Hi there Joseph,

There’s something about cool rainy days. For many, they evoke feelings of staying inside sitting with a good book or maybe heading to the movies to catch a flick.

Overall, we think about comfortable things and usually just staying indoors.

It often doesn’t make us think about being active, working out or lots of outdoor stuff. And why is that?

Well, it’s probably that this weather isn’t very motivating and we don’t feel like doing those things.

But, if you think about it, that’s actually a strange way to approach something so critical to your health and well being like exercise.

We don’t stop caring for our children or pets because we don’t feel like it. And we don’t go driving around on flat tires or stop taking life-saving medicine because we don’t feel motivated either.

A large part of this is because motivation can be overrated. It’s great at times to get started, but what happens when that “new and exciting” feeling wears off? Or on those days (or weeks) when we don’t feel like it?

Are we going to jump from thing to thing (or gym to gym) to keep things "interesting?" For many of us that has been our lifelong problem with not seeing results: never sticking with something. 

Is Motivation Garbage?!?

We wanted to share with you two videos (one is the short version and the other is the full version) of an idea we share here quite often. In fact, we have passed these videos along about a half dozen times since summer alone.

This idea is that largely, motivation is garbage. Some of you may have already seen this video and even read her book, but Mel Robbins has become one of our favorite speakers. We have read her book and have shared her ideas with countless members here.

The quick video is here: 


The full version is here: 


These talks as well as her book, “The Five Second Rule”, illustrate a simple idea to help take back control of our lives in super small and easy steps. 

Something we preach often at Park Fitness is that the most important thing you can have is consistency. It tops everything including intensity. 

This is why every time we hear someone tell us at Park Fitness, "I've never been a gym person before Park Fitness, and now I am", we could not be more flattered and humbled. 

Sticking with your fitness, being consistent and making it a habit over just going when you "feel motivated" is what gets us to our goals. 

So be sure to check out one or both of these videos on this cooler rainy day. Feel free to even put your feet up and pour a cup of coffee go along with it.

Have a great rest of your day!

Digital high fives,

Danny and Joe

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