June 26, 2022
The Third Sunday After Pentecost
This Week at St. Peter's

8:00 a.m. Holy Communion in the church.

10:00 a.m. Holy Communion with music in the church.

Due to concerns regarding the rise in Covid cases in our community, wearing masks is strongly encouraged.

Our 8:00 am service are also accessible online on Facebook, Youtube, and also from our website.

The Hokey Pokey and the Gospel

"What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?"

Not sure if you've seen one of these bumper stickers lately, but I can't help but remember that phrase as I prepare for Sunday's sermon.

In the famous song, you put your right foot in, you put your right foot out...you know the rest.
Eventually we put our left foot in, then our right hand, our left, our head, our backsides...and eventually, we put our WHOLE SELVES in...

That's what I love about the song as it relates to God's call on our lives. When God calls us, God calls ALL of us. Even the bits we don't love about our selves, even the parts that some may not acknowledge as part of our whole selves.

God calls us to service in wholeness...loving and redeeming all of us. Full stop.
That means that God loves and calls us in our triumphs, in our defeat; in our joy, in our grief.
In our cisgendered straightness, and in our non-binary or transgendered queerness.
God calls ALL OF US...our whole selves into service.

God calls our whole selves into God's service, and turns us around, sending us out to love and serve as people loved, forgiven, and renewed by God's grace.

That's what it's all about.

Yours in Christ,
Matt +
The Readings for
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Happy Birthday to Caitlin Farrell, Bob Fraleigh, Henry Lucas, Deborah Smith and Joanne Johansen.
South Central Region News
Dinner for a Dollar Food Truck Celebration
Dinner for a Dollar & the United Way of Greater New Haven will be in Hamden Town Center Park to celebrate the expanding mission of Dinner for a Dollar with their newly acquired food truck. The evening will be filled with music, a picnic dinner, & tours of the truck.

For more than a decade, Grace & St. Peter’s, Hamden, has operated Dinner for a Dollar (D4$), a ministry that provides a nutritious, home-baked meal for the food insecure of Hamden and the surrounding community of greater New Haven.

Utilizing funds from a Region Entrepreneurial Fund grant and funds raised by the Greater New Haven community, the parish and its partners were able to purchase and outfit the food truck to broaden the reach of this important ministry.

St. Peter's Milford helped make this possible as a partner by helping raise the funds for missional experiments like this through the Joining Jesus Campaign.

This success is our success too!
Come celebrate!

Pastoral word from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on shooting at St. Stephen’s Vestavia Hills, Alabama.
Click here for a message from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. We hold all those affected by gun violence in our prayers, especially St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Vestavia Hills, Alabama.
Phishing Scam Alert
A reminder to be on the lookout for suspicious emails claiming to be from church staff. Matt will always send messages from his church email address. If there are any questions on the legitimacy of an email, please contact the office or Matt directly.
Some red flags to watch for:
  • Unusual "from" address
  • Misspellings and grammatical errors
  • A message to solicit money, gift cards, etc.
The Rev. Jeffrey Mello Elected as ECCT's XVI Bishop Diocesan
The Rev. Jeffrey Mello, Rector of Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church, Brookline, Massachusetts, was elected on May 21 as the 16th bishop of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, pending the required consents from a majority of bishops with jurisdiction and standing committees of the Episcopal Church.
“I am humbled and I am honored that you have chosen me to be your 16th bishop of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut,” said Rev. Mello. “With my whole heart, my whole mind, and my whole body I accept your election and invitation to serve as your next bishop diocesan…I cannot wait to be with you, grow with you, to join you in the work that lays ahead.”
We are preparing to resume receiving donations for Altar flowers. Donations may be made as a memorial or a thank offering at any time for a specific Sunday. There will be forms for such donations in the back of the church, which can be mailed to the church office, put in the collection plate or given to an usher. A minimum of $35 is suggested, and a preferred date may be chosen for any Sunday, beginning this week.
The Crisis in Ukraine and how to Help
The Episcopal Church in Connecticut has put together resources for prayer and action as we respond to the invasion of Ukraine, and the humanitarian crisis
it is causing.
Important Dates for your Calendar

Rev. Matt on vacation July 4-August 6

Baptisms @ 10 AM service July 3

Noon Healing & Eucharist on hiatus July 6-August 3

Don't forget to register for vacation bible school! August 15-19
Your prayers are requested this week for:
Mike, Rich, Richard, Tommy, Paul, Karen D, Marty & Karen M, Mary, Katrina, Nancy, Marcy, Jeff, Grace, Helen, Violet and Paul, Jen, Carol, Frances, Charissa, Arian, Farrah, Kevin, Rea, Debby, Janice, Nora, Pam, Elaine, Dick W, Sophie, Corrine, Matt, Jim, Emma, Ronald, Rick, David, Paul, Gail and Marlene, John, Susan, Nancy, Gabriel, Dorothy, Doug and Corliss, Claire and her family, Kate, Carolyn, Martin, Richard, Bob and Connie, Alice and Amy, Agata, Tracy, Lynn N and Angela.

+ Pray for those who have died, especially Michael Campbell and all who have died by gun violence in this nation, especially those in Uvalde, Texas; Tulsa, Oklahoma and St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Vestavia Hills, Alabama
We pray for all those who are bereaved, and the courage to make change where we can.
+ Pray for those who are frightened, anxious, or lonely.
+ Pray for continued wisdom and discernment in our leaders in government and the church alike that we may renounce the evil powers of this world that corrupt and destroy the creatures of God.
+ Pray for peace, especially in Ukraine.
+Pray for the unemployed and underemployed; for all who suffer from addictions; for all who suffer chronic illness, and for all caregivers;
+ Pray for support and strength for health care workers, first responders, hospice chaplains, palliative care teams, funeral directors, and all who attend to end-of-life care.
+ Pray for all communities impacted by climate change and continued severe weather events.
+ Pray for all who will be persecuted for their faith, and for all refugees seeking safety. Pray for discernment as we seek to welcome them in Milford.
+ Pray for renewal in our church, that the Holy Spirit might bless us with the endurance to run the race before us, and to do so with joy.
+ Pray for our Bishop Elect The Rev. Jeffrey Mello.
+In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer this week, we pray for The Province of the Episcopal Church of Sudan and in the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer we pray for St. Peter's, Oxford;
Christ Church, Oxford; and St. John's, Pine Meadow.

Please send requests for additions to the weekly Prayer list by email to office@stpetersmilford.org