Mission Circle Newsletter December 2020
Bringing God’s Light and Hope  
Christmas Gift Drive December 1 - 20
Sharing the joy of Christmas by providing gifts for needful families is one of our favorite traditions at Mission Circle. We hope you will join us in making this a very merry Christmas for others!
This year, our Christmas gift drive will benefit local children whose families have been hit especially hard during the pandemic and to families receiving support from Interfaith Community Services.  Mission Circle partners with Interfaith Community Services each winter during our 2-week program hosting the unsheltered in the parish hall. .

What gifts should I buy?  Take a tag from the Christmas Tree when attending Mass at St. James or in the parish office, or click here for a list of suggestions: https://www.interfaithservices.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Wish-list-Ideas-for-Adopt-a-Family-2020-Version2.pdf

Where do I return the gifts? Return your unwrapped gifts to weekend Masses (place gifts in the box near the tree) or take them to the parish office during business hours, Monday-Friday 9am-4pm. Remember, if you take a tag from the tree, please attach it to your gift. There will also be a curbside drop-off on Saturday, December 19 from 2pm to 4pm by the Academy gates across from the hall.

When are gifts due?  Sunday, December 20

Questions? Contact program coordinators Julie Bishop jlcbish@gmail.com or Debbie Derderian at debbie@stjames-stleo.com
As always, we depend on your generosity and willingness to bring God’s light and hope to families in need. We pray that your faith journey during this Advent season brings you peace that prepares you for the joy of the coming of the Christ child…Emmanuel…Christ with us!  
St. Leo & Catholic Charities
Food Distribution
Distributions: Tuesdays & Wednesdays; 6:00-8:00 pm
If you are in need of food assistance or know someone who ispre-register with Catholic Charities at https://www.ccdsd.org/food-pick-up. If you need help registering, contact the Coordinators Raphael and Alicia Rodmel at drodmel@gmail.com or 858-688-1102.
Food donations greatly appreciated! If you are able to donate food to supplement the canned food provided by Catholic Charities, please bring your food donations to St. Leo Mission, 936 Genevieve St., Solana Beach, Tuesdays and Wednesdays by using the drive-thru between 6:00-8:00 PM. For the 70 families that are currently being served, they are especially in need of the following donations:
  • dried pinto beans            
  • white rice
  • pasta
  • fresh fruit
  • fresh vegetables
  • milk
  • canned foods
Cash and check donations to purchase weekly food needs are also greatly appreciated! Checks can be made out to St. James-St. Leo Community. On the memo line, write St. Leo Food Distribution. Donations can be dropped off at the parish office, or mailed to:
        St. James-St. Leo Catholic Community
        625 S. Nardo Ave.
        Solana Beach, CA. 92075

Thank you for your continued support of this program. Each family receiving food is very thankful and greatly touched by the generous hearts of our community.  Questions? Contact coordinators Alicia and Raphael Rodmel at drodmel@gmail.com or 858-688-1102.
Want to help make a dream come true?
Future Doctor, Karonive
The Mission Circle Futures Program is a dream-granting program. Futures provides qualified girls from Casa Eudes who are seeking a college education or vocational training with financial assistance and mentorship. Karonive has recently passed her medical school entrance exam to Universidad Xochicalco in Tijuana, Mexico. For more information about the program or to learn more about how you can help make her dream come true, contact our Futures Coordinator, Jessica Reed at jessreed@mac.com.

Get to Know Karonive….
From a very young age, I’ve dreamed of becoming a doctor. And thanks to the Futures Program, I feel that I will be able to achieve my goal. Thinking that I could prepare to help so many people has given me the motivation to work hard in order to achieve this.
MISSION CIRCLE is Grateful for Your Support
You made an impact this year….
Mission Circle is very grateful for you!  Generous donors like you made it possible for us to continue helping our neighbors in need during this unusual year. 

In 2021, when we are able to return to directly serving others, your continued support will benefit programs such as after-school tutoring, unsheltered families & individuals, food drives, college support for young women from Casa Eudes, prison ministry, and some new programs that are being planned with our new Mission Circle Board Members.

Your end-of-the-year, tax-deductible donation during this giving season will make an impact for those in need. We can’t do it without you!

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome, lacking clothes and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me." Matthew 25:35-36
Volunteer Opportunities
New Volunteers ALWAYS Welcome!