You can't escape the news. COVID-19 (aka "Novel Corona Virus") is real. The best way to stay healthy is to be healthy. Everything we know says you'll do better against almost any disease if you're taking good care of yourself. Riding a bike can't stop you from getting COVID-19, but it might help you get over it easier and faster. Plus, cycling is one of the few "group" activities that isn't likely to increase exposure to the virus. Let's face it; if you're riding closer than 3 feet to another cyclist, you're too close anyway!
At Chain Reaction, we're doing our part to create a safe shopping environment. We're sanitizing touch points, minimizing physical contact (if looking for a touchy-feely experience, that's not us right now!) and keeping on top of retail "best practices" for your health and safety. And ours! Part of that means keeping our doors open even when cold outside, so on a colder day, you might want to wear a light jacket. But, you don't have to touch a door handle.
Unfortunately, COVID-19 is affecting normal day-to-day operations in our mechanic area. We have not had an instance of the virus among our staff, but if someone's got a cold they don't get to "tough it out." They stay home. Combine that with our very mild "winter" and we have a substantial backlog of repairs. We apologize for the inconvenience and will do our best to rise to the occasion.
It's not "business as usual" but we will be sending out promotional emails focused on product you can use to help you feel better about, well, life in general. The next few months are going to be very difficult for all of us. We're fortunate that we're in a business supplying a needed product that has use for both commuting (you're pretty safe from disease cycling in open air) and recreation (protecting your mental health). Together, we're going to get through this.
Thank you from Becky, Lexi, Kevin, Sonia, Karen, Roger, Jose, Don, Steve & Mike