Retreat Details
Regarding Empowerment
Sangye Khandro will not be giving the empowerment during this retreat. However, beginners are welcome to attend if they have intention to get the empowerment in the future -- and are encouraged to make plans to receive the Troma Nagmo empowerment from Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoche in July at
Orgyen Dorje Den.
Attendees are encouraged to register as early as possible.
Deadline is January 26th, 2020.
Once registered, you will receive email confirmation
with important details and instructions.
Suggested fee: $190 entire event / $60 full day / $30 per session
(No one turned away for lack of funds).
Orgyen Dorje Den
2244 Santa Clara Ave
Alameda, CA 94510
Retreat Sponsorship
If you would like to help sponsor this year's Troma Nagmo retreat, your offerings of any amount will support and assist practitioners, teachers and Orgyen Dorje Den's continuing efforts. You can
make an online tax deductible donation here.
Or send your donation to the ODD address above. If mailing a check, please note in the memo "2020 ODD Troma Retreat" and thank you for your generosity!
We look forward to a wonderful retreat hosted by
Orgyen Dorje Den