City of Coronado
City Council, Other Meetings Coming Up
The April 7 City Council meeting will be held as planned at City Hall, 1825 Strand Way. Click the link below for a link to the agenda and information on how to comment in advance.
The City also plans to resume certain commission meetings in the coming weeks that will be held virtually: The April 14 Planning Commission meeting; April 15 Historic Resource Commission meeting; and
April 22 Design Review Commission meeting. Commissioners will connect using an internet-based meeting ap
p. The meeting agendas will be posted as required by law. Members of the public are encouraged to comment in advance.
The meetings are subject to cancellation depending on COVID-19. See how to comments at public meetings during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
Coronado Closes Beach, Limits Parking
Coronado’s beach is closed. City officials made the decision on Friday, April 3, to close the beach at midnight.
Beach access points have been posted with closure signs. The public may not enter the public beach until further notice.
At a special meeting on Tuesday, March 31, the City Council ordered the beach closed on weekends. At the meeting, the Council also closed the dog washing station at Dog Beach, playground equipment at all parks, the bandstand at Spreckels Park and the tennis courts. On Thursday, April 2, the City closed Sunset Park due to people congregating there when the weekday beach closure went into effect.
Though many residents were complying with social distancing, the City hopes closing the beach will discourage people from coming to Coronado, creating greater opportunities for the spread of the coronavirus.
New Health Orders
Late last week, San Diego County health officials ordered that all employees who may have contact with the public in any grocery store, pharmacy or drug store, convenience store, gas station, restaurant shall wear a mask to cover their faces. The mask requirement was part of an amendment to its March 27 order and went into effect over the weekend.
The amended order also requires businesses that allow members of the public to enter a facility to post by midnight April 7 a “Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocol” form on each facility open to the public.
The City is preparing the form, which will ensure that all required measures are implemented to ensure social distancing at each facility, and will post by the deadline or before at all City facilities that are open, however limited, to the public, including the beach, parks, City Hall, the Police Department lobby, and Public Services yard.
Order Also to Close Parking
In addition to social distancing standards and protocols, San Diego County's new amended health orders also deal with access to public recreation areas and beaches.
The amended Public Health Order states that parking lots that serve parks, beaches and recreation facilities shall be closed and “all such facilities shall be accessible only from members of the public within walking distance of the facility.”
The City has begun restricting parking near and around parks and beaches. The Glorietta Bay Boat Launch Ramp parking lot is closed. The following parking areas have been or are being closed as of Monday, April 6: the west side of Ocean Boulevard; Strand Way from City Hall to Rendova Road; Cays Park parking lot; First Street and D Avenue parking lot (posted no parking but access will be provided to residents); Strand Way parking lot next to the Coronado Yacht Club; Golf Course parking lot; Coronado Cays adjacent to the park and parking area; and the Bayshore Bikeway parking lot.
Other areas set for closure are Mullinex Drive, except for permits to allow Sharp Coronado Hospital staff to park; Attu Road adjacent to Silver Strand State Park; Cays Boulevard adjacent to the park; Grand Caribe Causeway from the Cays Fire Station to the cul de sac; and Grand Caribe at the roundabout at Grand Caribe Island. Other areas also are being evaluated.
Recreational Boating Prohibited, per County Order
Per addendum 2 and effective midnight April 4, Section 1 of the San Diego County Health Officer Order is amended as follows: Boating for recreational purposes, watersports, or swimming, are prohibited on or in public waterways and at beaches." The City thanks you for your cooperation.
Face Masks, Coverings Encouraged While Out
While San Diego County health officials ordered that all grocery store, pharmacy or drug store, convenience store, gas station, restaurant employees shall wear a mask to cover their faces, they strongly encourage residents to cover their nose and mouth when leaving home.
The cloth facial coverings do not have to be hospital grade but should cover the nose and mouth. Homemade masks, bandannas, scarves and neck gaiters are acceptable since these items can be washed and reused. Facial coverings don’t need to be used when people are at home.
Sand Bags Available for Residents
A storm system from the north is bringing rain and cold temperatures to San Diego County. The best chance for heavy rain will be Monday and Tuesday. Rainfall is expected to be around 2 inches near the coast.
In Coronado, sandbags are available for residents in need, while supplies last, at four locations: First Street and Alameda Boulevard; Fourth Street and Alameda; North Beach; and at the Cays near the Fire Station.
CUSD Grab-and-Go Program Includes Easter Fun
The Coronado Unified School District held a Grab-and-Go Meal Service on Monday, April 6, for all families with children 18 and under that included free breakfast and lunch meals, and a special Easter treat. Approximately 640 total meal bags were distributed at the Strand and Village Elementary sites.
Families picked up the meals via curbside pick-up. Each child received a bag that contained 5 days’ worth of meals for breakfast and lunch. The City's Recreation Services Department contacted district officials City about the Easter eggs it had for its canceled Easter egg hunts, and offered to provide them as a giveaway in the meal service. The district agreed and each bag contained several Easter eggs courtesy of Recreation.
Children are not required to be students of Coronado Unified School District. This is free for everyone regardless of free/reduced/paid meal status. Details can be found
Protect Yourself, Be Safe
Stay Safe, Be Careful, Do Your Part
This is a stressful time and people want to know what they can do at home to protect themselves and their families. Here are some tips for getting safely through this emergency situation. As always, heed the advice of your City leaders, staff and public safety officers:
- Stay at home - Everyone in California is required to stay home except to get food, care for a relative or friend, get necessary health care, or go to an essential job. If you go out, stay at least 6 feet away from other people. This order began Thursday, March 19, and is in place until further notice.
- If you must go out, be extra careful -- Practice “social distancing” or in other words stand far away from other people. This is true even if you have no symptoms. When walking, biking or running, maintain the 6-foot suggested bubble around yourself to protect everyone.
- Work from home with these tips -- Get dressed, designate a work space, keep set work hours, don't get distracted so turn off the TV, be in touch with people in the office, and be social even while working.
- Wear a mask in public -- It is encouraged by county health officials and it is a good idea. If you can't find one, you can make one fairly easily from home. There are many DIY videos online.
- Wash your hands -- Washing your hands with soap and hot water for a minimum of 20 seconds is one of the best ways to keep coronavirus and others from infecting you. Wash your hands before touching your eyes, nose, and mouth; before preparing or eating foods; after touching contaminated surfaces or objects; after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- Stay calm -- Keep calm. Don't overstock but ensure you have groceries, medicines and other resources. Talk to friends and family, if you feel anxious. Eat healthy meals and get regular exercise. Use yoga or mediation to relax. See some of the resources the City has listed below to get involved, stay active and reach out if you are having a difficult time.
Safe at Home but Not Alone
The City began its Safe at Home but Not Alone community outreach to connect with the community through programming on Coronado TV and via social media. The City is broadcasting programs it offers at the Library, Spreckels Center and Community Center such as yoga, Library Story hour, Cultural Arts videos and Recreation dance programs for kids. In partnership with the Library, Recreation Department and Cultural Arts Commission, the City is creating new content daily.
Volunteer Opportunities and Resources
Neighbor-to-Neighbor (N2N) is a program created through a partnership of local volunteers and your neighbors along with the support of the City of Coronado. N2N is built on neighbors looking out for one another. It's run by local volunteers.
You are urged to fill out the information you will be receiving in your mailboxes and return it to your block captain.
Residents of the Coronado Shores are encouraged to contact building managers for information. If you want to participate or need assistance, please contact the N2N program coordinator at
or call the Coronado Call Center at (619) 522-6380.
May 12 Coronado Blood Drive
The City of Coronado is partnering with the American Red Cross for a second blood drive on May 12. The April Blood Drive in Coronado filled 90 appointments very quickly. Donors are urgently needed. This event is by appointment only. Click on the image below to make an appointment.
PAWS Needs Foster Volunteers
PAWS Helping Paws is a program that PAWS of Coronado is providing to support local pet owners during the COVID-19 outbreak in the event that they become too ill to care for their animals. If you are not well enough to care for your pet, PAWS is available to provide temporary housing and coordinate foster families as needed to make sure your pets are cared until you are able to do so yourself. Please refer to the program
for more information or contact us at 619-522-7371 or
You Are Not Alone -- Help is Available
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can provide support for people in distress. Call (800) 273-8255 for help. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are committed to improving crisis services and advancing suicide prevention by empowering individuals, advancing professional best practices and building awareness.
The Coronado Chamber of Commerce and Coronado MainStreet have pages dedicated to local restaurants and businesses, those that are open, their hours, addresses and websites. Check it out if you need a meal or want to know the hours of gas stations, pharmacies and grocery stores. As things are changing hourly, call in advance to be sure a business is open. Thanks to the Chamber and MainStreet for this service.
The City issues this newsletter – the COVID-19 Update – which contains the latest on the pandemic every weekday via Constant Contact. This is a great way to stay informed with the latest information.
The City's dedicated Coronavirus Information webpage outlines the additional precautionary measures Coronado officials have taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The
can be found on the City's website and includes links to the San Diego County Public Health and Human Services Agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, which contains information on how to keep safe.
Click here
to visit the web page.
COVID-19 Health Resources and Links