Christ the King Lutheran Church
Connecting with your CtK family
April 6, 2020

Hello my CtK family,

How are you? What’s new since your time of quarantine? These, along with other questions, were probably asked of you when you received your phone call from a staff or council member. The initial phone calls were our way of reaching out to you, making sure you are okay and informing you that the church is here to help you, if need be.  

I can’t help but think about all we’ve learned over the past few years regarding loneliness and social connections. As we worked through the CMG process, we heard about the importance of people making connections with others. In fact, our coach, Heidi Unruh, shared some pretty interesting facts that seem very relevant today. For example, did you know healthy social connections correlate with better physical and psychological well-being, as well as increased immunity and faster recovery?  

As a body of Christ, let’s work to stay connected. I am forming a team of people willing to spend just a few minutes each week calling members of CtK, just to make sure our CtK family is feeling connected and doing okay. If you are willing to be on the Phone Team, please email me at . Once the team is formed, you will receive a list of members to call each week, providing both them and you some well deserved connections.
Oh, and if you did not receive a call since the beginning of the quarantine, please email me your phone number at the above email address. Perhaps your phone number needs to be updated in our database.
God's peace,
Jill Harms