Issue 9
11 March 2020
Looking to Rev up Your Unit Ops?
Watch this.
RefComm ® Galveston is recognized as the world’s premiere Delayed Coking (DCU), Fluid Catalytic CatCracking (FCCU), Solvent Deasphalting (SDA), and Sulfur Recovery (SRU) conference.
A Message Regarding RefComm ® Galveston 2020 and COVID-19
The details surrounding COVID-19 are changing every day but as of today, RefComm ® Galveston is still scheduled as planned for 11-15 May 2020.
Put Us In Coach – We Have the Experience to Increase B/CD by 10%
Who doesn't want to increase refinery production by at least 10%? By more effectively engaging front line employees, 20 months of continuous improvement increased B/CD in one refinery by 14%, from 68,000 B/CD to 78,500 B/CD. Similar results at a 100,000 B/CD refinery would result in a 14,000 B/CD improvement. At a $10/barrel margin, the yearly margin improvement opportunity is $51.1 million.
SDA Technology Enhances Conversion in Crude-to-Chemicals Facilities
To optimize economic output and to meet more stringent environmental regulations, such as the IMO 2020 regulations (< 0.5 wt% S, as compared to the previous 3.5 wt% S standard for HSFO), refiners are looking for new opportunities to process their naphtha deprived, heavy residues. Therefore, new solutions for deeper residue processing based on mature solvent deasphalting (SDA) technology enter the limelight.
Innovative Problem Solving Combats Cracking, Spalling, and Crumbling in FCCUs
For hundreds of years monolithic refractories have been employed to provide insulation, corrosion and abrasion protection. Over time through thermal cycling these monolithic assemblies tend to crack, spall and crumble apart. Large chunks of refractory will eventually crack– it’s inevitable.
Mechanical Integrity and Reliability of Coke Drums
Boost your DCU knowledge with this comprehensive 2-day training at RefComm ® Galveston.
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