Trinity Episcopal Church
Trinity Episcopal Church 
8 March 2020
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Aumbry Candle Memorials
Many Dates Remain Available
Click here to download the Aumbry Candle 
Request Form
The Aumbry candle which burns  continuously
 in the Trinity Church chapel can be donated as a memorial to a loved one or as a thank offering for a nominal donation of $5 per week.  If you'd like to offer the candle, please contact the church offfice at 860-527-8133.  
Flower Requests
Many Dates Remain Available

Click here  to download the Altar Flower 
Request Form

If you would like to offer the Altar Flowers as a memorial or thank offering, please fill out the form printed in the bulletin insert send it to the parish office. Checks may be made payable to Trinity Church with "Flowers" written in the memo space. Be sure to fill out a form for your requests each year. (Suggested offering is $50).
Online Giving
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O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy: Be gracious to all who have gone astray from your ways, and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of your Word, Jesus Christ your Son; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
~~Collect for the Second Sunday in Lent   
Worship at Trinity
8:00 AM, Eucharist with Sermon and Hymns
10:00 AM, Eucharist with Sermon, Anthems, and Hymns 
The Rev. Frank Kirkpatrick, Preaching
The Rev. Norman MacLeod, Celebrating 
Thursday Noon Eucharist, 12 March, in the Chapel 
Time Change this Sunday
Adult Forum, Sunday, 11:30 PM
Responding to the Coronavirus.
Suzanne Blancaflor, long-time Trinity member and public health expert, will speak about the Coronavirus situation in general and about the ways in which we as a church community and as individuals can respond to it. This will take place in the library after the 10:00 am service.

A Message from Father Norman
The Coronavirus Epidemic and Trinity 
Christ calls us to love one another. Every day we learn more about the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. I believe our call to love includes taking preventive measures to help prevent the spread of this serious illness to our neighbors and ourselves. These are acts of Christian love and service.
Based on recommendations from our Bishops in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, in turn derived from medical experts, I announce some changes in our usual church practices. In addition, I urge everyone to follow the advice of the Centers for Disease Control regarding common sense personal hygiene.
As of this Sunday morning, until further notice, we will no longer offer intinction of the wafer into the cup at Communion. Because there is no way to prevent some contact of fingers with the wine in the cup by some who receive, this practice is believed to spread infection more than drinking from the cup. If your practice has been to instinct, and you do not choose to drink from the common cup, please cross your hands across your chest when the chalice bearer reaches you at the altar rail. It has long been the Church's belief that receiving Communion in one kind, either the bread or the wine, is full participation in the Eucharist.
At the Peace, please do not shake hands or embrace one another in our usual hearty way. I suggest making a different gesture of love and respect for your Trinity neighbor. Possibilities include making the peace sign, bumping elbows, bowing slightly, holding your hands behind your back. Make the alternative, less infectious gesture fun! When greeting you for the time being, I will not be shaking hands for the same reason.
We will provide hand sanitizers at the church. The CDC recommends their frequent use. The CDC also advises us to wash our hands as often as possible with hot, soapy water for at least 20 seconds. If you are wondering, that is about the length of the Happy Birthday song. This may be the most helpful practice of all in preventing infection.
Unless you are ill, I encourage you to keep coming to church. If you are still going out in public, going to church is probably less risky than going to a restaurant or the grocery store, and often healthier for both the body and the soul!
If you are ill, we will miss you, but please take care of yourself and others by staying home. Let us know if you want to be on the prayer list. Tell us if you want us to follow up with you.
As we know more about the spread of COVID-19, we may take further precautions in our life at Trinity. In this year's season of Lent, God calls us to greater awareness of how our actions can change the lives of others for good or ill. We do these things to live out the Great Commandment: To love our neighbors as ourselves.
In Christ's name,

2020 Sneaker Project Continues
This Lent Trinity's Brotherhood of St. Andrew will be collecting new sneakers for our Trinity Academy students. Tags with their requests are now available in the Baptistery. Please pick up a tag, purchase the sneakers, attach the tag to the sneakers and return them to the Baptistery by Thursday, April 9 (Maundy Thursday) to be blessed and distributed. Any additional sneakers received (including adult sizes) will be donated to clients of our Covenant to Care ministry through the Klingberg Foundation). Questions? Contact Bruce Wazorko at [email protected] or 860-707-5639 or John E. Robinson at 860-559-7483.

Dwight Lee Homegoing.  28 February 2020.
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday Offerings for the
Diocese of Jerusalem
Trinity will continue it's support the Diocese of Jerusalem for the Ash Wednesday (February 26th) and Good Friday (April 10th) offerings, as we have in years past. Unable to make it to church on those days? This gift can be received anytime during the Lenten season. Additional envelopes are available in the church. This contribution will also be designated for the Ahli Hospital, as we continue to add to our support begun in Advent.
During this holy season of Lent, remembering our brothers and sisters where our faith began is so important. Please make checks out to Trinity Church with AFEDJ (American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem) in the memo and put in the offering plate or send to the church office. The people of the Holy Land thank you! For more information, visit and click on "News."
~~Kate Smith for the Outreach Team
Altar Guild Members Needed
The Altar Guild is looking for new members for its ministry. Open to everyone, men and women, it is an integral part of worship at Trinity - preparing the altar for the Eucharist and cleaning up afterwards. Come to services a bit early and stay a bit later. To learn more, stop in the sacristy or contact Karin Peterson: 860-232-4409 or [email protected] .

Women Together
During Lent, Women Together will discuss The Time is Now: A Call to Uncommon Courage, a recent book by Joan Chittister, a nun and social activist. In it, she offers a guide to those who feel disillusioned and dissatisfied with the power-hungry institutions and systems of our world. The five-week series begins on March 3.

WT, which brings together women from several Greater Hartford Episcopal churches, meets on Tuesdays from 2:00-3:15 p.m. in the Reception Room at St. John's in West Hartford, and all are welcome. For more information, please contact Linda MacGougan or Anne Rapkin.

  Lenten Study
In the language of the Bible, the word "repent" means to "turn." Trinity's Lenten study this year will turn toward beauty, awe and wonder, led by the Rev. Norman MacLeod. These hours will be dedicated to remembering, seeing, learning about and celebrating God's Earth, of which we are made. We will explore and celebrate the glory of God as we see and know it in central Connecticut and beyond.
The study will begin Wednesday, March 4 at 6 p.m. in the Library, beginning with a meal of pizza. Each session will close by 8 p.m. Each week will have a theme.
March 4- Creation
March 11 - Earth
March 18 - Water
March 25 - Air
April 1 - Fire
Sign-up sheets in order to anticipate meal planning will be available Sunday, February 16. Don't know if you can make it? Not a problem; come that day. ALL ARE WELCOME!
While not formally part of the Lenten program, on Wednesday of Holy Week, April 8, Trinity will observe an Earth Tenebrae service at 7 p.m. Details will follow about this event, which looks at the suffering of the Earth by human hands through the lens of Christ's Passion.
Trinity Church, Friday, 28 February.
A Taste of Trinity
"A Taste of Trinity: Recipes from Around the World" is a wonderful cookbook with recipes from our parishioners, whose families hail from five continents!  While at this time  we are not selling it after worship services, it remains available.  Please contact Anne Rapkin or Percy Williamson if you would like to purchase one or more copies.
ALL PROCEEDS FROM COOKBOOK SALES BENEFIT KATERI MEDICAL SERVICES, which provide basic medical care in communities in need in Nigeria.
$15 per copy; $12 per copy for 3 or more

Deadline for The Voice of Trinity Article Submission     Friday - March 13

The deadline for the next issue of The Voice is Friday, March 13, at 5:00 p.m. This issue will cover Holy Week and Easter events (April 5 - April 12), plus all other events scheduled to take place in April and May.  
Please email your articles to [email protected]. When submitting an article, please be sure to include a title for it.
Please Continue to Help Trinity Academy with Our
Snack Campaign!
Trinity Academy feeds its amazing 40 students breakfast, lunch, and 2 snacks daily.
Please consider helping us by donating the following snacks:

Nutri Grain Granola Bars
Nature Valley Granola Bars
Animal Crackers
Graham Crackers
Honey Nut Cheerios Cereal
Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal
Goldfish Crackers
Applesauce Cups
Fruit Cups

Snack donations can be left off during school hours between
8 am to 5 pm daily
You can also view our
Amazon Wishlist (see here)
and have your donations sent directly to our school:
120 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT 06105
Crafting as a Spiritual Practice
North East Region Event
Saturday, 14 March, 9 AM -- 2 PM

Join the NE Region for a Crafting as Spiritual Practice Day on  Saturday, March 14 , at Faith Lutheran Church in East Hartford. We will gather in the morning for a time of deep reflection on Scripture and we will have the opportunity to create a meaningful craft that can help us have a deeper experience in Lent.  Space is limited to 40 people.

Please register   HERE   so that we have enough supplies for everyone.

Jewish/Muslim/Christian Tour: An Invitation
You are invited next Sunday, March 15th, when Muslims, Jews and Christians will eat together and meet in each other's houses of worship in order to learn about our three Abrahamic Faiths, traditions and stories.
11:45 am - Light lunch provided and tour of St. John's Episcopal Church
                   (679 Farmington Ave.)
12:30 pm - Walk a block to Congregation Beth Israel
12:35 pm - Tour of Congregation Beth Israel (701 Farmington Ave.)
1:20 pm -   Carpool to Berlin Mosque (1781 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin)
2:30 pm -   Depart Berlin Mosque
Please see the sign up sheet in Goodwin Hall, which must be completed by Friday, March 13 in order to give a headcount to St. John's. Please contact Fr. Jon Widing at 860-670-0778 with questions or for further information.
  Tenebrae, Wednesday, 8 April at 7 PM
In Holy Week, Trinity will offer a service mourning the loss of species by human hands in the modern era. This adaptation of Tenebrae will recognize the suffering and loss of these extinct species in the light of Christ's Passion. Readers will share poetry by Wendell Berry, a contemporary farmer-poet, proclaiming humanity's deadly treatment of nature and its effects on the human spirit.  Those gathered will also proclaim the hope we have in God as Creator and Redeemer to bring healing to our distressed Earth and all her creatures.  The service will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 8, at the church.  
This event offers the opportunity to mourn humanity's destruction of God-created fellow creatures, as Christians mourn the suffering of Christ in Holy Week.  The death of so many species have made some proclaim our era as "the sixth great extinction."  Over hundreds of millions of years, natural forces have caused at least five great extinctions. In the industrial era, human actions alone have destroyed species with new and implacable force. They continue to do so at the rate of hundreds each year.
The service of Tenebrae - Latin for shadows - dates to medieval times.  It prepares participants for the observance of Christ's Passion: his arrest, humiliation, torture, trial and execution. The usual Tenebrae includes psalms of lament, readings from the book of Lamentations and brief sung Latin anthems.  Wendell Berry's words will replace the passages from the Biblical Lamentations. In addition there will be a Litany of the Extinct, the chanting of the names of lost animal and plant species. Most extinct plants are known only by their Latin-based botanical names.  As in the traditional form of Tenebrae , in keeping with the theme of shadows, the candles and other lights in the church will be gradually extinguished.
This version of Tenebrae emerged in June, 2014 from the Pilgrimage for Earth, organized by churches in Vermont and New Hampshire, including Church of the Woods, Canterbury, New Hampshire.  The Pilgrimage looked at the suffering of the Earth through the lens of Holy Week from Maundy Thursday to Easter, culminating in an expression of hope that God's abundant love will give humankind the wisdom and will to preserve "this fragile earth, our island home."
Memorial Garden.
Maundy Thursday Service with Agape Meal, April 9th
Meal Sign-Up Goodwin Hall

Please join your fellow parishioners at Trinity Episcopal Church Hartford as we observe the feast of the Lord's Supper and foot washing. Please consider bringing a friend or another family. The service will this year feature a dinner of Chicken with Rice that Trinity prepares and serves at Loaves and Fishes each month.

The Maundy Thursday service will begin at 6:30 pm. The service will recall the meal as described in the Gospel of Matthew and we will remember Jesus' self-giving servant ministry of washing the feet of his disciples for those who wish to participate in that ceremony. The service will conclude between 8:00 and 8:30 p.m., and the children have no school on Friday.

For planning purposes, we ask you to sign up on the easel pad in Goodwin Hall, including how you might be able to help. We need parishioners to cook the meal, set up the sanctuary, final prep the meal, and serve. Everyone at the service lends a hand in cleaning up and resetting the sanctuary.
Choir School to Join Others in Concert

"Music is a way to dream together and go to another dimension." Cecilia Bartoli's insightful words speak of the infinite quality of music that links peoples and generations in a common language. With each performance, music becomes a unique adventure for both performer and listener.

In April 2020, Music for A New Day! will bring this statement to life in a program that creatively unites the talents of professional musicians, adult choristers and gifted youth. This intergenerational performance will include singers from CitySingers of Hartford, Consonare Choral Community (Storrs), and The Choir School of Hartford with accompaniment by organ, piano, harpsichord, strings and percussion.

Presented through innovative use of space, various combinations of choirs will join in a wide range of musical selections from the 16th through 21st centuries that reflect different national styles that have a place in our culture for the enduring message they bring. The program which includes classic works by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Antonio Vivaldi and Claudio Monteverdi as well as newer works by Canadian composer, Paul Halley, Japanese composer, Ko Matsushita, Latvian composer Erik Esenvalds, Indian-American composer Reena Esmail and American composer, Morten Lauridsen. The eclectic mix of music and diverse collection of performers will create an engaging and inspiring event for all ages!
SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2020 - 4:00 pm
523 Hartford Turnpike,
Vernon, CT 06066 860 - 872-0517
Voluntary Offering - Suggested Donation: $10
SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 2020 - 4:00 pm
120 Sigourney Street, Hartford, CT

The Jack Spaeth Care for Creation Environmental Grant - Accepting Applications!
The mission of the Jack Spaeth Care for Creation Environmental Grant is to encourage innovation and to empower members of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut to educate, witness and invite change in our congregations and communities with the goal of embracing a global vision of climate justice and preserving and celebrating God's creation.

Grant applications are due by April 3rd and grantees will be announced April 22nd.  Learn more about the grant here.

Weekly Calendar

Sunday, March 8th   The Second Sunday in Lent
       8:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist- Church
       9:00 A.M. Choir - Rehearsal in Church
       9:00 A.M. Brotherhood of St. Andrew - Library
     10:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist - Church
     10:00 A.M. Godly Play - Classroom 3
     11:30 A.M. Sunday School
     11:30 A.M. Responding to Coronavirus - Library
     11:30 A.M. Confirmation Class - Rector's Office
       3:00 P.M. Alcoholics Anonymous - Huntington Hall
       6:00 P.M. Narcotics Anonymous - Huntington Hall
Monday, March 9th
       7:30 A.M. Trinity Academy
       6:00 P.M. CC Steering Committee - Library
Tuesday, March 10th
       7:30 A.M. Trinity Academy
       6:00 P.M. George Beach Eucharist - Offsite
       6:00 P.M. Chorister Rehearsal - Choir Room
       6:45 P.M. Choral Evensong - Choristers
Wednesday, March 11th
     7:30 A.M. Trinity Academy
     6:00 P.M. Lenten Series
     7:00 P.M. Property Team Meeting - Conf. Room
     7:30 P.M. AA
Thursday, March 12th
       7:30 A.M. Trinity Academy
       11:00 A.M. Al-Anon - Outreach Room
       Noon - Noon Eucharist - Church
       6:00 P.M. Chorister Rehearsal
       7:00 P.M. Choir Rehearsal
       8:00 P.M. Alcoholics Anonymous - Huntington Hall
Friday, March 13th
       Deadline for Voice submissions
       Office Closed
       7:30 A.M. Trinity Academy
       7:00 P.M. Narcotics Anonymous - Huntington Hall
Saturday, March 14th
       10:00 A.M. Alcoholics Anonymous - Huntington Hall
         7:30 P.M. Narcotics Anonymous (Mt. Sinai)
                           Huntington Hall

Memorial Garden.