The latest information for your Destination Imagination team!
South Metro Tournament 2020
Tournament Schedule

Here is the program for the South Metro Tournament. We've had a couple necessary changes. If it involved your team you would have been contacted directly. Please make sure all parents, friends, school admin, etc have a copy of the program. We will not have any printed at the tournament.

Mobile Scoring

We are entering a new era of paperless scoring. This year all scoring will be done on mobile devices and sent directly to the score room. We are very excited about this, the amount of paper we were using every year was ridiculous. After trying it out at Globals for two year it is now coming to the regional tournaments.

What does this mean for you?

When you come to pick up your scores, approximately one hour after your performance time, the Head Appraiser will show you the raw scores on a tablet. Once they have covered everything with you and the team, you will sign off on a signature area and the raw scores will then be emailed to you. You will still receive the paper with the sticky notes from the appraisers - because we know those stickies are super important to the kids!

After the Awards Ceremony

In the past we hand back packets with all the raw scores, your paperwork and most important where you placed with all the other teams in your challenge. This year we won't be handing back anything. Instead the final scores will be posted on the wall outside the gym after the Awards Ceremony is over. Additionally, scores will also be posted no later than 7:00 pm on the DI web site . (On the Home Page click on the Regional Scores photo) or click here: Regional Scores . We do want to warn you, it is much easier to read on a tablet, large phone or computer. Smaller cell phones tend to cut off information. You can also see where teams throughout Colorado have placed. Remember... different appraisal teams score differently so the numbers mean very little.
Team Manager Meeting Notes

If you were unable to make the Team manager meeting on February 18th, here are the meeting notes: Feb 18 TM Meeting
Rising Stars

Instant Challenge

All Rising Star teams will have their Instant Challenge directly after their performance. One Team Manager is allowed to go into IC with them (trying to keep this as much like the competitive challenges as possible!) Meanwhile we ask that the remaining team parents take all props, sets, etc out to their car. Plan to meet your team in the cafeteria.

Party and Awards Ceremony

Party - South Metro has a Party to celebrate everyone making it to tournament. This party will begin in the gym at 4:00 pm - until the Awards Ceremony begins. There's games, dancing, music and generally a lot of fun. However, if you have a sensitive child this can be a lot. Please monitor your kids to make sure no one is melting down.

Awards Ceremony - The Rising Stars will be asked to meet Susan Stirrup in the hall about 10 minutes before the Awards Ceremony begins. They will begin the ceremony by parading around the gym, ending up in front of the crowd. Team Managers are invited to parade with their team. They will receive their Rising Star medals and lead the entire group in the Tooty-Ta. Rising Stars are welcome to head home at this point, we know it's a super long, high energy day for them.
General Expectations


We know this is a competition, but we expect to see everyone supporting different teams throughout the day. We have teams that come a long distance and have very few supporters able to attend. Please stay for their performance and cheer them on. Talking badly about another team or any other forms of poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated from team members or adults. Unsportsmanlike conduct deductions can be given to a team at any point.


If we spot interference happening at any time we will give you one warning. If it continues we will talk with your Challenge Master. We understand that adults are as nervous as the kids and its easy to just reach over and fix something. But really... you don't want to be the reason the team loses points.

South Metro Ice Cream Pins

If you've been in DI for any length of time you know pins are kind of a big deal. Every year we send our order in adjusting our timing for Chinese New Year when no one works. What we didn't plan on this year was a nasty little virus shutting down the factory for an additional month. Currently, they are saying we will get our shipment on March 6th but we all know how questionable mail from China can be. Fingers crossed! If you ordered pins and they haven't arrived we can either refund your money or we will get them to you once they get here. Sadly, our pins are a big source of revenue for South Metro so we may not be able to offer much support to teams going to Global Finals.

However! We will have the Regional Turtle pin which is part of a set of 4 pins! The other 3 pins can be found at other regional tournaments or traded for at the state tournament.
South Metro Destination Imagination