Dear NVCT Family,
In these incredibly uncertain times, we’ve all been forced to re-evaluate our priorities and take care of what matters most – our families and our health. And as so often happens during difficult times, it’s the constant of the great outdoors that rejuvenates us, provides a needed release, and is where we find ourselves. I’ve gotten my three sons out in parks and open space almost every day these last several weeks, and it’s been critical to their continued education and development while out of school. 

Wild, open spaces are in many ways the only safe place outside of home that we can enjoy, and as spring emerges, we are reminded that as the seasons change, these trying times too shall pass. 

Due to COVID-19 and the concerns surrounding the well-being of all Northern Virginians, we are practicing good social distancing. This includes having our staff working remotely, cancelling many events, and limiting all person to person interactions by choosing emails and phone calls to stay connected.
Ritchie and Rory Rowsome throwing rocks into the Potomac River.
But that doesn't mean we aren't getting outside, or better put, needing to be outside! I’m sure you feel the same way. Let’s just make sure that as we all utilize our parks and open spaces (where they are still open), that we are being extremely cognizant of others and the health of our natural areas. Our outdoor resources are being stressed like never before and they can only remain open if we respect their health too. That way, nature can continue to provide all of us with a much needed respite during this stressful time. 

How are you keeping close to nature while social distancing? Maybe you’ve got a lot more time to focus on gardening this spring and could plant a native pollinator patch in your yard. Perhaps you’ve decided to go visit some of Northern Virginia’s amazing parks that never seem to make your list when the world is turning at breakneck pace. We’d love for you to share your photos and stories with us and you may just see them on our social media channels!
Best wishes and continued good health to you and yours,
Alan Rowsome
Executive Director,
Northern Virginia Conservation Trust

Have you got a few minutes?
We want to hear from you! Complete this survey to help NVCT understand what conservation issues you care about most. We are always striving to find the best ways we can stay connected to you while saving nature nearby. With your help, we will have enough information to prepare for our future projects targeting your main priorities in conservation. We are looking forward to learning how we can best serve you and your community through our conservation work in 2020 and for generations to come!
New Boardmember Spotlight: Phil Klingelhofer
Why did you want to get involved with NVCT? I believe we must protect natural space from the development that is overwhelming northern Virginia.
What is your favorite outdoor activity? I am a lifelong hiker, runner, and gardener. I am also a full-time birder and started my life list when I was five.
Where do you live? I live in Arlington, VA, backed up against one of its larger wooded parks.
One Goal you have for yourself with NVCT this upcoming year.
I want to fully understand NVCT and what opportunities there are for doing more for the environment within the constraints of increasingly urban northern Virginia.
How to Plant a Pollinator Garden
Social distancing this spring? It's the perfect time to work on your garden and making a difference from your own yard! Check out this story from Arlington Magazine on planting a pollinator garden. Read More
If you bought tickets to our cancelled spring event, "An Evening In the Garden" now is the time to convert your ticket to a donation to help preserve Northern Virginia! Email us at or call 703-354-5093 for more. We look forward to seeing soon you when we can safely celebrate conservation in Northern Virginia.