A Note from the Executive Director

Happy Spring! As is typical of this emerging season, it is a busy time; this is true in schools and here at NMASBHC. We hope you have a few moments to check out the announcements and resources that we're including in this newsletter so you can take advantage of all that we and our partners have to offer. And, here's sending best wishes for a lucky spring break of self-care for those of you working for the children of New Mexico!

Are you one of many we need to thank for engaging in legislative advocacy to support funding expansion for SBHCs during the legislative session? Well, our thanks comes with the good news that the state budget included an additional $2,000,000 for SBHC expansion! While we still await the Governor's signature, NMASBHC anticipates no problem with this part of the budget. Please stay tuned to this newsletter for updates about how the Department of Health will be moving those dollars into communities.

In other good news, there is still one week to submit applications for scholarships for adults and youth to attend this year's SBHA convention in Denver! Please read the article below for details and to find our website link for the application. We hope to see you in June in Denver!

Stay tuned for new funding and TA opportunities. In the next month, on our facebook page and Basecamp, we'll be announcing an asthma environmental mini-grant project, a reproductive health education and counseling pilot project, and a supply mini-grant for SBHCs and school nurses! Feel free to contact me if you already know you may be interested in these topics.

And lastly, please read on for many training, job and other learning opportunities in March. We hope some of these resources are of use to you.

With best wishes for finding the pot of gold for children's health!

Nancy Rodriguez

Thank Your Legislator Now:
SBHC Funding Success!
If you haven't already, please email or call your state legislators to thank them for providing more funding for SBHCs! W e are thrilled to inform you that the budget includes new funding in the amount of $2,000,000 for school-based health centers! Please join us in sharing gratitude with your state legislators for seeing the importance of this funding to expand school-based health services - both hours and clinics - for New Mexico's children. Visit: www.nmlegis.gov to find your legislator.
2020 NMASBHC Calendar
Thank you to all the SBHCs who contributed photographs for the 2020 SBHC Calendar.
And a special note of gratitude to this year's sponsor: Presbyterian Health Plan Inc.

We hope you have all received your copy. If you have not, please reach out to wilma@@nmasbhc.org with your correct mailing address and we will happily mail you a new copy.

In February, we feature the students and staff from Gallup High SBHC.

In March, we highlight Ruidoso High School SBHC.
2020 SBHA Convention Scholarships
Due March 9th
NMASBHC has set aside funding for scholarships for adults and youth to attend the 2020 SBHA National Convention.

The Convention will be held
June 23-25 at the Sheraton Denver Downtown in Denver, Colorado. This professional development opportunity rotates to the Western region only every four years so NMASBHC is investing in our field’s attendance in 2020.

Visit: https://www.nmasbhc.org/our-work/technical-assistance/ to find the application and instructions.
Applications due March 9, 2020.
New NMASBHC Board Members Needed
NMASBHC can not do this work alone.
NMASBHC is looking for passionate advocates for the field of school-based health care.
Are you interested in joining a committee or the NMASBHC Board of Directors?

Applications for Board Members are due April 15, 2020.

Please go to the NMASBHC website for more information and to access the application: https://www.nmasbhc.org/about/board-staff/join-board/.

SBHC Sponsor Corner
Head to Toe Conference:
Registration & SBHC Changes
Registration is now open for the 2020 Head to Toe Conference. In a new effort to maximize SBHC teams' ability to attend the full conference, there will be no SBHC pre-conference. Instead, there will be a "track" of special SBHC activities woven throughout the full conference. Please stay tuned for more details, and please talk to your organization about plans to register. Please note that all NMDOH/OSAH-contracted SBHCs have funding in their contracts to attend the conference.
HSD/Medicaid Updates
Medicaid Certification/Re-certification
The New Mexico Human Services Department (NMHSD) Medical Assistance Division requires certification of all NMDOH/OSAH-funded school-based health centers.

If you operate an SBHC that is newly contracted, and you need to set up certification, please reach out to NMASBHC ( [email protected] ) or MAD's Chrissy Kupferschmidt ( [email protected] ). If you have been certified before and are wondering when your recertification comes due, feel free to reach out to the same parties.
The only recertifications that are scheduled to occur in 2020 are those for La Clinica de Familia, REC 6, and REC 9 SBHCs.
NM Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility Determiner Trainings
Please contact HSD at the email address below to get information about trainings offered and to request them if you need them. Seating is limited and space is available on a first come, first served basis. After successful registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail that will include instructions on how to join the training on its scheduled date and time. 

If you have any questions regarding entities qualified to participate as PEDs, the PED certification process or for more information on future training sessions, please contact  Armando Muñoz  at  [email protected]  or at (505) 476-6813. You can also e-mail:  [email protected]  or call 505-476-7151.
Clinic Resources, Training Opportunities, and Community Announcements
Upcoming LARC Training Opportunities
Are you registering for Head 2 Toe?
Has your staff done LARC Trainings yet?

There are still some spots open for the LARC Trainings and Pre-Conference Sessions.

See descriptions on the Head 2 Toe Website.
Upcoming trainings for the LARC Mentoring Project are also listed on the NMASBHC Calendar .

You can also check out the LARC Mentoring Project Google Calendar or contact program staff to learn more and to register for trainings.
Upcoming Webinars
Parent Engagement in SBHCs
Tuesday March 3, 2020 at 2:00 PM
Valerie Gavrila, MPH Program Coordinator Adolescent Health Initiative Ann Arbor, MI
Adolescents and parents go hand-in-hand when talking about teen health care. Join this webinar to learn strategies to enhance the clinic experience for youth and parents alike, no matter if they are the “over-engaged” parent or the “under-engaged” parent. Content will include best practices for adolescent confidentiality as well as how to navigate tricky conversations with parents and adolescents.
Register HERE.

For other School-Based Health Alliance Webinar opportunities, visit SBHA
American Lung Association Trainings

If you serve patients with asthma, please consider the ALA trainings for your staff.

There is an Asthma Educator Institute training scheduled for April 23-24 in Albuquerque.
Visit http://action.lung.org/AlbuquerqueAEI for more information or to register.
Changes to Public Charge
The changes to public charge started this week. As health providers and advocates for students and their families, we can support immigrant communities by getting out correct information about what these changes mean. The Protecting Immigrant Families coalition has many resources that can help.
Flu & Coronavirus: Stay Healthy
Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been in the news for several weeks, and your patients may be asking for more information. While there are no reported cases in New Mexico, it is important to know what to look out for and how to keep your patients, yourself and your family healthy. Check the CDC Website and the NM DOH Website for more information that you can use and share. The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH)’s  State Scientific Laboratory (SLD) now has capacity to test for COVID-19, the novel coronavirus. Healthcare professionals who suspect COVID-19 should immediately notify infection control personnel at their facility and contact the New Mexico Department of Health at: (505) 827-0006.
March Awareness Activities
March is National Nutrition Month.

Need some ideas about how to share information about nutrition? The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has a Campaign Toolkit and Social Media Toolkit. These are available on their website.

The 10th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference will be hosted in Albuquerque on April 21-23, 2020. For more information, go to the Farm To School link.
March is Child Life Month.

Do you need some help explaining health topics to your students or their parents?
Try the Kids Health website for language, pictures or videos to share.

To see more about how Child Life supports children and their families, you can go to the ACLP Website.

There are Child Life staff available at Presbyterian Hospital and UNM Hospital. You can also check out the UNMH Child Life Facebook page.

Vaping has become an issue of concern for youth, providers, school and families.

Below are some resources from the NM TUPAC Program. Please reach out to NMASBHC if you need more support.

You can also go to the NM TUPAC website or to the NM PED website for more resources and information.
www.nmasbhc.org | (505) 404-8059 | [email protected]