Dear SJB Families,

Here are a few important reminders:

When the school is notified of a positive COVID case in the school, Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Vanic do contact tracing and work closely with the Sheboygan County Health Department. If during contact tracing we identify any close contacts, we immediately contact those close contacts and let them know they will need to be quarantined for 14 days from when the contact occurred (school will notify dates of quarantine). Mrs. Vanic does send a letter to the parents of close contacts which explains further information about quarantining.

What does it mean to be a "close contact"?
You are considered a close contact only if any of the following situations happened while you spent time with a person who has tested positive for COVID (even if they didn't have symptoms or were wearing a mask):
  • You were within 6 feet of the person for a total of 15 minutes or more over the course of a day.
  • You provided care at home to the person.
  • You had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them).
  • You shared eating or drinking utensils with the person.
  • You had a sleep over with the person.
  • They sneezed or coughed on you.
What does quarantine mean for your family?
  • Your child must quarantine for 14 days from when the contact occurred.
  • Other household members may continue to attend school and work as long as no one in the household develops symptoms.
  • You do not need to have your child tested for COVID unless they start to show symptoms.
  • If you do decide to have your child tested, any siblings that attend SJB must stay home from school until we know the test results. If your child's test results are negative, siblings may come back to school but your child who was a close contact still needs to quarantine for the whole 14 days. If your child's test results are positive, the siblings would need also need to stay home and quarantine.

We also may identify "low risk" exposure individuals. These individuals MAY have had a short exposure to someone with COVID in the school setting. This low risk exposure does not indicate a need to stay home and/or quarantine. Mrs. Vanic does send a letter to the parents of low risk exposure simply as a proactive stop to notify the school and parents in an attempt to control the spread the best we can.

Please note:
  • Desks in all of our classrooms are 6 feet apart
  • Students in our lunchroom all sit 6 feet apart
  • Classrooms and high touch surfaces are cleaned throughout the day
  • Deep cleaning is done each night

If you ever have any questions or need any assistance, please reach out to Mrs. Nelson or Mrs. Vanic. We are here to help any way we can.

Thank you for your continued support.