Dear Friends,
Despite all the craziness in the world, we have lapped up the beautiful autumn in New England this year. Covid restrictions have forced us to be more creative with our outdoor and exercise times & we've exploring new trails and other places not far from our home, feeling ever grateful for the healing balm of time in nature.
One proven antidote to challenging times is cultivating a posture of gratitude. As contradictory as it sounds, when we're feeling beleaguered-- looking for, cultivating, and naming specific things for which we are grateful, goes a long way to helping navigate and mitigate even these most uniquely tough times.
Gratitude has a positive impact on everything from strengthening your friendships and relationships, to improving your physical and psychological health, to the quality of your sleep, and your sense of happiness and life satisfaction. Gratitude also reduces the tendency to be aggressive and seek revenge while building a deeper capacity for empathy.
Gratitude grows self-esteem and allows you to more genuinely celebrate other people’s successes. Those with an attitude of gratitude show enhanced resilience, which allows for bouncing back more easily from challenges and hard times, a quality we all could use a little bit more of these days. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, may we all lean into the people, experiences and things for which we are grateful!
This fall brought novel school offerings for many families and I have written below a piece about those kids who are thriving at home and how one little girl is fairing. There is a detailed description of one particular constitutional homeopathic type described. See what you think!
One thing we are both especially grateful for is our work, our many patients, and our students and colleagues from across the globe. Thank you for being part of our world!
From our home to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!
Amy (& Paul)