A newsletter that promotes our core values of
P ersonalization, R isk-Taking, I ntegrity, D iscovery, and E mpowerment
April 6, 2020

Sanborn Regional High School
17 Danville Road
Kingston, New Hampshire 03848
(603) 642-3341

Proud recipient of the 2018
NH Excellence in Education Award
A Message From Principal Brian M. Stack
Dear Sanborn Community,

As you are likely aware, SRHS's physical campus has been closed as a precautionary measure due to COVID-19. Until at least May 3, students will engage in remote learning and we will not be running any school events during this closure. The buildings are closed to all staff and students. We will be sending updates often to keep all in our community informed. Please read the information below. New updates will always be posted at the top of the page.

Social Distancing Tips for Parents of Teens

Parents, recognize that right now, your teens are experiencing a high degree of anxiety and frustration over social distancing --- and it may be impacting them in ways that we have not thought of. I know my wife Erica and I have experienced this with our 14 and 12 year old boys. CLICK HERE to read an interesting article that may help you make sense of the best ways to support your teens through all of this.
Thank You To Our Food Service Team!!!
An Important Message From Superintendent Ambrose
Dear Sanborn Community,

I sincerely hope you are all faring well in these uncertain times, and finding a way to make the best of the situation. We truly are all in this together.

Things are frequently changing in this new world, and sometimes we need to adjust accordingly. I am writing to update you on the calendar for the rest of the school year.

After very careful consideration we will be making the following modifications to the school calendar:

We will have school on April 28, 29, & 30.

There will be NO school on April 27 and May 1. April 29th will be an independent Wednesday.

The 2019-2020 school year for students will conclude no later than June 5 (the final end of the year date will be decided once we see what happens in May)

All State and Federal tests for the spring of 2020 have been waived. This includes the SAT, NH SAS, and PACE.

High school AP exams will still be in place, and teachers will be in touch with students with details about these exams.

The reorganization is still underway and we are working on contingency plans for moving items, supporting staff with packing, and supporting students with the transition.

It is possible that remote learning may continue until the end of the school year. If that happens, a variety of issues have to be addressed, including but not limited to, high school graduation, prom, kindergarten screening, dyslexia screening and IEP meetings. As we get more information on this ongoing crisis, we will plan accordingly.

I also want to remind families that we are providing free breakfasts and lunches to any student in the district in need. Parents and or guardians will be able to pick up breakfasts and lunches for their children at Sanborn Regional High School on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-11.

Fresh Picks Cafe staff will be in the bus loop in front of the school, please just pull up and a staff person will hand you the lunch; kindly do not get out of your vehicles.

You do not need to have your children with you, there is no cost and you do not need to have been approved for Free or Reduced lunch you simply must have a child in the Sanborn School District.

If your child has any food allergies and you would like meals please contact Heidi Leavitt at if you have any questions.

Also, if you did not qualify for free and reduced lunch prior to the COVID 19 pandemic and you think you qualify now you may apply immediately.

This means you may become eligible for free food through the district. Please contact Heidi Leavitt, our Director of Guidance at for more information; she will keep your information confidential.

Thanks for all you are doing to support the kids! Please let us know if we can be of assistance. We are here to help.

My email address is

I do not use Facebook messenger for school business. Please use email if you need to communicate with me.


New Remote Learning Bell Schedule
Senior Spotlight: Christopher Crispim-Gasper
An Article by Staff Member John Croteau
I first met Chris in the fall of 2018 as he was a student in my Honors Psychology class. Christopher impressed me as a quiet, confident young man who seemed to have the maturity and presence of someone beyond high school. One of our first interactions was profound; the class was asked to share memorables times in their lives. He shared a story about memories, about his grandmother who was dear to his heart. He had the class spellbound. From then on Chris and I have kept our close connection. He has shared many lunches with me since then, discussing DaVinci’s brilliance, his cultural background, and his aspirations. I have been lucky to see his already matured personna blossom into a noble young man. Chris does everything altruistically. His academics, family life, work and relationships. He has some favorite classes at Sanborn, which are geared toward his future-the United States Air Force. Chris loves his Cad Lab, physics, avation, and pre-calc classes. He often asks his teachers if he can assist other students if they need help. All of his hard work is so he can focus toward his goals of being an aeronautical engineer, and eventually a pilot. Currently Chris spends time training and working out, preparing for the rigors of the Air Force. Chris is one of those Sanborn students who really makes our Sanborn Community what it is. He exemplifies hard work, intrinsic motivation, caring and consideration for humanity- with a curious side that will be sure to make him successful in anything he does. Good Luck Chris!
SRHS Administrators to Host Virtual Coffee Hour Monday Morning
Seacoast School of Technology (SST) Announcements
An Update by SST Principal Sharon Wilson
Seacoast School of Technology Families, 

I hope you are all faring as best as possible during these unsettling times. I continue to be in awe of the dedication and incredible work that we are able to do in partnership to support our students and provide the best semblance of consistency possible all things considered.

I’m aware that the “virtual” aspect of our situation means that everyone is inundated with a large number of emails. I’m trying to address as many possible topics in this one message, so I will label topics:

Quarter 3: We will be ending Quarter 3 on April 3 (which is the normal date). Grades will be determined for Quarter 3 based on work assigned up through March 13 (the last day that we were in our building). 
We believe the adjusting to remote learning is a process and we want to provide ample opportunity for that adjustment (for teachers and students) to occur without blurring the determination of the quarterly grade. Teachers will be flexible and accepting late work for students who have outstanding assignments for the period before March 13. We will do a grade change for Q 3 as necessary.  

Quarter 4: We will continue to sift through some implications for Quarter 4 and work with our post-secondary partners in regards to dual enrollment. 

Daily Schedule: Given the decision by Governor Sununu to extend remote learning through May 4th (at the least), we will be adjusting the daily schedule for our students that will provide a little more structure for students, families and teachers. Since our daily schedule is a dance with 6 Sending Schools, or dance partners, we will not be developing an SST wide schedule. Instead teachers are developing schedules that include optional check in times etc. We understand that in some areas the transition has been overwhelming and teachers have been looking at ways to provide flexible structures and engaging learning opportunities. 

With the extension on Remote Learning we need to provide consistent and equitable opportunities for Remote Instruction while balancing the social and emotional stability of families, students and ourselves. "Feeling the need to be busy all the time is a trauma response and a fear-based distraction from what you'd be forced to acknowledge and feel, if you slowed down"(The Unbounded Spirit).  

Portfolios: Students should not worry about portfolios at this time. Some of them are in a building we cannot access and we do not have an electronic system in place. Please cross portfolios off your list for this year.

Scholarships: Scholarship dates are postponed, but forthcoming. We have a form and abbreviated process that will be emailed out shortly.  

Cancelled Trips and Refunds: We cannot access the building at this point, but we are exploring how to get refunds for trips to folks. Thank you for your patience.

National Technical Honor Society:
There is a slight delay to getting letters out, but you should be hearing shortly. Keep good thoughts, I was very impressed with the applications. At this point, the ceremony is on hold, but we are ordering stoles for graduation.                                      

Medication Retrieval: I’ve attached a letter from our nurse, Lisa Chamberlain, regarding the procedure for parents to retrieve medication currently at SST.

April Break: SST will be in session the traditional week of April vacation and closed from Wednesday April 8th - Sunday April 12th. We understand this differs from our sending schools and will be flexible and accommodating for students.

Please reach out to me with any questions or if I can offer support in any way. I miss the students, faculty and staff of SST more than I can say.

Please be well,

Sharon Wilson, Principal, Seacoast School of Technology
Life of a Student Announces April Sanborn Salutes
Erica Smith: This week Erica was chosen to be recognized because she is kind, thoughtful and truly wants to see herself and her peers succeed. Erica is often going out of her way to make sure other students understand assignments and does so in a respectful way.

Sarah Kelly: This week Sarah was nominated as a Sanborn salute because she is kind, caring and is always looking to help others. Not to mention that she is a hard worker and participates in extracurriculars.

Jake Tedford: This month Jake was nominated because he brings new ideas to his groups and is constantly positive! He can also be found in the halls with a warm and welcoming energy and drive in all of his classes.
Additional Directions for the Daily Focused Learning Time (FLT) Period
As we go deeper into remote learning, the need is greater for students to be able to take advantage of flexible learning with FLT (time for reteaching, intervention, and enrichment). Attendance for FLT is
  • MANDATORY: For students who are behind in their work or failing a class. One of your teachers will likely assign you to an FLT session during the week, or you can request to work with them on a day of your choosing. All schedules and requests to work with a teacher should be made using the online program Enriching Students.
  • OPTIONAL: For students who do not have any particular learning needs for a class. You can continue to work on your assignments independently or you can request to work with a teacher if you would like to during an FLT session during the week. 

All schedules and requests to work with a teacher should be made using the online program Enriching Students. Students can access this site by signing in with their Google account using the link above. If you are having difficulty with this, please email Mr. Stack at and he will help you.
In general, FLT periods should be used for the following purposes:
  • Monday - B Honors/Clubs/FLT.
  • Tuesday - C Honors/Clubs/FLT
  • Wednesday - NO FLT
  • Thursday - E Clubs/FLT
  • Friday - F Honors/Clubs/FLT
Online Math Support Help Desk
Mrs. Goudreau, our math interventionist, is offering math support daily to students from 8:00AM - 1:30PM. Drop into her Zoom at any point when you need help.
Remote Learning Academic Help Desk
Free and Reduced Lunch Information
Important Notice:

If you did not qualify for free and reduced lunch prior to the COVID 19 pandemic and you think you qualify now may apply immediately.

This means you may become eligible for free food through the district.

Sanborn Regional School District is pleased to announce that we have received approval to provide free breakfasts and lunches to any student in the district in need.  Parents and or guardians will be able to pick up breakfasts and lunches for their children at Sanborn Regional High School on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 -11.

Fresh Picks Cafe staff will be in the bus loop in front of the school, please just pull up and a staff person will hand you the lunch. Kindly do not get out of your vehicles in order to keep with the covid-19 standards and ensure our employees stay healthy so they may continue to provide meals.

You do not need to have your children with you, there is no cost and you do not need to have been approved for Free or Reduced lunch you simply must have a child in the Sanborn School District. If your child has any food allergies and you would like meals please contact Heidi Leavitt.

Please email Heidi Leavitt at if you have any questions."
Tech Issues? Here Is How To Get Help!
During the COVID-19 closure, the SRSD Technology Department has set up a hotline to help families diagnose and fix tech issues with school-issued devices. Here is how to reach them:

Phone: (603) 642-3688, then hit #.
COVID-19 Health Updates From Nurse Karen
While the school campus is closed, remember to practice and reinforce good prevention habits with your friends and family:

  • MOST IMPORTANT: Practice social distancing. Avoid crowds, and stay at home as much as possible.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology recently issued a news release about albuterol inhaler shortages occurring in some parts of the country due to their use in treating COVID-19 patients. The news release explains what is happening, and how asthma patients can be prepared.
Ice Hockey Golf Tournament Moves to August
The first ever Sanborn High School Ice Hockey Program in Kingston, NH was established in 2012 with
the generosity of many businesses such as yours as well as our community. We competed at a Junior
Varsity Level for two years and are extremely excited that we are competing in our Fifth year as a
Varsity Team.

The Sanborn Ice Hockey players and their families are extremely dedicated and passionate. They
continue to work very hard in order to make the program possible. We have many talented and
dedicated hockey players who will continue to represent their school playing a sport they love.
Contributing to their high school athletic program will not only give them a great sense of belonging
and school pride but more importantly teaches life lessons. This is done with the help of a dedicated
coaching staff. They instill respect, discipline, teamwork perseverance and honesty. Unfortunately, our
hockey program does not receive funding for the program from the school budget. We continue to be
required to raise all the funds necessary to make this hockey program possible for our student athletes.
Sanborn Ice Hockey will be hosting our sixth annual Golf Tournament on Saturday, August 29th, 2020.
In order to make this fundraiser a great success, we are in need of hole sponsors as well as donations for
our raffle table. We greatly appreciate all donations and will work hard to maximize your company’s
visibility at our fundraising events. We will also publicly thank all the donors on our Facebook page as
well as our Hockey Program which is available at our games.

Please feel free to contact us for any additional information. Thank you for your time and consideration
in supporting the Sanborn Ice Hockey Program. All donations should be mailed to:

Sanborn Ice Hockey
PO Box 161
Kingston, NH 03848

It’s the generosity of businesses such as yours for kids in need that makes for a successful community
program. Sanborn Ice Hockey is a 501 (C) organization making your donation tax deductible.

Tax ID Number 80-0809306.

Joe Radjavitch
Athletic Updates From Athletic Director Vicki Parady-Guay
The New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association (governing body for high school sports) has announced that the first date to practice/tryout will be May 4th. The first date to play will be May 13th Games or contests lost in April will not be made up. Please be aware this could change, as this is a fluid state of affairs. Also the school district may have their own restrictions based on the local circumstances. The website will be kept updated as this situation unfolds. We are requesting at this time that if your son or daughter is thinking about participating in a spring sport, that you go on the district website and click on the athletics tab and fill out the paperwork. This is in hopes that when and if we get up and running we have all the necessary paperwork ready to go. Please stay safe and active through this time. Remember all outside school facilities are closed. I can be contacted at with any questions.
Remote Learning Plan for SRHS Students During COVID-19 Closure
This is a tentative plan that is subject to change at any time:

Sanborn Regional School District remains closed due to COVID-19. The closure will run at least through May 3. Sanborn Regional High School will operate on a “remote learning” model in the interim.

What does this mean?

During remote learning, the building is closed to staff and students (except custodians). No one is available to answer the phones at the school, so please do not call. If you need to reach a staff member, you have to do so by email. CLICK HERE to access the staff email directory. Staff members are available to answer emails between the hours of 8:00AM-2:30PM. We ask people to have patience with email response times right now.

Student Academic Expectations

All students are expected to participate in the remote learning activities that are prepared and posted by teachers and loaded into Google Classrooms regularly. The school has developed a schedule to run all periods “live” twice each week:
Remote Learning Periods

Students should start each class period by reviewing their teacher’s Google Classroom to see what activities have been posted and/or assigned. If a student does not have access to their teacher’s Google Classroom, they need to email their teacher(s) to get the code. Many teachers hold “live events” at the beginning of the time associated with the period for their class (see above) using a videoconferencing tool such as Zoom or Google Meet. Others post a pre-recorded message/video or other instructions. Although the posted videos may be available after class time, it is expected that students view/participate in those live classes as they happen because live classes are not recorded. Following that, students can then move at their own pace to complete their assignments and submit them by the due date(s) listed by the teacher.
Focused Learning Time (FLT) Period
Students can take advantage of flexible learning daily with FLT (time for reteaching, intervention, and enrichment). Attendance for FLT is
  • MANDATORY: For students who are behind in their work or failing a class. Your teacher will assign you to an FLT session at some point during the week with them. All schedules will be kept in Enriching Students.
  • OPTIONAL: For students who do not have any particular learning needs for a class. You can continue to work on your assignments independently or you can request to work with a teacher if you would like to. All schedules will be kept in Enriching Students.
All schedules and requests to work with a teacher should be made using the online program Enriching Students. Students can access this site by signing in with their Google account using the link above. If you are having difficulty with this, please email Mr. Stack at and he will help you.
In general, FLT periods should be used for the following purposes:
Monday - B Honors/Clubs/FLT.
Tuesday - C Honors/Clubs/FLT
Wednesday - NO FLT
Thursday - E Clubs/FLT
Friday - F Honors/Clubs/FLT
Wednesday Independent Learning Days
During remote learning, Wednesdays will be for students to use for independent learning and practice. Teachers will spend the day planning and holding office hours for students at their discretion.


Teachers take attendance each class period. This is based on the teacher’s definition of present in class. These general guidelines apply: Students must ‘check in’ with their teachers at the beginning of the period. Some teachers are hosting online video chats with the whole class at that time, others are asking students to check in using surveys or forms specific to that day. Students may then be asked to continue with that online video environment, or complete a set assignment for that period.

Students who ‘check in’, and then are non-responsive to their teachers as expected may be marked absent. Students given independent work time, and not completing that assignment may be marked absent as well. Those students ‘arriving for class’ significantly late may also be marked absent. We have asked teachers to communicate with parents should students not attend, or miss significant portions of class. Our main office assistants, Ms. Haley and Mrs. Keddy, email parents / guardians of students who miss more than two periods any day. For attendance questions, email Kim Keddy at

Deadlines are enforced during remote learning days. Students are expected to complete all assignments on time, or reach out to their teacher directly if they have questions or need an extension.

Academic Help

Students will have access to additional academic intervention and support when needed. Intervention specialists can assist students with tutoring, as well as any technology issues that they may face. School Counselors host office hours daily to address day-to-day issues, as well as continue working with our seniors as they approach graduation. In addition, counselors provide additional offsite resources to help students with any of their academic questions or needs.

Planning Room Coordinator Stephanie McPhee runs an online academic help desk daily from 8:00AM - 1:30PM. Students can connect with Ms. McPhee on Zoom During Open Office Hours here or email her at to schedule a one-on-one support appointment.


Students and staff require time to recover from the normal illnesses that occur every year, as well as potential COVID-19 related issues. During remote learning, Counseling, Nursing, and Administrative staff work with parents, guardians, and students to help resolve any issues or provide assistance as needed. Teachers are flexible with their response to students encountering such issues. We ask in the strongest terms that you communicate health issues to school administrators as soon as possible so we may provide appropriate support.

Special Education / 504s

Case Managers and guidance counselors continue to be the points of contacts for students with IEPs or 504 plans. If you have questions about your child’s plan, please reach out to them. Services continue to be provided in the remote learning environment, although they may look a little different than in the traditional environment.

Technology Device Support

During the COVID-19 closure, the SRSD Technology Department has set up a hotline to help families diagnose and fix tech issues with school-issued devices. Here is how to reach them:

  • Email:
  • Phone: (603) 642-3688, then hit #.

Free and Reduced Lunch Meals Program

If your family did not qualify for free and reduced lunch prior to the COVID 19 pandemic and you think you qualify now may apply immediately. This means you may become eligible for free food through the district. Please contact Heidi Leavitt at for more information. She is our school's Director of School Counseling and she will keep your information confidential. The application can be downloaded by clicking HERE.

Other School Activities

During the closure, all student activities are suspended. As we receive further guidance from the NHIAA and other organizations, updates will be made to the Sanborn community on the status of upcoming events.

One Final Note

With the remote learning model, the social and emotional health of our students continues to be a priority. Counseling, teaching, and administrative staff will continue to reach out to students in need to support them during this time away from their home here on Danville Road. They are available to talk, to listen, and even to laugh as we all share in what may be the most significant shift in our lives in our lifetimes. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have ideas, concerns, questions, or anything else that comes to mind.

Please direct questions to the appropriate administrator as follows:

Brian Stack, Principal,
All "other" issues that don't fit in the categories below:

Bob Dawson, Asst. Principal,
Student issues for last names ending A-M

Steve Krzyzanowski, Asst. Principal,
Student issues for last names ending N-Z

Heidi Leavitt, Counseling Director,
Guidance, Special Education, and 504 Plan Questions

Vicki Parady-Guay, Athletic Director,
Athletic-related questions
An Update From Southern Rockingham Coalition for Youth (SoROCK)
SoRock is a community coalition designed to promote wellness and nurture resiliency for the children, youth and families of southern Rockingham County, with the goals of preventing substance misuse and reducing the stigma related to mental health issues.
An Update From Southern Rockingham Coalition for Youth (SoROCK)
PTO Clothing & Shoe Donation Bins
When you drop your unwanted clothing and shoes off in these bins, the SRHS PTO gets paid based on the weight of the clothing! This is a really easy way to help our school. All PTO proceeds go directly back to programming and scholarships that directly benefit our students.  NOTE: Shoes must go in a separate bin.

Did you know? From April of 2015 - May 2017, this fundraiser has helped us raise nearly $2400.00 for the PTO. Help us double that number by sharing this opportunity with your friends, your family, and your neighbors!

* Not Sponsored by the Sanborn Regional School District