Now Accepting Applications for the 2022
Immigration Law Bar Prep Scholarship
The State Bar of New Mexico Immigration Law Section will award one (1) third year law student. Students who have an interest in practicing immigration law and/or have experience in immigration law or with immigrant communities are encouraged to apply.

Requirements for the scholarship are listed on the forms. All applications are due by Friday, Oct. 29.
If you have not enrolled in a student membership with the State Bar of New Mexico, you are welcome to do so here. With your membership you will receive the electronic version of the Bar Bulletin and State Bar eNews (the official eNewsletter of the State Bar of New Mexico) as well as notifications of activities from the Young Lawyers Division and any practice section or committee you would like to join. In addition to these notices, you may attend Center for Legal Education live seminars free of charge.
If you have any further questions, please contact Member Services at