What should Arizona schools do about GRADES?
Parents, students and educators around the Valley are agonizing over the consequences of school closures and upcoming end-of-year performance evaluations. When teaching and learning environments are flipped into virtual reality, some students thrive and others struggle. So what should happen to grades?
Tell us what you think!
What's the best approach to grading at the end of an unprecedented school year?
Grade as usual; no need to change the approach.
Grade as pass/fail only. Transcripts can explain the reason.
Use the grades students had before COVID-19 closed schools.
Creative ways to experience the ARTS during coronavirus
The Valley's art programs have created new online classes, activity books, projects-to-go and more.

Hoarding, and the high-stakes consequences of supporting aging parents
Is taking groceries to homebound elderly parents a stupid, reckless decision? Our publisher hopes she doesn't come to regret it.

Updates and resources
Diagnosed cases of COVID-19 have risen to 2,456 in Arizona; 1,433 of those are in Maricopa County. Our resource page includes tips for at-home learning and links to child care options, health resources, recommended lifestyle restrictions and more.

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