Children, Youth, and Family Ministries Update January 2020
Upcoming Events
Christian Ed Volunteer Commissioning | Jan. 12
Youth Visit to DC/National Cathedral | Jan. (Date TBD)
Lightshine Choir Performs at 8:45 a.m. Service | Jan. 26
Parish Parent Meetup | Feb. 15
Youth Host All-Parish Mardi Gras Bingo Night | Feb. 23
Grace & Holy Angels Choir Performs at 8:45 a.m. Service | Feb. 23
Join God's Saints for Christian Ed Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
What does it mean to be a saint? Being a saint just means being a friend of God, and every Sunday God's saints at Grace & Holy Trinity gather upstairs to learn about the friends of God that came before them. Friends in PreK - Grade 5 meet in Room #6 for a lesson and activities while our Youth (Grades 6-12) meet in Room #5 for Doughnuts & Discussion with Meredith and Billy McGuire. From saints of the ancient Church like Patrick and Augustine to modern day saints like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Oscar Romero, God's saints in our parish and from around the world join together every Sunday. Questions about joining in our saintly journey? Aaron Davis would love to talk to you.
Children's Chapel at 8:45 & 11:00 a.m. in the Chapel, Volunteers Needed
Each Sunday at 8:45 and 11:00 a.m. children (PreK - Grade 5) are invited to join together in the Chapel to worship and learn with one another before heading back into the sanctuary for Eucharist. The 11:00 a.m. session was formerly upstairs but will now meet in the chapel downstairs like the 8:45 a.m. session. Each week we sing, read Scripture, study God's Word, and pray together, but this would not be possible without some help from our great volunteers. Volunteers help keep kids focused, assist in leading chapel, and getting involved is easy. We currently need volunteers to help at 11:00 a.m. and sign-ups can be found here . If you have any questions please reach out to Aaron Davis.
Events Coming Up for Youth
Our Youth Group (Grades 6-12) has a number of fun events coming up over the next couple of months to put on your radar. In January they plan to visit our nation's capital and the National Cathedral (date TBD), host an All-Parish Mardi Gras Bingo Night in the parish hall (February 23), and have a camp out together in March (date TBD). For more on these upcoming activities or questions about getting involved just talk to Jodie Pully or Neely Dykshorn.
Getting into a habit of reading Scripture and praying daily can be hard to start and keep up with when doing it on your own. Where do we start? What do we say? How do we even begin? Thankfully, our friends at Forward Movement (a ministry of The Episcopal Church) are here to help with Daily Prayer. Each day Daily Prayer offers a short Scripture passage to read and brief meditation that take no more than a couple minutes. Give this free resource a try in your own spiritual life either online or with a printed copy available for free at the church.
Thank You for Supporting our Christmas Pageant
This year we were delighted to have more than 30 children involved in our annual Christmas Pageant. The pageant was held in a special, single service at 10:00 a.m. on Dec. 22 which drew over 200 people. Many who had not seen the Christmas Pageant in years expressed their happiness about watching our parish's children tell the story of Christ's birth and we are grateful to all who helped make this year's pageant happen. Many thanks to everyone who supported the pageant this year through participation and attendance, and we look forward to doing it all again with you for Christmas 2020.
Volunteer Commissioning Jan. 15 at 8:45 & 11:00 a.m.
Our Christian Ed offerings for children, youth, and families would not be possible without the faithful ministry of our great team of volunteers. Please join us in honoring their service to our parish through a public commissioning of them as teachers and leaders during the announcements at the 8:45 and 11:00 a.m. services this Sunday.
Next Parish Parent Meetup Feb. 15
Our meetups for parish parents are back in just a few short weeks on Feb. 15. Throughout the fall parish parents have been meeting up at parks and playgrounds around the Richmond area with their children for fun and fellowship (with coffee and doughnuts provided for any who want them) and these events are kicking back off in the new year. The next meetup will be at Grace & Holy Trinity on Feb. 15 from 9:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m. and we would love to have you there. Please RSVP here and let Nick Sollog know if you have any questions.