30 Years with an Angel
Happy Birthday Joree!
Jillian and I spent the day with our precious daughter. Joree turns 30 today. She has impacted us and our family in many ways. One way is that she is a metaphor for the ministry Jillian and I continue to share. 

We met Joree in 1991. She was like any one year old. She needed someone to hold her, feed her, change her like all little ones. She smiled and giggled. When you were with her, Joree melted your heart. 
Not long after the reality of her condition and the foreshadowing of her coming life came into view. Her limbs tightened. Eating was challenging. No sitting, standing, or eating on her own. Dependency became the norm. And the one flaw to this day I wish she could conquer, is words. I wish she could speak to us and tell us what is in her heart. Her smile and her eyes speak to me as words of joy, love, and hope.
Jillian and I began Holding onto Hope with one desire in mind. To walk with those that have been wounded by sexual abuse. Joree taught us that it is a lifelong journey, one survivor walking with another. The brokenness never goes away, therefore the healing must always be active. And it takes words. Abuse survivors cling to silence. The debilitating shame and fear grip the tongue and the wounded travel through this world much like Joree. Survivors smiles and happy sounds, compete with days and years of confinement to a world of loneliness with no apparent escape. 
Jillian and I more than ever wish to be available to those in silence. We know that the healing road is about time. We know that there may be little progress in the journey. We know that one day the healing and grace of Jesus triumphs. We know that we must continue on even if just one or two reach out for hope. 

Like Joree the truth is in the eyes. I long for the day when I can look into the eyes of Jesus who has walked with me all these years and never left my side. I long to see in his eyes what I see now in Jorees. 
Tell others about Jesus eyes. Tell others about a couple and a ministry that would treasure sharing hope with them. These coming days look ominous. Silent survivors are already a long way down the road of depression and despair. A crumbling world will compound their silence. Keep the love of our Lord in your eyes.

Happy Birthday our darling Joree. Your place with Jesus is already there waiting for you. And one day; we will talk. We love you.
Holding on to Hope Logo

The Newsletter has a new look. Part of that is always changing technology and it is time for a new look. I have always loved the logo. It is nice to have it as the centerpiece of the newsletter for a while. Please send along the letter to friends. We would love to have them on our list.T
Telling the personal story of sexual abuse is the first step in the healing process. Shattered walks you through Bill Harbeck's personal story of betrayal, brokenness, and shame and encourages others to speak out and move toward hope. Everyone who reads it says it is hard to put down. Order a copy today and share it with a friend. Email [email protected] and request a copy today for $5.00.
Shattered Book Cover
Cover Page
Working on the healing part of abuse recovery is longterm and tedious. You just don't get over this stuff easily. Bill's guide is one you can use on your own as you confront the shame and hurt. It doesn't have a magic cure for the hurt but its a place to start the journey.

The Difficult Journey of Sexual Abuse Healing. $5.00
Love Goes Both Ways - $5.00
The healing journey highlights for survivors the total need we all have for dependence. It is really hard to make progress in the healing journey alone. Dependency on the Lord and others is critical. Love Goes Both Ways highlights what total dependence looks like and why it is so important in the healing journey. When God is all there is, surrender is all there can be.
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Bill and Jillian Harbeck