Word of the Week
January 21, 2021
From The Pastor
Still Moving Forward!
After a great weekend with our family in Georgia, it's great to be back. Many thanks to Pastor Gary, Phillip Brown, and Linda Allison for leading worship this past Sunday! Though I wasn't floating in a pool, or still in my pajamas, it was nice to be able to attend virtually on a 65" TV with our GA family (though it still isn't the same as being there!). This Sunday we will continue our series encouraging us all to "make the most of each day!"
By the way, we are slowly beginning to hold some new and safe opportunities to participate in ministry. As you continue to read your WOW, you'll see announcements for Life Line screening, our remote version of Cornerstone's Wonder Walk, volunteering at Christian Social Services, and so many other opportunities to be involved in ministry. I know that so many are still going stir crazy, but these are very safe opportunities to be able to make a difference in our community. Please pray about how God may want you to be involved!
I can't wait to worship with you this Sunday, but until then please continue to pray for and call/connect with your Harvester Family members, and know that I will be praying for all of you in love!!
Pastor Russ


Connect with Harvester


To see additional Harvester Information click on our website link   http://www.harvesterumc.com/


For Online Giving click the Harvester link above and look for online giving in the upper right-hand corner.

From Pastor Gary
Have you ever been given a responsibility you weren't really expecting or maybe even wanting. As many of you know, we inherited a puppy when Daisy (my stepmom) got injured/sick and my dad wasn't able to take care of her. Kahlua never really liked us. When we would go to visit, she would growl and bark until they finally got her calmed down. She really was a "Daisy" dog until Daisy went to the hospital and then she became my dad's dog. When my dad went into assisted living, we took over ownership. It took her a while, but now she really has grown to love us. She has really become a "Gary" dog now. Holly can love and pet her all day, but when I come home, I am the one she wants to be with. It is entertaining the way she goes crazy when I open the door.  
Isn't it interesting that we sometimes can go a long time through life and then life throws something at us we weren't expecting. Sometimes we realize that we just can't do things by ourselves and we look for ways to feel better. In Revelation 3:20, Jesus says, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." In Jesus' day, if a neighbor showed up hungry, you just fed them. Sharing a meal began a covenant relationship. When Jesus offered to share a meal, it may have been a foreshadowing of the Messianic banquet.
When something in your life causes you to make changes you weren't expecting, do the best you can to cope. It may even require you to ask for help. When Jesus comes knocking at your door, invite Him in and watch your life change. When the unexpected happens, then rely on Jesus to give you help and your life will change drastically and soon you will be helping others in the same way.
Go and Make Disciples
Pastor Gary


Children's Ministry

Rules for Life: Play Well. Finish Strong.
Responsibility is showing you can be trusted with what is expected of you.
Proverbs 6:6-8
Share with each other what you think your "work" is. Solomon says that a wise person doesn't need a lot of reminders to work hard and throw all their effort into a project. Instead, they get the reward of a job well done. What do you think is your reward when you put good effort into your work? Pray that you would find joy in putting your heart and sole into work. 
Take time as a family to memorize scripture: "Suppose you can be trusted with something very little. Then you can also be trusted with something very large." Luke 16:10a
Don't forget to check out our Facebook Family Page and our video lessons on YouTube.

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." 
1 Timothy 4:12   

Sunday, January 24th 
Activate! Youth Group 
Harvester's Youth Group meets in person on Sunday       evenings from 5:30-7pm in the Youth Room. It is open to all Middle School and High School Students. Come join the fun and weekly activities and don't forget to bring your face mask! For more information, contact Pastor Russ at revmckee@aol.com. 
Youth & Parents: Join our Instagram  @harvesterstudents  to keep in touch, and up to date on Activate Youth Group happenings!

Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings will be at Harvester THIS Wednesday, January 27, 2021.
Ultrasound screenings to identify risk factors for Cardiovascular disease include; Carotid Artery (plaque buildup-a leading cause of stroke), Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (an enlargement or weak area in the main blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body), Peripheral Arterial Disease (hardening of the arteries in the legs), a Heart Rhythm Screening (an EKG to detect Atrial Fibrillation-irregular heartbeat) and an Osteoporosis Risk Assessment for men and women. Being proactive about your health by knowing your risks helps you and your doctor address problems early.
Register online TODAY at www.lifelinescreening.com/communitycircle  or call 1-866-229-0469 to receive your discount and preferred appointment time.  


Cornerstone Family Ministries is hosting it's 41st annual Wonder Walk on Saturday, March 6 from 9:00-noon starting at Harvester UMC and walking north along Collier Parkway to Hale Road and back. 
All proceeds will go to support scholarships for disadvantaged preschool children attending the Rosa Valdez Early Learning Center and Lab School in Tampa. 
Our goal is to raise at least $4,464 which will pay for 2 scholarshipsIf you are interested in participating as a walker, sponsor or to create a basket for the online silent auction, contact Ruth Reilly at rreilly12@verizon.net
or 813-215-9227. If you're interested in making an online donation or to register as a walker go to the Cornerstone Family Ministries website and click on the Support our 41st Annual Wonder Walk button. https://cornerstonefamilyministries.org/ 


HELP! The Trustees need your help. Does anyone have family, a neighbor or a friend that may have access to a bucket truck? We have an issue with the rope holding our flag and need someone to come by and run a new rope thru the pulley at the top of the 30' pole. It is a 5 minute job and we would be glad to pay them for the favor.
Please let me know or have them contact me at   galexander00_2000@yahoo.com or (813) 994-2538  
George Alexander

The 2020 Giving Statements are available for pick-up at the church. Any statements not picked up will be mailed by February 1st. Thank you for your continued gifts that support our wonderful church!


"Make a House a Home" Thank You
On Thursday, January 14 Harvester volunteers and Pasco Homeless Coalition Staff delivered a bed and 2 carloads of essential household items to a formerly homeless couple in New Port Richey. This faith based effort "Make a House a Home" is in collaboration with the Pasco Homeless Coalition's bold initiative to permanently house 225 homeless individuals/families over the next 3 months. It is hoped that at least 100 other churches in Pasco County can join Harvester in participating in the blessing of helping homeless people set up housekeeping in a permanent home.
Thank you to everyone at Harvester who donated essential household items or assisted in the collection/organization of items in support of this formerly homeless couple in New Port Richey.
If you are interested in donating items, volunteering to support this effort or are aware of other Christian churches or groups that would like to participate please contact Ruth Reilly at rreilly12@verizon.net or 813-215-9227.


The 2021 Altar Flower Chart is on a bulletin board in the church hallway. You can sign up in memory or in honor of someone. You can also contact the church office and we can sign up for you. We get our beautiful flower arrangements from Publix each week and the cost is $25. Those providing flowers are encouraged to take them home after worship to enjoy.


Florida Conference
Lay Servant Ministries Classes
Accountable Discipleship: 
Living in the Household of God.
Online via Zoom - March 9 - April 6, 2021
Five Tuesdays from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Instructor: Rod Groom
This course may be taken by anyone interested in living as a follower of Jesus Christ in loving accountability with others. For those who have taken the Basic Course and wish to become a lay servant, lay speaker or lay minister, it may be taken as an Advanced Course for certification or recertification. Accountable Discipleship is how disciples of Jesus Christ live in God's household. It is the living of God's "household rules" in their daily lives. When asked, Jesus told us that these rules can be summarized as loving God and loving our neighbors. Looking at our biblical and Wesleyan heritage, the author shows us how we can meet the challenge of personal discipleship in loving connection with others, whether in Covenant Discipleship groups, Emmaus Reunion groups, cell groups or other small groups in the church.
Course fee: $25.00 to be paid at time of registration. Please have a Bible, notebook and pen convenient next to your computer. It is recommended that for class work, you use a Windows or Mac computer, and download the free Zoom software in advance.  You must complete all sessions to receive course credit. Materials: Please purchase and read the book prior to class. The book is entitled Accountable Discipleship: Living in God's Household, by Steven Manskar. You may purchase it at Cokesbury or Upper Room Books.
Click below to register for the ADVANCED COURSE.  
Credit card payment will be required upon registration.
Deadline for registration is 3/1/2021.
Contact Rod Groom for any questions you may have at: rod.groom@icloud.com.

We are preparing our 
2021 Offering Envelopes

Many in our congregation are giving online but if you would still like to receive a box of 2021 Offering Envelopes, we will gladly get you a box. Please email us at harvesterumc@verizon.net if you would like us to add you to our order.  


OCC Shoebox Update!

Our shoeboxes have gone to Republic of the Congo and The Country of Chad! We've been to Chad before, but Republic of the Congo is new for Harvester! Shoeboxes are still being processed, so there's a chance we might have boxes that haven't shipped yet. Please continue to check for where your boxes have gone so we can update the map in the hallway. You can use the following link to the Follow Your Box Look-Up Tool:
Janet Sass
OCC Project Leader


Church Historian needed for Harvester!
Are you organized and creative, interested in our church's history, have the ability to gather information from various resources and have a servant heart? Then Church Historian could be the position for you!

We are seeking a volunteer to help to continue to maintain our church records by documenting, collecting and preserving materials from our activities, events, milestones and anniversaries! Much of the information is already provided to you through our weekly email newsletter the WOW and bulletin.

Collecting the information and coupling it with materials and/or photos would be all you need to be successful. If you are interested or would like more information, contact the church office at 813-948-2311 or harvesterumc@verizon.net or contact Cindy Kitchen at kitchen.family@verizon.net.

Students in Transition 
(SIT Food Bags)

We are currently packing food bags each week for the children at Marlow Elementary who are at risk of going hungry over the weekends. 
We are collecting individual pudding cups, pop tarts, fruit cups, applesauce, cheese & crackers, peanut butter & crackers, cereal bars, crackers, small canned chicken with pop tops and Vienna Sausage. (Individual peanut butter cups are not needed at this time.)

Thank you for your support!

Ushers & Greeters Needed

 Volunteers are needed at the 9am in person church service on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in serving, contact coordinators Lloyd and Claire Evans at 813-991-4523 or email them at d0naldduck9@yahoo.com or nunclaire@yahoo.


Prayer for Harvester 
We will be meeting through Zoom
Contact Pastor Gary if you would like to join 
this group at ghallam517@aol.com 
Pastor Gary is leading a prayer group in praying for Harvester every Thursday evening at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom. Everyone is welcome. Please join us.  
Here is the Zoom information you need.  If you need help, please call Pastor Gary at 813-727-5556 and he will get you set up.  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6141448568?pwd=Q0RkeXFZelhRdmtONy9mb3k2eXpIdz09

Meeting ID: 614 144 8568
Password: 164573

Room Availability At Harvester  

Any Ministry Team, Bible Study Group or anyone needing to reserve a room, multiple rooms or the church property, please contact Sheila in the church office to confirm availability and to schedule your meeting and/or event at harvesterumc@verizon.net or (813) 948-2311

Watch our Sermon's Live on Sunday mornings 
You can watch even WITHOUT your own facebook account!

No Facebook account? No problem! Click the link below and watch our Sermon's live on Harvester's Facebook page at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings or tune in later to watch the video. 

Just click the link the link above and it will take you directly to the Harvester facebook page. To the left of the screen, click on "Videos". Then it will take you to our most recent sermon's. When you click on the most recent video, in the bottom right corner on the video screen, there is another volume button. Make sure it is all the way up. 
Virtual Attendance Pad
Now on the Harvester Web Site!

Help us to still keep track of our attendance at the 9am live streaming service.  

Just click the link and it will take you to the Harvester web site
Scroll down a little bit and click on the purple tab that say "Let Us Know You Were There" 

Then type in your name and information then hit "Send"  ! It's just that easy!

If you have any trouble at all, email harvesterumc@verizon.net or call 813-948-2311.


Thank you for your faithful giving!
Attendance, Tithes and Offerings

In Person Attendance Sunday, January 17.........23
Online Views Sunday, January 17.........................281
         Operating Received Sunday, January 17..................$6,921.00
            Operating Received Year to Date.........................$15,405.00
            Operating Year to Date Budget..........................$25,378.83


Thank you to Joanie Einemann and Eloisa Garcia for packing up the SIT bags each week that go to the children in need at Marlow Elementary. We appreciate your time and effort!

Thank you to Joanie Einemann for helping out in the Church Office each week. You are truly a blessing!

Thank you to Gail Herrin, Jerry Rowan and Nancy Taylor for all the time and effort you put in at Beverly Sheffield's former residence sorting, cleaning and packing things up. It's a really big job and we are thankful for your servant hearts.

Thank you to everyone that donates food for our weekly SIT Bags (Student's In Transition food bags.) The children greatly appreciate them. 

Thank you to Denny Johnson, George Alexander and Lloyd Evans for helping with various work projects around the church and grounds. We appreciate all of you!
Church Office Hours

Office hours are Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 3:30 pm.  Contact Sheila at 813-948-2311 or email harvesterumc@verizon.net with any questions, concerns or needs.  

As you all know, I mostly work from home but do keep some office hours at church. If you should need to get into the church for any reason, feel free to contact me and I can get there quickly. The best way to contact me is my cell 813-857-2602.


Congregational Care For 
Our Harvester Family
Our Congregational Care Team leaders are  Deborah Alexander (813-994-2538) and co-chair Sandi Newby (813-996-2825). If it is an emergency and you need someone immediately, call or text Pastor Gary at 813-727-5556. Please feel free to call the church 813-948-2311 anytime day or night for things that don't need immediate attention. As soon as someone is in the office, they will return your call or forward your message to the appropriate person. The church office hours are 8:00 am - 3:30 pm Monday through Thursday. 


Like us on Facebook!!
Harvester has several new groups on Facebook, so check them out!

Harvester Women - Sisters in Spirit 

Harvester Youth - Activate

Harvester Kids - Children's Ministry  ***this is a closed group - meaning that only members will be able to see the information in it for the safety of our children -- but all you have to do to be a part of it is request to join -- there are 3 questions (are you a member/regular attendee of Harvester?, What Harvester Children's activities have you/do you plan to attend?  What ages are your children? Once the admin approves it, you will have access to the pages.

Church Library 

Our Church Library is available for everyone to use! Stop by and check out some materials and feel free to borrow what you like! We have a really nice collection. 
Harvester APP
You can now download the Harvester App  through the App Store for either Apple or Google! Search: HarvesterUMC
With our App you can:
View previous sermons
See our church calendar
Find out more information about HUMC
Submit a prayer request
Make a donation
Read the Bible
Receive updates about Harvester
And so much more!
Be sure to turn your notifications on to receive messages from the church.

Worship Times &
Sunday School



Sunday Mornings


9:00 a.m. On Campus 

Worship &

Live Streaming


Nursery is not available 

at this time.



Upcoming Message

Sunday, January 24, 2021

In Person Church and 
Live Streaming at 9am 

Sermon Series: 
"Moving Forward"

"Making The Most 
Of Each Day

Scripture: James 4:13-17   

Pastor Russell O. McKee III

Youth Schedule

Sunday, January 24, 2021
 Activate! Youth Group

Church Contact

(813) 948-2311

Web Site

Russell O. McKee lll

Family Ministries Pastor
Gary Hallam

Worship & Creative Arts
Phillip Brown

Administrative Assistant
Sheila Fitzgerald
Nursery Coordinator
Christina Monette

Director of Children's Ministry
Kristina Nast