April 10 & April 13
In observance and Good Friday and Easter, DeSoto ISD will be closed on Friday, April 10 and Monday, April 13, for a student & staff holiday as previously scheduled in the 2019-2020 Academic Calendar. The district will resume operating virtually on Tuesday, April 14, 2020. 
Board Meeting Citizen Comments Move Online
Due to health and safety concerns related to COVID-19, DeSoto ISD Board Meetings are conducted by videoconference and/or telephone. Citizens wishing to address the Board of Trustees during a Board Meeting must complete this form at least 2 hours before the start of the Board Meeting. During the Board Meeting, your comments will be read aloud and recorded. In addition, trustees will receive a copy of all comments.

Superintendent Message: Mental Wellness Check-in
I hope everyone is continuing to remain safe, healthy and in good spirits during Dallas County’s Shelter-In-Place ordinance. As we approach the extended Easter weekend, I hope you will take this time to rest, reflect and refresh. I have been reading a great deal about how we can set ourselves up for success during this time and want to offer my encouragement and a few takeaways to help you as you develop a plan to create balance for yourselves and enhance social and emotional wellness while at home.

Grab & Go Meal Days Change
The week of April 13-17 will be the start of Monday/Thursday Meal Service days and will continue that way for the following weeks. However, since we are closed on Monday, April 13, the meals will be served on Tuesday, April 14 (Due to Monday’s holiday closure) and Thursday, April 16.

Town Hall Tuesday Series
DeSoto ISD invites the community to engage with the upcoming Town Hall Tuesdays at Noon series, a new weekly, mid-day virtual dialogue set to take place every Tuesday in April via the Zoom virtual meeting platform. We invite participants to submit questions beforehand to be answered during the meeting.

District Celebrates Its Assistant Principals
The role of assistant principals is critical to schools and communities. National Assistant Principals Week aims to recognize the value and contribution of these outstanding professionals. As we recognize the significant role assistant principals play in the overall academic achievement and success of students nationwide, DeSoto ISD takes pride in honoring the impact assistant principals have on the success of schools across the country.

DeISD Hosts Virtual Town Hall Providing COVID Updates
DeSoto ISD hosted its first of the series of four, virtual Town Hall Meetings on Tuesday, April 7, 2020. During the meeting, hosted by DeISD Chief of Staff Sonya Cole-Hamilton, members of the community were updated on several topics as it relates to the COVID19 pandemic and how the district is moving forward. During the meeting, the City of DeSoto’s Public Information Office, Kathy Jones and the City of Glenn Heights’ City Manager, David Hall joined to provide updates on their respective cities.