eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter
Sunday Morning 
April 5, 2020

Somewhere Deryl Radder is up there looking down on us and smiling.  That was my thought when I saw a message from John Pleasants proposing to host a zoom online TOR in the NC Patch Collectors Facebook Group. For those of you that haven't heard this one Deryl pioneered online trading groups and famously hosted the Y2K TOR on the internet from a Yahoo Group over 20 years ago.
This Weekend Is Loaded With Auction
Back in 2013 I interviewed Deryl for my podcast Scouting Hot Finds Radio.  That became a 2-part series that told the history of his Scouting Collectors Society and the Y2K TOR.  This morning I built a post on my website that has both of those episodes served up and ready for you to listen to.  How strange that we are recycling these ideas now to host a 2020 Corona virtual TOR. 

Order of the Arrow Auctions Up For Bids
The news that broke yesterday in the hobby is that ISCA finally has "something" up online to bring back OAimages.  Please don't get your hopes up because what is there now is a hot mess.  I don't even mean that because the functionality is missing I mean people are reporting that they are looking at their lodge listings and seeing multiple errors that weren't there before.
OA Auctions Ending Tonight on eBay
Auctions Are The Hot Finds Secret Sauce
But since we all need some good news in these stressful times I'll focus on the positive.  At least OAimages has a pulse and Craig says if you have suggestions for what you want to see brought back first send an email.  

Patchblanket Santeeswapper eBay Store
I have been keeping myself very busy!  Friday I hung parts of my collection in the foyer of my warehouse.  Last week I also managed to get two rooms there completely set up and am happy to report I'm 99% finished building shelves. My latest brain storm idea is I'm going to run about 24 feet of shelf space up high to display mugs.  I literally haven't displayed my mugs since the early 2000s when I used my mom's old China cabinet she gave me.
This weekend I've been finishing a back yard project to deconstruct an old playground and turn it into raised bed gardens.  Hopefully I'll finish that early this afternoon and a trip to Lowe's will end with planting a vegetable garden before the sun goes down.  Take that Corona!
Your brother in the cloth,

Jason Spangler
Hot Finds Newsletter

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Reference Book

scoutpatchhq My Boy Scout memorabilia store at www.ScoutPatchHQ.com is loaded with thousands of patches for sale with free shipping.  At launch it features the collection of Marty Wasznicky "the Silverfox Trader" being sold on consignment.  Inside you can find Order of the Arrow, National Jamboree and Council Shoulder Patches.