Cornwall Library Newsletter February 2021
The first time I undertake a big project, I am often very nervous. Lots of questions roll around in my head: "Will I remember everything? Will I do everything that I am supposed to do? Will it work out?" Sometimes the project is a recurring one, and after several times I don't even need to look at my notes! I know the steps. I follow them and get the project done! Easy-Peasy.
However, sometimes the project feels so big that I get flustered, even if I've done it several times. It is my third time working on the Library's budget and preparing for the Library Budget Vote and Trustee Election. It is one of those recurring projects that makes me nervous. There are so many behind-the-scenes moving parts that I worry about missing one of the major pieces. There are people here who help me with this significant yearly project, so I can be sure I do not forget anything. It's great to have support!
By the way, if you feel you have any skills to offer the Library, we are currently looking to fill two Board of Trustee positions. Petitions to run are available from our website, or to pick up from the circulation desk staff. As it says on our website, "Members of the Board of Trustees attend monthly meetings, committee meetings, and work sessions as needed. The Library seeks innovative, community-minded people interested in helping guide the Library into the future. Trustees determine the fiscal budget, set policy, and help discern the Library's response to community needs." Interested? 

Charlotte A. Dunaief
Library Director
Library Board
of Trustees Meeting (Virtual)
February 11

Check our website or door of the building for details on how to access the meeting.

All meetings are open to the public. Call for more info at 845-534-8282 or email
Access online research and tutorials via our website homepage. Click on "Research and Tutorials." Everything from research databases to Consumer Reports to Rosetta Stone and much more! Free with your Cornwall library card!
NYS Department of Public Service Winter Consumer Assistance: Stay Warm & Safe
Tuesday, February 23 at 1 PM*

Join us in partnering with the New York State Department of Public Service’s annual winter outreach to help consumers manage their energy bills. This includes consumer rights and special protection for utility customers, COVID-19 moratoriums on service disconnections, managing energy costs, and more.

Registration begins February 1st, 2021, via the Library’s online calendar.

Zoom link to this interactive program will be sent to
all registrants on the day of the program.

*Sign up to register even if you can't attend,
and we'll share a link to the video recording the day after the program.
Virtual Community Health Education in Partnership with Montefiore St. Luke’s Hospital
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and to practice social distancing, the Cornwall Public Library has been unable to provide in-person health education to the community we serve. However, we remain committed to continual community engagement and education through virtual seminars and recorded presentations.

We are pleased to have a wonderful partnership with Montefiore St. Luke’s Cornwall Hospital and offer the following link to “DOC TALK,” a podcast presented by their staff. Click on this link and search topic of interest.
For Adults
Vietnam War and US Society
February 11

Major Nathan R. Clason will give a brief overview of the Vietnam War, examine its legacy, and identify some key ways in which the war changed the way society thinks about itself and its government.

MAJ Clason enlisted as a Vietnamese linguist in 2002 and worked for the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command. He earned an MA in Southeast Asian History and deployed twice to Afghanistan. He currently teaches East Asian History at West Point.

Registration begins January 15th via the Library’s online calendar.

Zoom links will be sent to all registrants on the day of the program.
Virtual Mystery Book Discussion
The Crossing
by Michael Connelly
February 18

Join a Zoom meeting to discuss a mystery novel with fellow readers.

Register for the group here. Digital ebooks and audiobooks are available through Libby and hoopla, or call the Library to request a hard copy.

The Zoom link will be emailed to those participating on the day of the meeting.
Virtual Out & About Book Group
Ninth House
by Leigh Bardugo
February 24

Just because we can’t be Out & About doesn’t mean we can’t still have a great book club meeting!

Digital ebooks and audiobooks are available through Libby or call the Library to request a hard copy.

Register ahead here, pour yourself a drink, and join us for a virtual book discussion and more! Zoom meeting invites will be emailed to registrants prior to the meeting on the day of the book club.
Virtual Book Chat & Chocolate
February 25
Sing, Unburied, Sing
by Jesmyn Ward

Join the Hudson Valley's sweetest book group in a virtual Zoom meeting. The library has print copies available to borrow (call the Library to request a hard copy for pickup by appointment).

Register via the library's online calendar.

Zoom meeting invitations will be sent out to registrants on the day of the book club.
Hudson Valley
Ebony Strings Ensemble
February 28

Cornwall Public Library will celebrate African American History Month with a ZOOM concert by the Hudson Valley Ebony Strings Ensemble.

Led by violinist E’lissa Jones, the ensemble is comprised of students from middle and high school. They perform classical pieces, African American spirituals, and original compositions by Ms. Jones.

Registration begins February 1. Please register via the online calendar.

ZOOM links will be sent to all registrants on the day of the program.
Virtual Creative Writers

Join a Zoom meeting of the Library’s Creative Writers Group. Register via the Library's online calendar (only new members need register). Zoom links will be distributed on the Friday before the meeting. It will be a recurring link, usable for all Creative Writers’ meetings.
Interview Protocols: Mock Interviews

Learn interview skill techniques with Interview Coach, Andy Maroney. Get a free one-on-one practice interview and feedback session.

To set up a mock interview, email your resume to You must provide a completed resume and contact phone number prior to scheduling an appointment. Flexible meeting schedule available.
Parenting Book Discussion
by Daniel Siegel
February 11

Our virtual parenting book discussion group seeks to provide parents a sense of community and support as we raise our children through difficult and unprecedented times. Although this event is intended for parents, all are welcome to participate.

To join, please register for the discussion. Digital ebooks and audiobooks are available through Libby, or call the Library to request a hard copy.

Zoom meeting invites will be emailed to registrants prior to the meeting.
Let's PAINT AWAY the Winter Blues
February 16

Local artist, Maureen Hart, will provide all supplies via curbside pickup at the Library for this get-into-springtime ZOOM paint night.

$10 non-refundable deposit drop-off required to confirm registration by January 31. Must return easel & accessories at end of the program. Details will be provided.

Online registration opens January 12 to the first 25 artists!

If registration is full please call the Library (845-534-8282) to be wait listed.

Generously supported by the Friends of Cornwall Library
Virtual Member's Choice Book Club
The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See
March 3

The Member’s Choice Book Club typically meets the first Wednesday of each month.

Registration begins February 1st via the Library’s online calendar.

Digital ebooks and audiobooks are available through Libby, or call the Library to request a hard copy.

The Zoom link will be emailed to those participating on the day of the meeting.
For Kids & Teens
Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for the very latest in reading fun.
I spy with my little eye...
Something new to do at
The Cornwall Public Library!

Needing some fresh air and a little break from being at home? Please stop by our
I Spy Station and try to find the items listed. We'll periodically change the items you need to find, so repeat visits are always welcome.
Family Fun Challenge
Select Thursdays
February 4
March 4

The Library is offering a fun surprise challenge to enjoy making at home. Stop by the children's table outside the Library to pick up your bag on the day of the event, while supplies last.
Story Time Take-Out
for Ages 3-5
February 9

The Library is offering a packaged “story time” to enjoy with your family at home (for ages 3-5). There are limited supplies — please register here starting February 2. Registered patrons will be called to schedule an appointment for pickup.
Toddler Time To-Go
for Ages
18-36 months
February 23

We've put together a special story time to go for our toddler friends (ages 18-36 months).

Supplies are limited and registration is required. Please register via our online calendar beginning February 16.

Registered patrons will be contacted to schedule an appointment for pickup.
Library Letters

Attention all kids (2-12yrs) who love receiving “snail mail.”  Send the Cornwall Public Library an email with your name & postal address, along with some fun information – your favorite food…or color… or animal…or a question you have…or a joke you heard (you get the point).  Then be on the lookout in your snail mailbox for a reply.  Emails can be sent to  We would LOVE to hear from you!!
Teen Photo Contest
Begins January 1
Ends on February 28
Grades 6 – 12

One winner will be chosen on March 1.
The prize is a $25 Amazon Gift Card.
See website for contest rules and entry form.
Zoom T.U.T. Meeting
February 12
For established members only
Grades 6 – 12

For more info, please contact
Lisa SinClair
Virtual PJ Story Time
Select Mondays @ 6:30pm
February 15
March 15

Wear your PJs, find a favorite cuddly, and head over to the Library's Facebook page or YouTube channel to hear Pat Parker read stories for 3, 4, & 5-year-olds (or anyone who wants to get comfortable and hear a bedtime story!)
For Everyone
Protecting Your Finances
During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) provides up-to-date information and resources to protect and manage your finances during this difficult time.

Below are links to information on options and deadlines for various relief, some as part of new legislation.

A new law provides relief for renters and extends the CDC's Order to protect many people who can't pay their rent from eviction through January 31, 2021.
Congress passed legislation providing an additional $300 per week to all workers receiving unemployment benefits. The supplement begins after December 26, 2020, and ends on March 14, 2021.
Some homeowners struggling to pay their mortgage now have a little extra time to seek help.
Interest and monthly payments on federally-held loans are suspended through January 31, 2021.
Digital Magazines
through Overdrive
and Libby
Patrons can now access new titles through the Library's digital magazine app. Conde Nast Traveler, The Economist, New Yorker, Rolling Stone, and Wired are now available!

For more information on how to access digital magazines, please call the Library at 845-534-8282 or email
The Library now subscribes to hoopla - a video streaming service that provides access to hundreds of thousands of digital items for free with your Cornwall Library card! Visit to get started!

Patrons have a 5 item monthly limit for materials borrowed through hoopla. However, if 5 titles are not enough, in February, they have made extra items available that don't count toward your limit. To access these, look for items in the "Bonus Borrows" collection.

Let us know if you have any questions or need a library card! For more information, please visit our hoopla webpage.
Online Learning Through Coursera

The New York State Department of Labor is partnering with Coursera, the leading online training provider. Through Coursera, you will have access to nearly 4,000 programs across high-growth industries and can hone skills in data science, business, and technology. Many of these programs are pathways to certifications and can help elevate your career.
New York Times Digital

Get 72 hours of free digital access to the New York Times with your library card. Outside the Library, patrons can enter a code, register with an email, and enjoy 72 hours of full access from their computer or mobile devices. Once the 72 hours is up, just redeem the code again. To get the code and see further instruction visit our website.
Digital eBooks & Audiobooks

While many of us stay at home, don’t forget that the Library offers many options for reading or listening to your favorite titles. The Libby App by Overdrive is one of the best options to access more than 10,000 ebooks and audiobooks.

Libby is compatible with many devices including Kindle, iPad and iPhone, Nook, Chromebook, Kobo, Android and Windows and is available in your phone’s App Store. If you don’t have a mobile device, you can access titles through Overdrive on your desktop computer. For more information, please visit: