January Waterville UMC News, 2020
Dear Church Family,

It is hard to believe that we are in a new year. New Years is often a time in which we make choices to live by. I would like to recommend reading the entire Bible during 2020. There are many reading plans online. A couple of those links are located below. Some of us will think we do not have time. Reading out loud, which I highly recommend, it will take 12 minutes a day. Or you could listen to the Bible via several options. It is important to see and hear the Word of God.

Also, in 2020 pray daily for the mission and vision of our congregation, along with the New Building process. We are presently in weekly conference calls with the architect and builders to finalize the construction plans for the approval process for Waterville and the United Methodist Church. Watch for ongoing updates, which will be sent out as new information is available.

God is truly blessing our congregation. God used you to provide for the financial needs of the general fund and your ever increasing support for the New Building.

One area in which I ask all of us to consider, is the way in which we will serve God during 2020. Is God calling you to serve as an administrative leader, a ministry leader or serving God in one of our ministries? It will be hard to imagine if all of us would put serving God ahead of all other service groups in which we are members. I believe that when we put serving God first, God’s blessings will be beyond belief.

We cannot know all that God will do in our midst in 2020 if we put God first in every area of our lives. Are you willing to discover the pure joy of serving God faithfully and experiencing God’s presence?

May God bless you in 2020,
Pastor Mike
Another Option to Read through the Bible in a Year
Each months reading list is located on the bulletin boards.
These plans will take you through the Bible in a year.
9:00 Adult Bible Study
9:00 Prayer Time
10:30 Worship service

Who's coming with you to be able to experience the blessings God has given us at Waterville UMC!
Don't forget to check out the new and ongoing Bible studies in the bulletin.
Our Mission focus this month is Susie's Coats, a non-profit organization that collects and distributes new (preferably for children) and gently used coats, hats, gloves, scarves mittens and blankets. Founded by Susan Perry, they receive calls all winter for items and many of those calls are from schools, requesting items for students. Many stores have sales after Christmas and have really low prices on children's coats.

Just before Christmas, Susie stopped by and picked up the two boxes of brand new blankets and bags of coats, hats & scarves. She was sooooooo thankful for all of our giving and the blankets were especially timely; they just provided a bed for a family of a single Mom and 3 children who only had a mattress & a couch to sleep on. They needed blankets…an answer to prayers. God’s timing IS PERFECT! 

They are also in need of monetary donations with which to purchase coats and other warm apparel for children in need in Northwest Ohio. A Susie's coats collection box is provided fro you to put the items in outside the Community Room. We will continue to collect throughout the year. Let's fill them up again and again!!
Human Trafficking / Sexual Exploitation
The Sunday Morning Prayer Team meets in the Sanctuary each Sunday morning at 9:00 AM. Our mission is to intercede through the power of prayer for other people locally or around the world who need our prayer Support.

The prayer team is asking for the support of the rest of the congregation to join them in praying specifically for the the Prayer focus of the month.
Thank you!
The Salvation Army reports that we collected $636.96 during our ring time on Dec. 7. That is nearly $100 more than last year! 
Thank you to everyone who participated with your ringing, or your contributions on that date.  

The Missions Team

Thanks, Karen W.  


Thank you for your prayers for safe travels to and from Charlotte. On the way down in West Virginia one of the buses had mechanical issues. The driver was able to get the bus to a rest area where he called for a bus mechanic and a spare bus. fortunately the mechanic was able to fix the problem rather quickly. While this all was taking place, it was snowing really hard but the highway was clear. The hills were beautiful with the snow on them. the Lord was really watching over us.

When we arrived at the center on Tuesday morning, they had already processed 1 million boxes on Monday. During the shifts that our group worked Tues-Friday, approximately 274, 296 boxes were processed. the boxes were going to the countries of Burundi, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique.

One of the most unusual items was a small sewing machine that runs from either electric or batteries. There was also fabric and other sewing supplies.

we were surprised to see boxes from N.W. Ohio including Delta, Findlay, Paulding and Angola Indiana. One lady from Toledo processed her own box.

Of course, there were the usual items that had to be taken out of some boxes including liquids, toothpaste, candy and other inappropriate items, but the most unusual was a banana. All times removed are given to local charities in the area. (But not the banana!)

As always it was an awesome week at the Operation Christmas Child Headquarters.
God has really blessed me in being able to go on the trip.

Karen Longnecker
Save the Dates! The Waterville IF:Gathering
WUMC will be a host for the IF:Gathering on February 7-8, 2020. You have influence in your places. Whether you are a mom, a teacher, an accountant, or a small group leader, there are others looking to you. So, how do we make disciples in the places God has put us in? IF: exists to invite, motivate and equip women of our local body and beyond to follow Jesus and disciple women. The 2-day event will be a Gospel-centered experience of worship, teaching, equipping and connections. For more information about the IF:Gathering, see the Ambassador, the bulletin board, future bulletins or click the link below.
Location:         Waterville UMC
Dates:           Friday, February 7 from 7pm to 10pm
                      Saturday, February 8 from 10am to 6pm
Do you want to sign up?
Sign up sheet on the bulletin board for Prayer Partners, Greeters, Fellowship, And Altar Flowers.

What is God asking you to do?
Follow us on Twitter
Follow the church and youth on our Twitter pages: 

December 1 ......138
December 8 ......141
December 15 .....213
December 22 .....119
December 24 .....222
December 29 .... 91
Thank you for the Ornaments!
Here are a couple thank yous to the children at WUMC for the ornaments they created: 

From Zion Methodist Food Pantry in Whitehouse:
The ornaments were well received and many of the recipients took some. We took the remainder over to the Spencer Community Center. Thanks to all who made the ornaments. Merry Christmas!

From Story Point:
We received your ornaments and passed them out Monday night for the residents- they were tickled pink! They adored the ornaments! Thank you so much for thinking of us, we appreciate the kind gesture!
July 13-16!
Anna Banchowski January 6
Stephani Letzring January 6
Trevor Letzring January 6
Karl Kirkman January 13
Sandra Schultz January 13
Christopher Stafford January 15
Brett Vernon January 15
Tom Shoemaker January 17
Elaine Larimer January 19
Madelyn Varner January 22
Mikael Lipinski January 23
Malachi Lipinski January 23
Amelia Mazzarella January 23
Ann Nightingale January 25
Tehya Collinsworth January 27
Roslynd Laurie January 28
Verna Rose January 29
Joshua Shelton January 29
Tedd Munn January 30
JIm Simpson January 30

Happy Birthday to you!

( If you have a January Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
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