CCC News
Updates from the Christian Conference Center in Newton, Iowa
March | 2021
Volunteers Needed!
Work Retreat
April 16-17-18
Have you missed volunteering? Are you ready for some time on Holy Ground? Come join us for our semi-annual work retreat at the CCC! Help us get caught up on projects so that we're ready to welcome campers in June. Projects will include: Stone Chapel bench remodel, brush clearing, Chi Rho Country Derecho damage cleanup, sand volleyball court construction, replacing siding on the Main Lodge, and more. Registration will begin at 8:00 am Friday and Saturday. Work projects will continue Sunday if needed. Come for part or all of the weekend.

Lodging and meals will be provided free of charge for all volunteers! New this year: Friday and Saturday night campfire fellowship and Sunday morning worship led by our regional ministers. Email or call the CCC office at 641-792-1266 to register.
Picture Above: Grand Campers working on the cabins in 2015. You're never too young or old to volunteer!
What's Going on Around Camp
The CCC staff has been working hard on upgrades around the facility since the beginning of the pandemic. Most projects were funded by existing donations. Take a look at some of our improvements!

The fireplace in the College Avenue Worship Center (CAWC) was embellished with rustic beams and stone work.
The staff installed sound panels in the CAWC gym to help the sound quality for large events and camper recreation time.
The Putt Putt Course got lined with brick and will be re-mulched at Work Retreat.
Stone Chapel benches are being replaced with new lumber. This will refresh our beloved chapel before wedding and camp seasons begin.
Camp Wish List

  1. Hammocks for new Peace Park ($40 each, 10 needed)
  2. 16 or 18 inch chainsaws, Husqvarna or Steel preferred, new or used ($300)    
  3. Log splitter, new or used ($1,500)     
  4. New plow for snow removal ($2,000)
  5. Oven vent hood for kitchen fire safety ($5,000)
  6. Campbell Hall Carpet ($6,000 needed, $2000 raised already)
  7. Park Grills for cabins ($150)
  8. Camper Scholarships ($220 each)
  9. Lily Pad for Wolf Lake ($500)
  10. New knives and knife sharpener for CCC kitchen ($275)
  11. Ceiling fans for Oelwein Room and Lecture Hall ($100 each, 6 needed)
  12. Camp Store remodel ($500 approximate cost)
  13. Dishwasher racks for glasses ($15 each, 8 needed)
  14. Stackable washer/dryer for McKee Retreat House ($750-1500)
  15. Duvet covers for Lodge Rooms ($100 each, 25 needed)

Current Volunteer Needs

  1. Single volunteer or group to replace siding on the back of the Main Lodge
  2. Chain Saw Volunteers to help clean up Derecho Storm Damage in Chi Rho Country
  3. Someone with Plumbing Experience to help install a triple sink in the CCC kitchen
  4. Fix it Skills Volunteer to help repair CCC sign in front of the Main Lodge
  5. Summer Camp Counselors for children's ministry and youth ministry camps. Counselors volunteer for one week at a time.

Girl Scout Gold Award Project
One of our campers, Cecelia Gordon, wanted to update other friends of the CCC about her Girl Scout Gold Award Project. Cecelia's family spent many hours removing the rotten wooden border around each golf hole and replaced them with brick (picture above) last fall. The next step is to redo the mulch throughout the course. She is seeking some additional funds to complete the project before summer camp begins. Below is a letter from Cecelia.


My name is Cecelia Gordon. I am an Ambassador in Girl Scouts and I have been blessed with the opportunity to complete my Gold Award on Christian Conference Center grounds where I have attended camp each year since the second grade. I have many happy memories from camp, but the mini golf course is special to me. This is why I chose to spruce it up for my project.. Last fall, my family and I replaced the wood on the golf course with bricks and cleaned each section up. With money earned from cookie sales and some generous donations, we were able to purchase about half the mulch needed to make it really beautiful. If you feel called to help me finish this project, any amount will help me reach my goal.

In His love,
Cecelia Gordon"

To give toward Cecelia's project, click here.
COVID-19 Update
The CCC Camp Reopening Team has been working hard to make summer camp a safe and meaningful experience for campers, volunteers, and staff. The team is made up of CCC staff, regional staff, counselors, directors and parents. The Camp Reopening Team has recently published their guidelines for the 2021 camping season. All campers and volunteers will be asked to adhere to our Covid-19 protocols while on the grounds. Volunteers will be trained on these procedures before camp.

Our guidelines were informed by the Center for Disease Control, the American Camping Association, and the Association of Disciples in Outdoor Ministry. To view a complete list of our mitigation efforts, click this link. If you have other questions about our reopening guidelines, please reach out to Tiff in the camp office.
Summer Camp Dates and Info. at a Glance