Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Meditation Moment
From the Pastor ....
Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
 (Colossians 3:12)
A memory recently came up on Facebook that brought a smile to my face. It was a picture of a book club I was a part of years ago. We read incredible literature. Usually there was only one or two of us that always read the books each month. Everyone knew that this was a safe group to feel loved, process life, and enjoy delicious desserts. This was a community of grace and acceptance. It was a judgement free zone.

All of us were Lutherans raised in Minnesota—except for one curious member. Dawn moved to Minnesota from Arizona. She never knew what a “Lutheran was,” until she met us. She was skeptical that God existed and she had a negative experience in a church. Over the course of four years of book club, Dawn asked excellent questions about the faith. Those of us in this group were fascinating to her. We were a living example of the love of Jesus in the world. Today—Dawn can say with great clarity—that she believes in Jesus. She is so grateful for this gracious community that showed her what God’s love looks like.

This same community of grace and God’s abundant love is also found at Our Savior’s. It is so apparent how authentic and loving each of you are to each other and to those beyond the church walls. May we each be reminded today that the love of Jesus heals us and has great capacity to transform the world. Who is a Dawn in your life that is waiting to read the pages of your story? How might your words and actions reveal the love of God to them? Trust that God’s light does shine through you. The world is brighter because of your presence.
Keep shining!
Faithfully ~ Pastor Karna

This Week at Worship


January 24, 2021 at 9:00 AM (online) 
Message: Pastor Karna Moskalik
Special Music: Pastor Keith Lentz

Annual Meeting at 10:00 am 
Join Zoom Meeting at 9:50 am
Meeting ID: 824 7517 1543
Passcode: 420703

Online services found on Facebook or at
Missed a Live streamed service? 
Watch it later from our website under

OSLC Board Update
OSLC Annual Meeting

Our annual meeting will be held via Zoom on Sunday, January 24, at 10:00 am.

Please plan to join the Zoom meeting starting at 9:50 am so we can start the meeting at 10:00 am.

Questions or need help with zoom? Please email info@oslcstillwater.org and we will respond with assistance.

The annual report can be found under "What's Happening" on the church website. If you wish to pick up a printed copy, they are available at the church and can be picked up during the week between 9 am - 1:00 pm. Just call Andy Peterson, OSLC Facility Tech, at 651-703-2509 and he will let you into the building to get one.

Topic: Annual Meeting
Time: Jan 24, 2021 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 7517 1543
Passcode: 420703
Care of Creation Tip
In gratitude, caring for God's Air, Water, and Land

Reuse, Repair, Repurpose - Textile Wastes
Old clothes and other fabrics being discarded in landfills grew from about 6 million tons in 2000 to more than 11 million tons in 2017. Those numbers don't include amounts that were recycled or burned for energy recovery. "Fast Fashion," which is less-durable, fad clothing, drove much of this increase with cheap costs that encouraged a throw-away attitude.

You can help eliminate these piles of old clothes by buying well-made clothing in classic styles that you can REUSE for years and not discard at the end of the season. If clothing has been outgrown, it can be given to RESALE centers such as Goodwill and Salvation Army. When clothes become worn or torn, you can take needle and thread to them to REPAIR them for further use, even if that means relegating them to "work around home" status. (Which is just fine for Zoom meetings during the pandemic.) If the clothes are beyond repair, you can cut them up to REPURPOSE them as patchwork-quilt material, as material for home sewing projects, or as cleaning, painting, and car-repair rags.

 A lot of "just one persons" working together can accomplish mighty things. ~ A message from your OSLC Care of Creation team.
Children & Family Ministry
Meal Train
The Jacksons new baby Devyn has arrived! Please see the meal train if you are interested in providing a meal for their family.
2021 Camp WAPO

Camp Wapo registration will be open starting February 1. They will hold our spots until February 28. Our dates for Youth and Sr. High (grades 4-12) are June 27-July 2. Seeds (grades 1-3) dates will be July 8-10 and we have 6 spots available. Please sign up via their website. Please note our number of spots have been reduced due to Covid.
Looking for donkeys or ponies!

Please let Darla know if you have a connection to someone who rents out donkeys or ponies. Email: darla@oslcstillwater.org
Parish Nurse
COVID Vaccine

When you become eligible for a COVID Vaccine, I encourage you to talk with your provider about the vaccine and for help getting an appointment. I am happy to help with general vaccine questions if you have them! For specific information about your situation or your appointment, please reach out to your provider!

Rachel Sass, Faith Community Nurse
651-439-5704, ext. 109
Thank You!
I was reflecting on this past year last night - and like everyone else, our lives changed very drastically in a blink of an eye. The support and love that we have received in the past 11 months from friends, family, neighbors and our church community has been heart warming. I have been so touched by the phone calls, text messages, emails, gifts, and meals from Our Savior’s members. Thank you for all the love. We are looking forward to the day we can hug and thank everyone in person at church. 
Again thank you for showing us God’s love.
Always ~ Lyndsay Jackson
Ongoing Information
Materials Available to Pick-up at the Church

  1. Offering envelopes for 2021
  2. 2020 Annual Report

Stop at the church Monday-Friday from 9 am - 1:00 pm and call Andy Peterson, OSLC Facility Tech, at 651-703-2509 and he will let you into the building.
Valley Access Schedule for OSLC Services
The time for Our Savior's Lutheran worship services to be shown on Valley Access are:
  • Friday -- 3pm, 9pm
  • Saturday -- 3am, 9am
  • Sunday -- 7pm
  • Monday -- 7am
Times and links for "The Story" Bible Studies

Meeting times via Zoom are:

Sundays at 10 AM
Meeting ID: 836 8598 3451
Passcode: 445362

Wednesdays at 10 AM
Meeting ID: 885 6134 1573
Passcode 396795

Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
Meeting ID: 884 3321 7362
Passcode 399686
2021 Altar Flowers

If you are interested in sponsoring altar flowers in 2021, please contact Kathy Newton at info@oslcstillwater.org. The cost is $35.00 and payment is due when you request a date for flowers. Please mail payment to OSLC with "Altar Flowers" in the memo line. Thank you!
Request for Prayers and Support
Everyday joys and sorrows...Once in a lifetime joys and sorrows. Your brothers and sisters at Our Savior's want to support you. Email or call Pastor Karna Moskalik or Rachel Ross with any of your needs.
Board Updates
To view church board minutes, please Click Here!
Giving Opportunities

Hassle Free, Secure Online Giving

By registering on the Our Savior's Giving Page, downloading the GivePlus+ mobile app, or texting 833-970-0714, you can make a one-time gift or set up a donation that will process automatically on a recurring basis. Recurring donations are convenient for you and provide our church with much needed consistent support throughout the year. We work with Vanco Payment Solutions to provide you a secure platform to manage your giving.
Giving is not a debt you owe; it is a seed you sow." -Unknown  
Our Savior's Lutheran Church | 1616 W Olive St Stillwater, MN 55082 
info@oslcstillwater.org | 651-439-5704