December 2020
We hope that you and your loved ones find joy and moments of rest this holiday season. We'd like to thank the public, kinesiologists and our partners for their support and cooperation throughout the year. From all of us at the College, happy holidays and our very best for 2021!
Provide your feedback:
Draft Council and Committee Member Competency Profile
The College would like to hear your thoughts on its draft Council and Committee Competency Profile. It describes the knowledge, skill, judgement and attitude requirements the College is looking for in Council and committee members. Your feedback is requested by Tuesday, February 16, 2021.

The College is hosting two webinars in January to review the profile and answer questions. If you are interested in running for Council or sitting on a committee in the near future, you're encouraged to attend this webinar.
COVID-19 guidance
Hand Sanitizer 2
The College recently updated its COVID-19 practice guidance. The guidance was developed following the latest public health requirements, and is designed to keep you and your patients/clients safe. All kinesiologists are encouraged to review the updated document linked below.

A few general reminders:

  • Screen patients/clients at the time of booking and on the day of the appointment. Consider virtual care as an option, particularly if a patient/client screens positive for exposure to the virus or is at risk of complications should they contract COVID-19.
  • Always wear a mask and other appropriate PPE.
  • Wash your hands with soap or use a Health Canada approved sanitizer before and after each patient/client interaction and when putting on and taking off PPE.
  • Clean and disinfect all patient/client contact surfaces after each use.
  • Regularly clean and disinfect all high-touch surfaces in your place of employment, such as reception and break room surfaces.

As always, if you have questions about COVID-19 and the impacts on practice, email Danielle Lawrence, the College's Practice Advisor, at
Reminder: Self-assessments due March 1, 2021
Woman on couch on laptop
The 2020 self-assessment period began on December 1, 2020 and all registrants in the General Class must submit a self-assessment by March 1, 2021.

This year’s assessment has been refined to focus on risk areas in kinesiology practice and some portions have been streamlined, making completion easier and faster. We’ve also added instructions for registrants who are not working and must complete the self-assessment.
Reminder: Mandatory reporting obligations
Kinesiologists, and those who employ or work with them, have obligations to report certain information to the College. Mandatory reporting helps protect the public because it brings important information to the College’s attention.

Kinesiologists must make mandatory reports throughout the year and not just at annual renewal. Reports can be self-reports (e.g. you were charged with a criminal offence) or reports about other regulated health professionals (e.g. a colleague committing insurance fraud).
Highlights from the December Council meeting
Council, the College's board of directors, met on December 7, 2020. Highlights of the meeting are now posted on the College website. Council meets again on March 1, 2021, and meeting materials will be available online at the end of February.
Holiday office hours
The College continues to operate a virtual office. Please note that we will close at 12 p.m. on December 24 and re-open at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, January 4, 2021.
Please do not unsubscribe if you are registered with the College. If you do unsubscribe, you will be contacted by staff to re-subscribe as the College primarily communicates to registrants via email. We strive to keep communications relevant and to a minimum. Information regarding registration matters (annual renewal deadline, quality assurance requirements, etc.), and important news and updates are sent via email. The College works on the assumption that all registrants receive all of our emails.