Coronavirus Information
Dear EBI Families,
On Tuesday, February 25th, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) gave a press conference updating the country on the current status of the coronavirus (COVID-19), and what steps should be taken moving forward. As the CDC emphasized, there is not currently a coronavirus pandemic in the United States . A pandemic occurs when a disease is spreading from a variety of sources across a large region, and the number of cases across the US is still small.

Given how quickly the global situation is evolving, we are continuously monitoring new developments and reevaluating our steps and actions daily. We want you to be assured that EBI is taking all possible precautions. Our leadership team is monitoring this situation and collaborating with local and national peer schools through the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) and the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), as well as consulting with health agencies and our risk and crisis management advisors. We have existing safety and health plans and protocols, and we are prepared to make any modifications necessary should the need arise. Please note that we are also looking ahead and evaluating the impact that the coronavirus could have on spring travel, upcoming school trips, and other non-typical school activities. We will communicate any needed changes as they are determined. 

We encourage you to continue with some best practices as a family to avoid spreading any infection: cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when sneezing or coughing, wash your hands with soap and water often, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water is not available, and stay home if you are feeling sick (we ask you to refer to our family handbook for more details on managing student illness). We have placed additional hand sanitizers and antibacterial wipes at the different touch points across both campuses: all classrooms, all bathrooms, cafeteria, playgrounds, and reception areas among others, to assist during daily school activities. 

It is important to remember that handling the spread of a virus like the coronavirus is primarily a task for public health agencies. Any directives from the World Health Organization, CDC , or local governmental organizations should be followed. Here are some additional resources to help you and your family stay even more informed as we move forward:

In times like this, we are particularly grateful for the strength and togetherness of this community. Please know that we will continue to keep you informed in a timely manner.

Thank you, and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


Paola V. Clark, Ed.D.