May 21, 2022
21 Iyar 5782
The PTA Sponsored:
  • Beautiful Mother's Day projects for the Second Grade
  • A Delicious BBQ on the Seventh Grade trip to Annapolis
  • Transportation for the Fourth Grade to the Science Center
  • Transportation for the Kindergarten to the zoo in honor of Lag B'omer
  • Exciting Lag B'Omer projects for the First & Second Grades
The PTA Organized:
  • Delicious refreshments in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week for the Elementary School staff
  • A delectable table of sweets for the sixth grade Mei'arba Kanfos Ha'aretz Fair
Mrs. Syril Shiman for setting up the refreshments for the Sixth Grade Fair
THANK YOU to every person who makes their Amazon purchases through our Amazon Smile account. Every purchase makes a big difference. PTA has earned over $5,000 this past year through your Amazon purchases.
Your shopping makes a difference.

Do your regular Amazon shopping at and Amazon donates 0.5% to Bais Yaakov School for Girls Inc.

Please bookmark the address above and share it with your friends & family.
Birthday Book Program
Our annual birthday book program is now streamlined with an easy and convenient online form:
PTA Sweatshirts may be purchased year-round by contacting Mrs. Nechama Gila Weg at 410-559-6497.

All sizes are now in stock.
Are you looking for an impactful way to be involved in your daughter's class? Consider becoming a class mother. PTA has become more involved in many in-school events but we need your help.

Email us at if you have questions or would like to volunteer.
Your membership enables the PTA to provide exciting extracurricular enhancements for the students in all divisions.
Thank you to those who generously sponsored the Rosh Chodesh Iyar Treats

Elementary School Sponsors:
  • Babi and Zayde Abramson in honor of Draizee, Rachelli, and Atara Abramson. We are so proud of all of you!

  • Mr. and Mrs. H. Abramson in honor of Draizee, Rachelli, and Atara.

  • Meir and Atara Berman in honor of Chana Berman's 6th birthday.

  • Hinda Burstein in memory of the yahrzeit of Leah Perel bas Chaim Mordechai, great grandmother of Huvi, Leah, and Rikki Burstein.

  • Helen Ciment in honor of Zahava Ciment.

  • Saba and Savta Feiner and Mommy and Tatty Feld in honor of Tova Feld's 9th birthday.

  • Debby and Brian Hirsch welcome the opportunity to support Bais Yaakov in celebration of the joy of Rosh Chodesh. We send a special Rosh Chodesh message with love to our grandchildren Esther and Menucha Hirsch. We hope you all enjoy the treats!

  • Rivka and Gideon Leiser in honor of Talya Leiser and Gaby Leiser having a new baby brother and being such amazing big sisters.

  • Sabba and Savta Maik in honor of our granddaughter, Mimsy Bergmann in kindergarten, for her Birthday which is Iyar 27 – June 4th.

  • Mordecai and Elana Simha in honor of Ayelet Simha, her sweet friends in nursery A, her wonderful teachers, Morah SaraMorah Shani and Morah Nessia, and all the Morahs whose smiling faces greet Ayelet every day!

  • Mr. and Mrs. Avi Tannenbaum in honor of Leah Beren whose birthday is in the month of Iyar.

Lower Middle School Sponsors:
  • Babi and Zayde Abramson in honor of Maayan Rachayl Abramson's Bat Mitzvah birthday. We are so proud of you.

  • Mr. and Mrs. H. Abramson in honor of Maayan's upcoming Bas Mitzvah!

  • Helen Ciment in honor of Hadasah Ciment.

  • Noam and Leah Efron in honor of Bracha Efron and Maria Tueva.

  • Totty, Mommy, and the Friedman family in honor of Yael Friedman's birthday.

  • Debby and Brian Hirsch welcome the opportunity to support Bais Yaakov in celebration of the joy of Rosh Chodesh. We send a special Rosh Chodesh message with love to our granddaughter Tsippora Golda. We hope you all enjoy the treats!

  • Dovid and Shani Schwartz in honor of Tova Schwartz's Bas Mitzvah.
To sponsor, please contact Nechama Tendler at 845-521-2428 or (please include the student's grade(s) in your email).
Layah Greenfield, Malki Lehrfield, Tamar Zelcer
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