Eagles in Action
3rd Grade Eagles in Action 2021
3rd Grade is learning that Jesus is in all things (Colossians 1:17) and that includes our Eagles in Action service project in August and September. During the school year, 3rd grade will use chapel offerings to purchase non-food items each month for the LaGrange Area Food Pantry that Snap or Link cards don’t cover like toothpaste, shampoo, soap, deodorant, or toilet paper, to name a few. We will keep you posted on the items we purchase in the WINGS. Thank you for helping us serve in our community and share that Jesus is in all things!

Parents, Teachers, and Students are all important parts of our school family, and we wouldn't be successful if we didn't work together. To that end, all families are required to complete five (5) hours of volunteer service. Any family receiving financial assistance from St. John's Lutheran School will be required to complete ten (10) hours of volunteer service. Those families not completing their hours by May 13, 2022 will be charged a fee of $250.00.

Suggested ways to volunteer (not an all-inclusive list)
Any PTO event (i.e. Book Fair, Sock Hop, hot lunch [classroom parties excluded])
Basketball Tournament
Teacher task: cutting, labeling, etc.
FUNdraiser auction

Other opportunities will arise throughout the year and will be posted in Wings or your classroom newsletter.

Volunteer Opportunities are available for Trivia Night!
Please contact the school office if you are able to help. school@stjohnslagrange.org
Children's Choir Sings
This Sunday, September 26
during the 10:45 am Worship Service
All 1st-4th graders are in the Children's Choir.
Students should arrive at 10:30 am, and go to the music room for a warmup. They will sit with their families during the service, and be called up front when it's time to sing.
We congratulate the following students for earning Accelerated Reader Certificates:

Super 5: Diego Santiago
Advanced 1: Isabella Zaragoza, Mason Zeman
Advanced 3: Adeline Schmidt
Star 2: Katie Wozniak

Keep up the good work!
School Picture Days
Picture Day is Tuesday, October 5th.
Retake day is Friday, November 19th.

More information will be sent home closer to the date.
Did you know you can add extended family members to the emails from Artsonia? Here’s what one grandparent says about it:

Why this Grandma loves Artsonia
I can see my grandchild’s artwork when our busy lives keep us separate
I can ask my grandchild about his projects when I see him
I can purchase surprise gifts for my grandchild with his artwork on it 
I can buy items for myself with his artwork (good quality!)
I can support the art program at his school
I can leave encouraging comments for him about his artwork.
I can ask for the original artwork and frame it 
The site is easy to use!  
 Customer service is excellent if you need to call with a question!
Artwork remains on the site so there is no deadline for ordering
Thank you!
Thank you to all who came out for the Pet Parade last Saturday! We had a ball sharing our Eagles' spirit in the community with our Eagle mascot, Angel the Comfort Dog, and many school families. We look forward to the 76th Annual Pet Parade next year!
Charleston Gift Wrap Fundraiser begins
Thursday September 23rd
More information to follow!!!
Join the fun!

Saturday, November 13, 2021
Doors Open at 6:00 p.m.
Trivia Starts at 7:00 p.m.
St. John’s Lutheran School Gymnasium

General Trivia
Teams of 8 players
Fee: $100 per Team/Table of 8

Teams are encouraged to decorate their own table
and bring food and beverages.
Book your table now! Send checks to school office labeled "Trivia" to reserve your space. Limited tables available.
St. John's Ministries
Find more information about the following exciting events:

You can access that email via the button below:
Tuition Reduction Incentive Program!
Earn money towards next year's tuition! And support our school! Use the RaiseRight app now! September is almost here! Time to start shopping for cooler weather clothing to get ready for fall! If you just plan on dining out or treating yourself, take time to evaluate your shopping needs and order your TRIP cards! If you are hosting or attending any gatherings, start your shopping with TRIP cards. 

Please text me (Amy Buonassissi) if you have an order & are coming 630-290-0268
   OR if you would like to connect with me somewhere before the order is due.

We will be placing TRIP orders for your shopping needs on these upcoming dates:
September 27
When using the RaiseRight app, you can order eGift Cards to immediately download to your mobile device! In the drive-thru line at Starbucks, or the checkout line at Mariano's? Order an eGift card and it will be ready by the time you are ready to pay! Need to make a Target run? Download an eGift card to use at the store! Learn more about the RaiseRight app hereRaiseRight App
To obtain your personal user login and password, contact Amy Buonassisi: TRIP@stjohnslagrange.org