Crazy World
May 23, 2022

Crazy World

How often I have heard in the past few weeks that our world seems to be upside down? And it just might be, but what I continually come back to is that God is in control and the things that we see and 
do not understand are all a part of a heavenly plan that God is orchestrating.  

I don’t have any great revelations or inside scoop, as God only reveals what he chooses to whom he chooses and when he chooses. But what I do have and so do you is Faith and a foundation that we can stand on each day.  I know I sometimes fall quite short of hanging on to that faith and let worry and distractions take on the position of the front burner of my heart and mind. But I also know that if I just take a few minutes and stop and lift my concerns up to God, he nudges my thoughts and gets me back on track, and wins the current earthly battle within.

There was an eclipse this past week,  and the moon went dark because the moon has no light of its own; it is dependent on the light of sun.  Just as the moon depends on the son for its light, we too are called to depend on Jesus for our light so that we can reflect the God who we know to be so faithful. But just as God controls the movements of the sun and the moon, he controls and allows all outcomes on the earth.  Be it war or peace or chaos or death, or natural disturbances. So why do we question the world as is, when we know God has orchestrated the outcome for His ultimate glory. And sometimes I do believe that God allows these crazy times to wake us up and take heed to read, absorb, listen and abide by His word.    

I have gotten in the habit of listening to Christian Radio when I am in my car.  Specifically,  “Message”, channel 63 on Serious radio.  Some of the songs I recognize but others just have a wonderful “message” of hope and love and encouragement.   
They help me to recognize and bring to the forefront of my thoughts the sub-conscious spirit that lies within me and also in you. That Spirit is filled with God’s power, strength, grace etc…

So today when you are baffled by the chaos and confusion that the world is offering, reflect a minute on who is really running the world.  God is not a God of confusion, and chaos, rather he is a God of purity and goodness, grace and hope. He alone is in control and will claim victory through his ways….one little battle at a time.  

We are nudged to instead of battling through the present concerns of this world; gas prices, inflation, the stock market, etc., rather focus on and holding tight to God's goodness, grace, hope and eternal security that abounds for all believers. Easy to say and hard to do I know when we are faced everyday with the consequences that come with choices being made from higher ups. God not only sees the every move of our leaders, be the local ones, the national ones and the worldly ones, but he has allowed what is being done for reasons that far outreach ours thoughts and are  higher than ones we can understand in our infinite minds.  We must do our best to do our part to stay the course of trusting God, even in the midst of so many things seemingly going sideways and upside down.  

Sometimes doing our best is having the courage to speak out, and speak up when we are confronted with things that we do not believe to be in line with truth and goodness, or what we believe to be in the best interest of us, the people who are being governed.  

The word “Courage” lies in the middle of the words discourageand encourage.  Don’t be discouraged by the world events that surround you, be encouraged by the God who has it all under control for reasons and ways that we cannot comprehend.
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Our freedom is a treasure, and one to be guarded at all expense.  This past week has been early voting, and tomorrow is a primary runoff to elect officials chosen to go face to face with each other in November.  Please vote, for whichever candidate you feel reflects your views. These primaries are just as important as the general election and it is our responsibility as US citizens to honor our privilege to vote. I suspect the lines will be long but hang in there, for it is a worthy sacrifice of each of our time and effort. And still our nation stands tall
among others, so we must be continue to be thankful for the freedoms that we have.   

May God bless our nation, and help us to be mindful and grateful for the little battles of success that make way for God’s greater victory. Amen

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!
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