February 2021
Key Resource: ONC Issues Information Blocking FAQs
The Office of the National Coordinator issued several new FAQs with regards to the Cures Act Final Rule.

The FAQs offer additional clarification around who is affected and clarifies that the rule's regarding info blocking reach goes beyond certified health IT systems.

Letter from the CEO: Looking Forward

We are starting our 15th year at Rochester RHIO with enthusiasm and optimism! We know 2021 will have its challenges, but we look forward to making it an incredible year.

I first want to thank all of our stakeholders and participants for their continued trust and support of Rochester RHIO, and the health information exchange services we deliver in pursuit of high quality patient care and improved healthcare delivery efficiency. In 2021, we'll be focusing on several key areas for the greater Finger Lakes Region.

NYS Deadline Approaches for Labs to Connect
Rochester RHIO is coordinating with the NYS Department of Health (NYS DOH) and the New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC) to provide support for the clinical laboratories executive order issued on December 13, 2020. This executive order includes a requirement that clinical laboratories with over 25 employees contribute data through a health information exchange via the SHIN-NY (Statewide Health Information Network of New York) within 60 days.

Questions? Call RHIO Support at 1-877-865-7446 (RHIO).

Medical Director's Corner: Just So YOU Know
Dear Friends,

It has been a few months since you heard from me through the Just SO You Know newsletter. The Pandemic has certainly kept all of us very occupied. I hope that you are all staying safe and healthy during this time.

This month, I'm writing about Rochester RHIO's advanced clinical query portal, Explore+, Your Patient Information Connection. The advanced platform launched in September... I have personally followed its development and have done quality testing for data and I made suggestions to developers what physician’s would like in navigating a patient query portal.

Key Stats
RHIO in the News
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