Community Conversation

Please join us for our weekly remote Food Coalition Community Conversation, where we will learn about "InstantPot Cooking".

Date: Wednesday, December 9th, 2020

Time: 2:00 - 3:00 pm Mountain Time

Looking for new ideas for dinner as the holidays approach? Cooking under pressure has come a long way since the days of your mother/grandmother. Modern day appliances, like the brand InstantPot, make pressure cooking much safer and easier. Join Nicole Clark from La Plata County Extension to learn the basics of using an InstantPot. Plus, you'll receive recipes and resources to help you when you're on your own. If you already have an InstantPot, make sure it's near you during the presentation so you can learn through practice. You'll also need 2 cups of water available. 

Call in Number: 1-669-900-9128 Meeting ID: 844 3128 3863