CREW Richmond February 2020 Lunch Meeting
Speed Networking
by Mary Harris
February’s luncheon was one of the member favorites - Speed Networking - like speed dating; but better.  
Members received their networking assignments as they arrived, and after a tasty lunch served in the Jefferson Ballroom the speed networking began. Instead of a nervous potential date, members were given the opportunity to spend 30 seconds or so introducing themselves to tables of 5-8 commercial real estate professionals. A mixture of members and non-members gave everyone an opportunity to make new connections, and for non-members to see the benefits of CREW. This event also allowed members who knew each other to learn about new products and offerings from their companies. Many attendees were taking studious notes on the back of business cards with those who piqued their interest. Six rounds of networking allowed attendees the chance to meet 30-40 people, and many had run out of business cards by the late rounds. After the speed networking was complete, many attendees stayed to set-up future meetings with those they met. This event was sure to help boost the member-to-member deals and news we have at our next event!  
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