We have control over many things in our lives. When the world feels out of control and we want to blame, or crumble, remember that YOU are in charge of YOU. Here are some things you can control that are linked to your health:
Water Intake - Hydration
Nourishment (definition: the food necessary for growth, health, and good condition)
WIFI - You can turn it OFF. The emails don't have to be answered RIGHT NOW.
SLEEP - Look up what 'sleep hygiene' is and do it.
ACTIVITY LEVEL - You must move often.
SOCIAL MEDIA - if you're on social media, you are robbing from your time bank. Social media will harm your emotional wellness and steal from your creativity.
NEUROPLASTICITY - learning, growth, and reorganization of neural networks. Behavior Change & Brain Training.
WHO YOU ASSOCIATE WITH - Nurture relationships with those who are invested in your well-being. Listen, listen, listen to understand. Learn from them.
RITUALS - You have control over your daily rituals. Your values show up in your daily habitual activities. Talking to your kids at supper? That's a ritual. Not eating after 7pm? That's a ritual. Walk the dog and look up at the sky? That's for physical, mental, and spiritual health - a great ritual.
Show someone your daily routines, and your values will be exposed.
A RITUAL is a practice - a repeated, trusted activity. This could be journaling or praying or reading to your kids at bedtime. A positive practice that you can count on, that fills you up.
YOUR SPACE - Clean up your surroundings, remove clutter, and re-organize. Genius cannot happen in clutter.
WHAT YOU EXPOSE YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY TO - You are the gatekeeper...to the pantry, the news, the experiences, the schedule, the wifi.... what you decide to expose your mind to, will influence your choices. You are also in charge of what your kids are exposed to in your home.
KINDNESS - You have control over how you treat others. You don't know about what kind of hard things they've been through or they are currently going through. Be Kind - mind your own biscuits, and life will be gravy.