A community of Christian worship, well-being and service

     Social Distancing ~  Spiritually Connecting

Come to the Feast.

The week of Aug. 1 - Aug. 8

A Message from the Rector

Dear Friends, 

This week we will gather for the first time in a long time to hear God's Word and receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. Holy Eucharist will be a gift to us in this moment when so many need healing and feeding, both individually and collectively. Our gospel this week is Matthew's telling of the feeding of the 5000. It is a fitting bit of good news as we contemplate Jesus' healing and feeding ministries, the abundance of God's provision, and the importance of the Lord's supper. May we all be nourished, receiving God's gifts for each and all of us, wherever and however they come to us. 

In Christ and looking forward to the feast,

Production Team Needed
I have been grateful for my daughter's Lydia and Bella DeAngelo who have filmed, edited, uploaded and managed the production of our online worship since mid-March. They are moving back into their young adult lives this month. I am putting together a team of people to continue to offer this very important ministry. You will not be alone if you agree to help. We will teach you everything you need to know.  This is an urgent and important call for anyone who can assist. Please be in touch with me if you are interested and able to help. Jennifer+

The Next Normal:
Outdoor Worship will be Holy Eucharist

Dear friends and members, 

You may be wondering how we will safely administer and receive Holy Communion this week. Having studied, discussed, and practiced, I believe we have a plan that will allow us to celebrate the Holy Eucharist and keep all of us safe. Having said that, please know that we all have different levels of comfort and fear during this time. No one should feel obliged to receive Holy Communion. It is fine to come for worship and not to participate in receiving communion. Here is the plan. 

Paul Westrom, serving as a Eucharistic minister and I will administer the host only, to those who wish to receive the sacrament. We will wash our hands before worship and sanitize before distributing communion. We will remain masked during the entire rite, including during administration. The sacrament will remain covered during the consecration and prayers. There will be minimal contact.

You will see that I hold up a large host during the blessing and at the fraction (breaking of the bread).  I will be the only one to receive this as communion.  Everyone else will receive the individual hosts that remain completely covered at the altar. 

Those in their cars and in the reserved seating will have communion brought to them.  Others will wait in the center aisle in a socially distanced fashion. There are marks on the grass to help everyone keep the distance. Household members do not need to keep distant from each other while in line. 

To receive Holy Communion you must have a mask covering your nose and mouth. You will cup your hands and Paul or I will drop the host into your hands without contact.  If there is contact we will sanitize our hands before any further distribution. If the host falls to the ground, do not worry a bit.  We will give you another. 

Once you have the host in hand, if you are in your car or in reserved seating, pease wait until the minister has stepped away to a distance of 6 feet before removing your mask and consuming the sacrament. 

If you are on the lawn, please keep your mask on until after your return to your seat and then consume the sacrament at your seat. 

As in recent weeks, there will be plenty of direction and support, keeping our beloved community as safe as possible in worship. 
We will take abundant caution as we resume this sacred meal, nourishing one another with and in the Body of Christ. Please be in touch with any questions or concerns.  
Faithfully, Jennifer+

The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost

Our Preacher this week is The Rev. Laura Palmer

You have seen Laura Palmer bearing the cross and you have heard her reading God's word and leading us in prayer.  This week, we will listen to Laura preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

Laura is ordained in The Presbyterian Church (USA) and has been with us at worship nearly every week since last November.  Her ministry brought her to our island about a year ago. We are blessed by her presence in worship, fellowship and ministry. In addition to being on the worship team, Laura has been a regular participant in social gatherings and coffee hours as well as growing her first fruits and vegetables in our community garden this year.  I am grateful she has joined us so faithfully and whole heartedly. 

Our weekly bulletins and the video worship services will be posted on our website by mid-day on Sunday, barring any technical difficulties. Please check back if you do not find it. 

The link to this week's bulletin is here. 

The Collect for The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost

L et your continual mercy, O Lord, cleanse and defend your Church; and, because it cannot continue in safety without your help, protect and govern it always by your goodness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Click here for the   
(We are on Track 2)

To submit a prayer request to our parish prayer list email Karen Laroche, parish administrator.

Join us for outdoor worship, Every Sunday (weather permitting) 9 a.m.

Thank you for your feedback.  We are listening and adjusting. 

We have three seating areas: 
  1. On the lawn in socially distanced circles. 
  2. In your car in the south parking lot where you may tune in to the service on your radio, FM 88.7.
  3. In the Sarah Gibbs Reserved Seating, On the lawn in front of Gibbs House. This is for those who do not wish to carry a chair, walk on the grass, or who just need a bit of extra space. Get on the reserved seating list by contacting Murry Edwards at [email protected] or ask someone in a blue vest when you arrive.
Things to know as we gather safely.
  • Our welcome begins at 8:30 a.m. If you arrive before 8:30, please do not drive past the welcome table; remain in your car until you are checked in. We need to check in everyone.
  • Restrooms are available on the lower level of the parish house. An attendant will sanitize after each use. 
  • Per the governor's orders, we will need to do a quick symptom check before you enter the property. This will happen at the welcome table. 
  • Please do not sit with, or drive to church with anyone other than those who live in your household, family members or friends in your social "bubble."  
  • Following the service as you greet one another, please remain masked, maintain a distance of 6 feet and avoid physical contact. This is the most friendly thing you can do, keep your distance. 
  • In order to keep our fellowship alive, please call on the phone, make plans for socially distanced walks and gatherings.
  • Please wear a mask or face covering.
  • There will be one way into and out of  the lawn seating. Circles will be dismissed by number, one at a time, at the end of the service. If you are seated on the main lawn, please remain in your seat until you are called upon to depart.
  • If you click on the link in this week's bulletin you will find instructions as well as our diocesan covenant for regathering. Reading this information now will help you prepare.  
  • If the weather is not suitable, or you prefer not to gather in person, please stay home and watch the service on the  St. Mary's Website.  It will be posted by mid-day on Sunday.

Thank you to our Worship Coordinator, Marlo Pratt and the teams that make our outdoor worship possible. 

Safety and Parking Team
David Brierley, George LeBlanc, Steve Bakios, Jennie Nestlerode, Lynn Carlson LeBlanc, 
Harry Gustafson

Welcome Team  
Murry Edwards, Judy and Bill Hall, Rose Muller, Lee Ferriera, David Spengler, Tara and Gretchen Alaniz.

Worship Team
The Rev. Jennifer Pedrick, Michael Templeton, The Rev. Laura Palmer, Sheila Benevides, Lydia DeAngelo, Julie Zecher, Paul Westrom.


Join members of your church 
in knowing better and 
doing better 
when it comes to anti-racism.

Last Tuesday we had our first conversation on anti-racism and exploring the question "What is our work?" One wish we shared was for members to share books or other resources they are learning from in this time of protest, curiosity and change. We agreed to post resources here in eNews on a regular basis.  

Lynn Carlson LeBlanc recommended this book: How to be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X Kendi. 

Jennifer Pedrick recommends a conversation with best selling author, Ibram X Kendi and Brené Brown on her podcast Unlocking Us. It can be found here, or wherever you get your podcasts. 

Our Next Community Conversation is 
Thursday August 20th, at 6 p.m.
On Zoom.
Register here:  

Get your Forward Day by Day

Forward Movement  Day by Day daily devotionals for August, September,
October have arrived!  We have a limited number of both the large and small print. If you would like a copy please let Karen Laroche know in the office and she can arrange a pick-up time or a way to get them to you! First come first served.

Welcome Back to the Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is regathering Wednesdays on the lawn in front of the Gibbs House. The members hands have not been idle while in quarantine. In addition to prayer shawls and prayer patches, they have been making baby blankets, children's sweaters and hats for the Dr. Martin Luther King Center Santa's Workshop and hat and scarf sets for the Seamen's Church Institute.  

We will continue gathering on the lawn 
Wednesdays 9:30-11:30 while the weather is good. 

All are welcome to join us. No knitting experience necessary.  You can come and sit with us under the shade. Contact Sue Kelchner for more information.  

Do you need groceries, errands or help with something else? 

If you need anything please contact the head of our Pastoral Care Team, Pauline Davis. There are many people who can help. 
Her email address is here
You may also phone her at 401-363-1475, 
but she would prefer an email if you are able.

Ministries Returning to St. Mary's Campus

We invite you to return to St. Mary's grounds with your ministry group for a meeting or for ministry. At this time our buildings remain closed, but we have beautiful space for you to gather outdoors. If you would like to schedule a one time or recurring meeting or ministry, please contact Karen Laroche, our parish administrator to learn about the process and get on the calendar. 


Thank you to all our members and friends who have continued to contribute financially in support of the ministry of St. Mary's. Your generosity makes all the difference as we continue to share the love of God in Christ during this pandemic.

Here are ways people are giving:
  • On our our web page you can  Give Online
  • Mail in pledge payments or financial gifts to St. Mary's Church, 324 E. Main Rd., Portsmouth, RI 02871.
  • Set up online bill pay through your bank.
  • As we re-gather on the lawn and from our cars for worship, there will be big, blue buckets at the welcome station, as well as around our property.  They are marked offering and you can give in the buckets. 
Given the economic realities, we are sensitive to the potential financial changes our members may encounter. If, for any reason, you are not able to maintain your pledge, please contact the rector. This will enable us to adjust our income projections so that we can be good stewards of our resources. 

If you find yourself in financial need, please contact the rector. St. Mary's has a discretionary fund, which is used by the rector to offer support for the needs of our members. Members contribute to this fund anonymously, and members may receive support confidentially. 

Again, thank you for your generosity and commitment. Jennifer+

St. Mary's Leadership and Staff


Sr. Warden: Murry Edwards:  [email protected]
Jr. Warden: Paul Westrom:   [email protected]
Treasurer: Chris Bartlett:    [email protected] 
Clerk: Mattie Gustafson:    [email protected] 


Rector: The Rev. Jennifer L. Pedrick  [email protected]
Parish Administrator:Karen Laroche  [email protected]
Pastoral Musician: Michael Templeton  [email protected]
Property Manager: Jon Walker  [email protected]

Our buildings are currently closed due to the Covid - 19 pandemic.
Our grounds, churchyard and outdoor labyrinth are open for walking and prayer - sun up to sundown. 
Watercolor of church

IMAGE CREDITS ~  Outdoor Worship: Raymond Edler and Murry Edwards
Knitters: Susan Kelchner
Sarah Gibbs with Mask: Murry Edwards
Watercolor: Richard Grosvenor.