Issue 10 | March 26, 2021
Number of Days Until Legislative Session Ends: 66
In this issue:
  • Vegas Chamber Virtual Legislative Day
  • Vaccine Information for Employers
  • Legislative Bill Updates
  • Washington, D.C. Fly-In 2021
  • Recover. Rebuild. Reinvent Nevada Together: BizPAC
Vegas Chamber Virtual Legislative Day
Tuesday, April 6 | 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
The Vegas Chamber will host its Biennial Legislative Day on April 6, 2021. Due to the State Legislative Building being closed as a COVID-19 measure, this event will be held virtually.

As leaders of the Vegas Chamber, we hope that you will be able to join us virtually to advocate on behalf of Nevada's business community. Attendees will meet with constitutional officers, legislative leadership and legislators.

If you have any questions or need additional information regarding the virtual legislative day, please contact Erica Valdriz at or call 702.245.8465.

NOTE: This event is open to President's Club members, Advocacy members, Board of Trustees, and Government Affairs Committee members.


Vaccine Information for Employers
Southern Nevada Health District recently announced that restaurant, hospitality and food service workers will now be eligible to receive the COVID vaccine, along with individuals 55 years of age and older who have underlying health conditions.

Since that time, it has also been announced that all Nevadans over the age of 16 will be eligible to receive vaccinations as of April 5.
Go to to schedule a vaccination appointment and check out the full list of eligible employees and employers.
Legislative Bill Updates
Assembly Joint Resolution 5
Urges Congress to sell or transfer certain public lands to local governmental agencies and nonprofit organizations.
Legislative Summary: AJR 5 addresses a number of federally held parcels of land, many of which are under a current lease from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). These parcels of land are often limited in their use by the terms of the lease, despite being practically administered by the various local government entities throughout the state. This resolution urges Congress to release certain specific parcels fully to the control of the local government entities and specified nonprofits currently providing various public services from the facilities located on the land. 

The Vegas Chamber is in support of AJR5, and has supported various other public lands bills which would transfer federal land parcels in Southern Nevada to various state and local governments, as well as non-profit and private organizations to allow for economic growth and development. 
Primary Bill Sponsor: Assembly Committee on Natural Resources
Position: Support

Assembly Bill 45
Revises provisions relating to insurance.
Legislative Summary: AB 45 relates to the Division of Insurance and the expansion of the powers of the Commissioner of Insurance as it relates to licensees. The bill would allow the Commissioner to terminate a license without a hearing. The licensee would be allowed to request a reconsideration on the termination from the Commissioner of Insurance.

The Chamber is opposed to the bill because of the lack of due process for a business as it relates to a licensee being terminated at the discretion of the Commissioner of Insurance before a hearing is conducted.
Primary Bill Sponsor: Assembly Committee on Commerce and Labor
Position: Opposed

Assembly Bill 207
Provides that certain businesses which offer goods or services through an Internet website, mobile application or other electronic medium are places of public accommodation.
Legislative Summary: AB 207 as introduced expands the definition of “place of public” to include any online establishment, which is defined as a business, this includes both profit and not-for-profit, which offers goods or services to the general public through an Internet website, mobile application or another electronic medium in Nevada.

The Chamber opposes the bill because of the broadness of the definition and the concern of how it would be determined that an online establishment would be in violation of existing state law as it applies to equal access and protections. 
Primary Bill Sponsor: Assemblyman Howard Watts
Position: Opposed

Assembly Bill 240
Revises provisions governing mining.
Legislative Summary: AB 240 addresses the current regulatory structure that governs the permitting and operations of exploration and extraction operations within the state. As written, AB 240 proposes to dissolve the Department of Minerals and the Commission on Mineral Resources, moving their operations and authority under the aegis of the State Department of Conservation and the State Environmental Commission.

This would remove long standing continuity of experience on the regulatory side governing mineral exploration and extraction in the state, potentially undermining both the efficiency and efficacy of the permitting and regulatory process that exists today. Under the current system, Nevada has one of the strictest and most efficient regulatory schemes in the country, while simultaneously managing to adhere to one of the most effective environmental mitigation plans in the world.

The Chamber is opposed to AB 240, as it would have negative effects on the efficiency in operations and permitting of mining in the State. 
Primary Bill Sponsor: Assemblyman Howard Watts
Position: Oppose 

Assembly Bill 319
Establishes a pilot program relating to dual credit courses.
Legislative Summary: AB 319 provides for the establishment of a pilot program that would allow additional collegiate access for working class families by focusing on dual credit courses made available through Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) institutions to high school students. AB 319 also provides for the funding of this pilot program by setting up an account designed specifically to accept charitable donations to cover operational costs. 

The Chamber is in support of AB319 as it provides more educational opportunities for students. This is also a Southern Nevada Forum priority.
Primary Bill Sponsor: Assemblyman Tom Roberts
Position: Support
Assembly Bill 330
Establishes provisions governing occupational training and licensing.
Legislative Summary: AB 330 ensures that participants in secondary or postsecondary educational training programs receive all eligible certificates and credits toward any other certificates. This bill also works retroactively to provide credits to those who have already completed courses.

The Chamber is in support of AB 330 as it supports students preparing for career and college ready opportunities.
Primary Bill Sponsor: Assemblyman John Ellison
Position: Support

Senate Bill 184
Revises provisions relating to the practice of medicine.
Legislative Summary: SB 184 is intended to streamline the process of licensing and credentialing for qualified care providers wishing to work in the state of Nevada. This bill provides the authorization of the Board of Medical Examiners to issue licenses to qualified individuals who have graduated medical school and completed residency outside of the US or Canada. Additionally, this bill provides additional legal flexibility for Physicians Assistants to provide emergency care under certain supervised circumstances. 

SB 184 is a Southern Nevada Forum priority. This includes streamlining the licensing process for caregivers and increasing the number of qualified caregivers within the state.

The Chamber is in support of SB 184.
Primary Bill Sponsor: Senator Joseph Hardy
Position: Support
Senate Bill 209
Revises provisions relating to employment.
Legislative Summary: SB 209 pertains to the use of paid leave for private sector employees for COVID-19 vaccinations and conduct a study on the Nevada COVID-19 response and make recommendations for future public health crises. The bill would require private employers to provide up to four additional hours of paid leave for employees to use specifically to get their COVID-19 vaccine on a temporary basis.

The Chamber is neutral on the bill as public health officials and employers are promoting vaccine efforts with employees as more groups become eligible through the state’s vaccination plan. Employers are currently working to offer onsite vaccine clinics and greater flexibility with scheduling for their employees so they can receive their COVID-19 vaccine.
Primary Bill Sponsor: Senator Fabian Donate
Position: Neutral 

Senate Bill 218
Makes various changes relating to property. 
Legislative Summary: SB 218 makes several changes to law concerning landlord tenant relations and legal obligations. This bill directly addresses fees, security deposits and legally mandated grace periods for late payment of rent. The provisions as written would dramatically extend the timelines for inspections by landlords and restrict items that security deposits may be used to repair. 

The Chamber is opposed to SB 218 as the provisions above will increase both the cost and liability of landlords, and will likely result in a reduction of rental housing as investment property owners are incentivized to sell rather than continue renting their houses. 
Primary Bill Sponsor: Senator Julia Ratti
Position: Oppose

Senate Bill 229
Revises provisions relating to the practice of pharmacy.
Legislative Summary: SB 229 would allow for the use of collaborative practice agreements (CPAs) as it relates to a pharmacist. The bill would define the patient care functions that pharmacists can autonomously provide under specified conditions outlined in a CPA. The bill would also remove restrictions of a patient being referred by a practitioner and remove restrictions when patients need to receive care in a medical facility.

The Chamber is in support of the bill as it will help improve access to care, expansion of services, increase efficiencies, and coordination of care as it relates to patients.
Primary Bill Sponsor: Senator Julia Ratti
Position: Support

Senate Bill 310
Makes an appropriation to the Nevada System of Higher Education to enable the College of Southern Nevada to assist and carry out the NV Grow Program.
Legislative Summary: This bill extends the appropriation for the Nevada Grow program. The Nevada Grow program provides small businesses with data driven metrics to market their brand both physically and digitally with a history of high returns on investment.

The Chamber has supported appropriations to the program since its inception because it helps minority owned businesses.
Sponsor: Senator Dina Neal
Position: Support 

Senate Bill 326
Revises provisions relating to providers of healthcare.
Legislative Summary: SB 326 directly addresses the ability of licensed caregivers in various states to receive a license to provide telehealth care within the State of Nevada. This bill would allow a streamlined process for medical professionals in good standing to receive their reciprocal license within the State of Nevada to practice telemedicine. 

SB 326 is a Southern Nevada Forum priority. The Chamber is in support of streamlining the licensing process for caregivers and increasing the number of qualified caregivers within the state. 
Primary Bill Sponsor: Senator Joseph Hardy
Position: Support
Washington, D.C. Fly-In 2021
Monday, Sept. 20, 2021 - Friday, Sept. 24, 2021
We look forward to welcoming back our guests to an in-person experience at our annual Washington D.C. Fly-In, in partnership with the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance, from Sept. 20-24.

This year, Chamber and LVGEA members will have the opportunity to attend the Washington, D.C. Fly-In in-person or virtually to interact with our federal policymakers from the comfort of their home or office. The Fly-In will offer a variety of meetings with decision-makers and policy experts throughout the week and receptions to build relationships and strengthen existing connections with Congressional leadership.
Whether it is online or in-person, we are ready to give you an overview of the app, events, and answer any questions you may have about the policy meetings during our Fly-In this year. Most importantly, this will be a great opportunity to get to know your fellow chamber members attending the Fly-In either in person or virtually.

Early Bird Pricing/Registration Fees: Now – Aug. 1, 2021
  • $1,495 In-person Policy Registration per person
  • $649 Virtual Policy Registration per person

Early Bird Spouse Program Registration Fees: Now – Aug. 1, 2021
  • $895 In-person Registration per person
  • This does not include any of the policy briefing, think-tank discussions or congressional meetings.
  • Virtual attendance is not available for the Spouse Program.


Recover. Rebuild. Reinvent Nevada Together: BizPAC
Recover. Rebuild. Reinvent Nevada Together is BizPAC’s campaign to ensure that the business community’s needs are well represented in the 2021 Legislative Session. By contributing through the Recover. Rebuild. Reinvent Nevada Together initiative, you are helping to ensure that the individuals serving in office support Nevada’s employers and employees. With your support of BizPAC, you are uniting with other business leaders in demonstrating to candidates for public office that the business community in Nevada is actively engaged in the political process and are willing to stand against onerous bills that will hurt the business community.
Through BizPAC, a bipartisan political action committee, the Vegas Chamber:
  • Supports pro-economy policymakers
  • Works to protect laws that support the business community
  • Ensures your interests and concerns are kept in front of elected officials
  • Champions legislation that supports economic growth and job creation for the state

To learn more about contributing to BizPAC or sponsoring an upcoming event, please contact Erica Valdriz or 702.245.8465, or click here to donate now.
Additional Legislative Resources
Vegas Chamber
Information is subject to change