Number 2 - Friday, February 15, 2020
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.    And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6,7
From Dennis Littlefield/Executive Director – In 1990, as Program Director here at Tilikum, I felt that God was wanting Tilikum to reach beyond our usual communities to help kids come to camp. We began a partnership with a ministry working with kids from inner-city Portland. Over the last 30 years about 1,800 kids have come to camp with this group, but we recently learned that they won’t be coming to camp this summer because of a change in their programs. We are very interested in partnering with a new church or ministry outreach to low income families with kids. Will you pray with us for this to happen? If you have any ideas email me, or call 503) 538-2763, ext. 101 .
Tilikum Lodge and Guest Services
Tilikum lodge is a great place to come away from the busyness of our normal lives and build community within your own group. Suzanne Maki, Guest Services Director, works closely with coordinators for each group coming to Tilikum. This year she is concerned that a number of her coordinators are going through trials with their health, their families or their jobs. Please pray for the these coordinators and that Tilikum can minister to their needs.

In addition, most groups schedule one year ahead, but we still have some weekends and midweek openings for 2020.
Writers Cabin construction update – Work on the Writers Cabin is proceeding nicely. The metal roof has was installed a few weeks ago, and staff is finishing up siding and beginning to paint. Next comes plumbing and electrical, then insulation, drywall and flooring. 

Pray the Writers Cabin construction will proceed smoothly and that final funding ($10,000) will be raised.

If you would like to contribute to the Writers Cabin project, click HERE .
Summer Camp registration is open – and registrations are currently ahead of last year's numbers. Tilikum has embarked on a greatly expanded bussing program that allows parents and churches not to have to compete with highway traffic which has increased greatly over the years.

Pray parents, and youth pastors will continue to see the value in a Christian outdoor summer camp experience for their kids.
Continuing to recruit for Summer Staff 2020 positions – Program Director Rommie Christiansen is currently in the final few weeks of Summer Staff recruiting and is asking for continued prayer that God would lead servant-hearted young adults ( high school and college ) with a passion for working with kids in a Christ-centered environment to apply for a summer at Tilikum. Please also pray that God would continue to inspire more church leaders to invest in an outdoor ministry experience at Tilikum for their children's programs this summer.
Spring Cleaning – Last month the Administrative Team spent two days "Spring Cleaning" as a part of our annual retreat. We tackled the Barn and the School House. Program areas in these buildings were reorganized and deep cleaned. Storage areas were culled through and superfluous items were either tossed or donated. We also brought out treasures like an old tepee, a display case full of natural history artifacts and a pottery wheel. Some unexpected side effects of this dirty work was a lesson in the history of Tilikum's and a good reminder of the legacy of Tilikum's ministry for the last 50 years. Pray this team will continue work together to persevere in this good work.
From Carrie McNeal/Housekeeping – As we approach the busy Summer season, and especially with schools still in session, we are looking for more helpers with the upkeep of Tilikum Lodge and grounds. This is a great place for a first job but means that many of our helpers are still attending school and not available to work during the week. Please pray with us that God would bring the helpers we need and that need to be here. We find that many who come to Tilikum are encouraged to grow emotionally, spiritually and in work skills. Pray also that, for those that are here, this would become a safe place for them to experience this growth. 
New Fawver Center Bathrooms – A lot of maintenance projects at Tilikum this time of year as well as special projects in anticipation of the Summer Camp season, including three new bathrooms at the Fawver center, and construction on the new Writers Cabin.

At the Fawver Center, sheet rock is installed, tape and texture complete, and maintenance staff have just finished painting the new bathrooms. Flooring has been ordered, next steps are to install the flooring, plumbing and electrical fixtures and trim, and then final trim paint.

Pray this finish work can be completed quickly and bathrooms are usable as camp traffic ramps up for the summer season.
Thank you for praying for Tilikum. I hope this newsletter gives you a better idea of what's happening at Tilikum and how to pray for the ministry. If you would like to know better how you can pray or otherwise support the ministry at Tilikum, email Dan Prow , or call Dan at (503) 538-2763, ext. 104 .
Camp Tilikum is a place where people can go to experience creation, build community, find refuge, encounter God, and see lives transformed.
Camp Tilikum | (503) 538-2763 | Email Development |