School Bus
September 2022 Newsletter
Welcome back to school!
I hope you are faring well. I know this year has been particularly rough in light of Covid-19 and the Delta variant. My daughter-in-law is a teacher and I'm thankful she has a supportive principal. If you are working in a school, I hope you do as well.

Win 50 autographed books

In a small effort to bring a little cheer, I'd like to pass along a box of 50 books my agent sent me since she is moving her office. Sign up before October 14th for a free virtual reading on November 10th (during Fall Children's Book Week) or on WRAD (Feb. 2, 2022) to be entered to win.
I'll be virtually visiting with the Cascades Library in Leesburg, Va. on September 18th. Check Facebook for a link this week.
As a Kentucky girl, I was tickled to be asked to chat on Blabbing in the Bluegrass. You can check it out below. If you live near Evansville, IN, hope you'll stop in at the Barnes and Noble to get a signed book.
Constitution Week is September 17-23 every year.
 Here's a quick video I created a few years ago about the constitution.
Ben Woodward was the kind of guy who always put you at ease. I met him annually at the Kentucky Book Fair and he always made me feel at home even when I was surrounded by strangers. He was an author who never ceased to be giving and thoughtful. I will strive to be more like him. He's pictured above with myself and Marcia Thornton Jones.
Ted Lewin will be remembered for the many books he illustrated for his wife, Betsy.

A podcast came out yesterday called Blabbing in the Bluegrass. It was a fun chat with someone from my hometown. It was a walk down memory lane with thoughts from my childhood, as well as how I began writing. You can also win hardback copies of my newest books, Sleepover at the Haunted Museum and Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots graphic novel. Good luck and happy listening!
Debbie Dadey | Phone | Email | Website
School Bus