As we anticipate and celebrate a God that breaks into our world, a God that draws us near, and draws near to us, “Where has God come near you?”
Friday, December 11, 2020

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:19
He offered them what they needed.  Food and nourishment, sustenance, and strength.  A better way and a stronger life.  But they were hesitant.    
Eventually, a few approached and fed off his offering.  Yet, they did so nervously, taking their very least, then hastening away.  He waited for others – believing, knowing he could help – but questioning – why not come?
Perhaps the message of his riches went unshared.  Or too good to be true?  Maybe too many had lived too long fending for themselves instead of changing and taking a risk – a risk that includes vulnerability and openness.
It took time, but gradually they came.  One by one, then two by two.  Responding in joy, the beneficiaries of his offering sang and shared.  So, too, he smiled.    
The birds really like the new feeder.  God is near me through its most welcome guests. 
The metaphor of God’s gift to us birds of the ground is a simple one that we often make difficult.  
“I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day that I have set before you life and death, and the blessing and the curse;  therefore, choose life that you may live.”  Deuteronomy 30:19
How God must be watching, wondering why we choose less when he offers us more – freely, openly, and lovingly.  But he lets us select, for we gain from our best choosing and grow from our worst denying.
In the ‘70’s movie, Oh, God! God, in the form of George Burns, visits a grocery clerk.  In explaining life’s challenges, he says that every up must have a down, every top must have a bottom, every in must have an out. 
It is all about balance.  And balance is all about our choosing – choosing better, choosing life, choosing the free seeds.  
My new bird feeder, like God’s love, is an unconditional offering.    
Choose the seeds.  Choose the seeds of life.  And, if you’re not hungry right now, plant the seeds and let them grow in God’s love. 
Dear God, I thank you for your limitless blessings and for your unconditional love.  As my act of gratitude, let me offer the same to men and children, friends and strangers, animals, and birds.  Amen
William Bolick