We are grateful for your prayers!
Thank you for joining us this week as we at the Baptist World Alliance pray for our worldwide Baptist family and for God's work around the globe. If you pray along with us weekly, you will be able to pray for the entire world each year!

1 Member Body
Baptist Union of Denmark
  • 54 Churches
  • 5,253 Members

Pictured is General Secretary Elijah Brown with BWA General Council Member Lone Møller-Hansen during his visit to Denmark last year.
Join us in thanking God for the faithful partnership with the Baptist Union of Denmark, members of the BWA 1905 Founders Circle that have been journeying with the BWA for more than 100 years.

Join us in prayer for a movement of God among those who are spiritually searching and for church and ministry leaders as they seek to reach them.

2 Member Bodies
Finland Swedish Baptist Union
  • 14 Churches
  • 1,065 Members
Finnish Baptist Union
  • 15 Churches
  • 835 Members

Pictured is a Finnish choir leading worship during a General Secretary visit in 2006.
Join us in thanking God for the spectacular beauty of the forests and lakes in this region.
Join us in prayer for the spring meeting of the Finland Swedish Baptist Union that will take place in April in Kackur, Larsmo.

1 Member Body
Baptist Union of Norway
  • 104 Churches
  • 6,597 Members

General Secretary Emeritus Neville Callam visiting Parliament in Norway in February 2010.
Join us in thanking God for the faithful leadership of Baptists within Norway, including that of BWA First Vice President Jan Saethre.

Join us in prayer for a spiritual awakening among an increasingly secular generation of students.

1 Member Body
Uniting Church in Sweden
  • 700 Churches
  • 63,000 Members

Pictured is Christer Daelander (second from left), recipient of the 2018 Denton and Janice Lotz Human Rights Award.
Join us in thanking God for the centuries of peace and the commitment to equality that exist in Sweden. The nation has not been at war since 1814 and is a world leader in gender equality.
Join us in prayer for leaders as they stand for a Biblical worldview in the midst of a secular culture.
Please join us in also praying for the people of the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Iceland.
This week we stand in solidarity and prayer for those around the world who have been impacted by COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus). The last few months have been especially challenging for our Baptist sisters and brothers in Hong Kong. Protests and unrest began in March 2019 and continued through January 2020, and now residents are faced with the challenges arising from COVID-19. We have received reports from Rev. Butch Tanner, pastor of Kowloon International Baptist Church in Hong Kong which has been forced to delay services for weeks. They are hopeful to resume services Sunday, March 29, but are continuing to monitor the situation and honor the recommendations of local government authorities and health experts. Many within this congregation and beyond are battling feelings of isolation as well as the financial ramifications of reduced business operations. One member reports his business had zero sales over the last three months. Schools are not set to resume until April 20, so this also has a significant impact on children and families. 

Please join with Pastor Tanner and Baptists in Hong Kong in praying for: 
• truth to be clear in an era of misinformation 
• comfort and connection for those who feel lonely and isolated 
• provision for those who have been impacted by the economic downturn
• strength and wisdom for Christians as they seek to minister to others who are suffering
A Prayer for the Time of Climate Change

Dear Heavenly Father,
we bring before you our despair about climate change. 
It feels so bad, when so many forms of life are threatened, 
but still the nations are not able to work together to alleviate the problem. 
O Lord, help humankind to choose a better road, so we could find peace!
Thank you for your promise to be with us, no matter what. 
Thank you for all the gifts that you give to your world 
through air, wind and the Holy Spirit. 
Thank you for nourishment, power and joy. 
Let your Holy Spirit flow strongly in us and in your world. 
In the name of Jesus. 

Panu Pihkala, Finland )