Your Property Taxes and Mortgage Payments
Your Property Taxes

LA County Assessor does NOT have the authority under State law to extend or postpone the second installment property tax deadline of April 10, 2020
In the event you can't make your property tax payments…
  • You may make a partial payment of your property taxes, unpaid balance is subject to a 10% penalty and a $10 cost and/or,

  • You can request a penalty cancellation (only for reason related to COVID-19)

Beginning on April 11, the day after property taxes become delinquent, taxpayers unable to pay on time for reasons related to COVID-19 may submit a request for penalty cancellation on LA County Assessor's website link . The department has set up a special team to process these requests for those who demonstrate they were affected by the outbreak.
Here is a link to additional information from the LA County Assessor’s Office.
How do I make my property tax payments?
Payments can be made online using this link , via telephone, or by mail (no in-person payments at this time).

  • There is no cost for e-Check payments online
  • Credit/debit card transactions are subject to 2.25% service fee (fees cannot be waived)

Your Mortgage Payments

If you are impacted by COVID-19, some financial institutions will offer mortgage-payment forbearances of up to 90 days, which allow you to reduce or delay your monthly mortgage payments. For more information and a list of participating lenders, please visit: . We encourage all property owners to contact their lenders directly to learn more about the relief options available to them.


If you need help with your respective property tax questions please contact us with any questions or concerns. We are here to help you.

Mann Gelon Glodney Gumerove Yee LLP | (310) 277-3633