing or close to closing. This is an attempt for EMS providers to solve some of the funding problems on their own. A kickoff meeting with the Wyoming Department of Health, and their consultants has already occurred to start the process and get this program implemented as quickly as possible. Eric Weatherford from Husch Blackwell will take the lead on writing the State Plan Amendment, hopefully expediting approval of the program. This story first appeared in the WHA Newsbriefs, Vol 52 No 8, 2/26/2021
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The Wyoming Emergency Services Foundation, sister organization of the WY EMS Association, is a charitable organization designated as a 50(c)3 by the IRS. Donations made to the Foundation may be tax exempt. Contact for more information.