November 2020
Estate Planning News
As we enter this holiday season, we at Botti & Morison wish each and every one a very safe, healthy and happy Thanksgiving. We hope you are able to join loved ones and share the holiday season with those you care for.

Happy Thanksgiving from our team to yours!
New Blog Posts From Chris & Paul
The Secure Act and its Estate Planning Implications
For beneficiaries of an IRA inheritance, the SECURE Act (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement) can significantly impact the amount of time they have available to withdraw the funds available to them. 

One Size Doesn't Fit All
When we’re out discussing estate planning with folks, one of the most commonly posed questions is: “How do I know if I need a Trust?” And it’s a great question... one that deserves a bit of deeper analysis.

More Estate Planning Information
Health Care Directives
If there is only one document you get done, make sure it's a health care directive... Watch Chris and Paul's Plan on It webinar. To see more videos, visit our YouTube channel and subscribe for updates!

Upcoming Events
Need to brush up on estate planning? We've got two more workshops scheduled this year: Wednesday, 12/2 and Tuesday, 12/15. Both 7-9:15 p.m.

We are here for you - stay safe out there!
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